Tuesday, October 1, 2019
The Mexican Revolution
Mexico’s Revolution Ariel Elias HIST 112 Proffesor Cummings 17 February 2013 Ariel Elias Professor Cummings Hist 112 17 February 2013 Mexico’s Revolution Many nations across time and the world have experienced a revolution. From the American revolution to the French revolution, history has proven conflict can engage a nation at any moment. Tanter explains that two possible scenarios, changes in the economic development and the level of education are likely to cause revolutions (Tanter 264).A revolution can be composed of a group of individuals who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in exchange for change in the existing government. This group of people will stop at nothing until they have completely taken over the territory they wish to control. What was the reason and who played a critical role in the Mexican revolution? Mexican political leaders and the common people would play an instrumental role in the positive or negative impact of the Mexican revolution. During 1910 and 1920, Mexico underwent a difficult and bloody time that would lead to many years of little progress in this nation’s history.The Mexican revolution is not a globally known revolution and most Americans would not initially compare it to the American revolution or understand the impact it had on Mexico. Knight states that compared to other revolutions, during the Mexican revolution many more people fought, died, and more land was destroyed (Knight 28). Some of the reasons the Mexican revolution began was due to the biased distribution of land, education, and wealth. The Mexican farmers and middle class were tired of the government treating them unfairly.The man in control of the nation during 1910 was President Porfirio Diaz. President Porfirio Diaz had ruled Mexico with an iron fist. Knight states that President Diaz had begun as an Army officer who had risen to power during a coup (Knight 28). Mexico’s economy was doing well at the time and Mexicoâ€⠄¢s elite prospered while President Diaz controlled the nation. Diaz originally promoted a no re-election policy, but soon conveniently disregarded that policy and ruled for several years. Under President Diaz’s rule, only the elite people of Mexico shared wealth, land and education.Knight states that this unequal distribution of power, money, and land began to create resentment amongst the common people in Mexico (Knight 29). Many leaders would soon rise up to fight for the people of Mexico and equal rights for all. Soon leaders such as Francisco Madera, General Huerta, and Emiliano Zapata would rise to fight for the country of Mexico. A revolution was inevitable and Mexico had plenty of individuals who would fight for their rights. Knight states that during 1910 President Diaz would be overthrown and Mexico would enter ten years of civil conflict (Knight 29).The first to attempt to overthrow President Diaz was Francisco Madero. Madero appealed to the middle class, Indians, and Mestizos. In 1911, the Mexican army was on the defense and President Diaz was forced to resign; Francisco Madera was immediately inaugurated. Unfortunately, Madero would not last long and in 1913, Madero was assassinated. Knight explains that General Victoriano Huerta would be the next to attempt to lead the war torn Mexico (Knight 31). The military solution would not last long and fierce fighting would continue. Emiliano Zapata would be known as one of the most famous and powerful revolutionaries during this time.Knight states that Zapata always remained a man for the people and fought very hard for his fellow compatriot (Knight 32). Zapata, known for handing out free food to the poor and supporting free education, was a loud voice and strength for the people of Mexico. Unfortunately, during what was meant to be a peaceful meeting, Zapata would be assassinated. These men positively influence the revolution and did everything they could to enable the average Mexican. The Mexican people would dedicate everything and everyone to the revolution. Chavez states that for men and boys there was only one option uring the revolution, becoming a soldier (Chavez 423). Young Mexico believed that the revolution would bring social justice and a stronger Mexico. The men from the mountains, farms and villages would unite under leaders such as Emiliano Zapata and fight against larger Mexican armies. There was a sense of pride and purpose in the revolution. The revolution empowered the average Mexican and encouraged them to fight. Knight states that revolutionaries had inadequate arms and training, but managed to dominate battles against a superior Mexican army (Knight 31).Eventually following many years of fighting a man named Alvaro Obregon was elected president. Washington states that the ideals of the Mexican revolution would eventually provide the people with a Constitution in 1917 (Washington 505). Mexico would finally reach a point in history where nation could focus on the entire nation and not an elite group. Mexico suffered ten years of war, suffering, and turmoil. Mexican leaders during 1910-1920 were unable to hold the country together and a revolution consumed the nation. The Mexican people grew tired of political greed, lack of support, and unequal treatment.Several leaders such as President Diaz would prove to be a man of one interest, himself. Others would quickly rise against him and attempt to claim the presidency. General Huerta and Francisco Madera would take the presidency by force, but would not last very long in the president office. Emiliano Zapata had a significant impact as a revolutionary who fought with the people and for the people. During the Mexican revolution, the nation would join forces and rise against lawless leaders. The men and women of Mexico would fight for many years for the equalities they knew they deserved.Eventually, the Mexican government drafted the constitution and was now able focus on the future. Works Cited Chavez Leyva, Yolanda. â€Å"`I Go To Fight For Social Justice': Children As Revolutionaries In The Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920. †Peace & Change 23. 4 (1998): 423. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Feb. 2013. Knight, Alan. â€Å"The Mexican Revolution. †History Today 30. 5 (1980): 28. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. Washington, Walter. â€Å"Mexican Resistance To Communism. †Foreign Affairs 36. 3 (1958): 504-515. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.
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