Monday, September 30, 2019
H2 Chemistry Practice
SERANGOON JUNIOR COLLEGE General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Higher 2 CHEMISTRY JC2 Preliminary Examination Paper 1 Multiple Choice Additional Materials: Data Booklet Optical Mark Sheet (OMS) 9647/01 23 August 2011 1 hour READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST On the separate multiple choice OMS given, write your name, FIN/NRIC and class in the spaces provided. Shade correctly your class and FIN/NRIC number. Eg. If your NRIC is S9306660Z, shade S9306660Z for the item â€Å"index number†. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice using a soft pencil on the separate OMS. Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. You are advised to fill in the OMS as you go along; no additional time will be given for the transfer of answers once the examination has ended. Any rough working should be done in this question paper. This document consists of 20 printed pages and no blank page. 2 Section A For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider to be correct. 1 A student added 10 cm3 of 0. mol dm? 3 KI (aq) to 10 cm3 of 0. 2 mol dm? 3 CuSO4 (aq) in a beaker and observed that a white precipitate in brown solution was obtained. She knew that if she were to add S2O32? (aq) to the mixture, the brown solution will be decolourised. Calculate the volume of 0. 04 mol dm? 3 S2O32? (aq) she should add to the mixture in the beaker in order to completely decolourise the brown solution. A B C D 2 12. 5 cm3 15. 0 cm3 16. 7 cm3 25. 0 cm3 Which of the following contains the greatest amount (in mol) of particles? A B C D 600 g of I2 (s) 50 cm3 of H2O (l) 50 dm3 of HCl (g) at s. t. p. 50 cm3 of 2. 5 mol dm–3 CH3COOH (aq) 3 An element, E can form a simple ion, E2+. Which of the following is the electronic configuration of an atom of E? A B C D 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s2 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 3 4 In 1996, Professor Hoffman and a group of scientists discovered a new element known as Ununbium, Uub. An atom of Uub can be formed by the fusion of a lead nucleus with the nucleus of an isotope of element G as follows: 208 82Pb + G 277 112Uub + 1 neutron What is G? A B C D Cu Zn Ga Ge 5 Which of the following graphs correctly describes the behaviour of a fixed mass of ideal gas? V/m3 constant P V/m3 constant P T/ oC 0 B V/m 3 T/ oC A V/m 3 constant P constant P 0 C T/ oC 0 D T/ oC SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 4 6 Which of the following consists of three compounds with different types of structure? A B C D BeO, SO2, BH3 BeCl2, Na2O, SiO2 AlF3, MgCl2, BN AlCl3, Cu2O, SiCl4 7 Ethyl ethanoate undergoes hydrolysis in water in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid catalyst. HCl CH3COOCH2CH3 + H2O CH3COOH + CH3CH2OH The rate of reaction was investigated by varying the concentrations of the ester and HCl. Experiment 1 2 3 [ethyl ethanoate] / mol dm-3 0. 10 0. 15 0. 10 [HCl] / mol dm-3 0. 20 0. 10 0. 10 Initial rate / mol dm-3 min-1 0. 096 0. 072 0. 048 Which of the following statements about the above reaction is correct? A B C D Half-life for experiment 1 is 0. 144 min. The rate equation of this reaction is rate = k[CH3COOCH2CH3][ H2O]. Tripling the concentration of both ethyl ethanoate and HCl increases the rate of reaction by a factor of 6 If the half life of ethyl ethanoate in experiment 1 is 5. 0 min, then the half life of ethyl ethanoate in experiment 3 will be 10. min. 8 When 2. 4 g of Na2CO3 was added to 50 cm3 of 1. 0 mol dm-3 aqueous hydrochloric acid, the temperature of the solution rose by 3. 2 oC What is the enthalpy change of neutralisation of this reaction? (Assume that 4. 20 J is required to raise the temperature of 1 cm3 of the solution by 1 K. ) A B C D ? 1. 34 x 104 J mol-1 ? 2. 97 x 104 J mol-1 ? 3. 11 x 104 J mol-1 ? 2. 56 x 106 J mol-1 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2 011 [Turn Over 5 9 The graph below shows how the percentage of products present at equilibrium varies with temperature and pressure. Percentage of products T + 20) oC T oC Pressure Which one of the following reactions could the graph represent? A B C D 2Fe (s) + C (s) + 3 O2 (g) 2 Fe2O3 (s) CO (g) H = ? 822 kJ mol? 1 H = ? 111 kJ mol? 1 H = +57 kJ mol? 1 H = +76 kJ mol? 1 1 O2 (g) 2 N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g) CO (g) + Cl2 (g) COCl2 (s) 10 Given that the Ksp of Mg(OH)2 is 1. 5 ? 10? 11 mol3 dm? 9 and the Kb of aqueous C2H5NH2 is 5. 6 ? 10? 4 mol dm? 3, what is the solubility of Mg(OH)2 in 1. 0 mol dm? 3 aqueous C2H5NH2? A B C D 1. 64 4. 78 2. 68 6. 34 x 10? 4 mol dm? 3 x 10? 5 mol dm? 3 x 10? 8 mol dm? 3 x 10? 10 mol dm? 3 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 Turn Over 6 11 An experiment is set up as shown below: The E cell of the cell was monitored as time progressed. When a change was made continuously to the set-up, the graph below was obtained. E cell /V Time / s What was the continuous change made? A B C D Add nickel (II) chloride to the nickel half cell Add NaCN to the iron half cell Add water to the nickel half-cell Increase the surface area of iron immersed in the solution. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 7 12 Aluminium alloys usually undergo a process known as anodisation to increase corrosion resistance and surface hardness. In this process, oxygen is formed and the gas reacts with the aluminium object to form a thick layer of aluminium oxide on the metal surface that protects the metal. A possible set up for this process is shown as below: Gases liberated Battery H2SO4 (aq) Aluminium object Graphite Which of the following statements about the anodisation of aluminium is true? A B C D Hydrogen gas and sulfur dioxide gas are liberated. Replacing the graphite electrode with copper will cause the reaction to cease. Anodisation is also possible when the aluminium object is connected to the negative terminal Water is oxidised at the anode to produce oxygen gas. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 8 13 Consecutive elements G, H and J are in Period 3 of the Periodic Table. The trend of their second ionisation energies and melting points are shown in the graphs below. 2nd I. E. Melting point G H J G H J What could be the identities of G, H and J? A B C D Na, Mg, Al Mg, Al, Si Si, P, S S, Cl, Ar 14 Which of the follow properties of beryllium and its compounds is incorrect? A B C D Beryllium does not react with water. Beryllium oxide undergoes neutralisation with both acids and bases. Beryllium chloride reacts with ammonia in a 1:2 ratio. Beryllium chloride is insoluble in water SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 9 15 When concentrated sulfuric acid was added to solid potassium chloride, white fumes of hydrogen chloride gas was observed. The same observation was made when concentrated sulfuric acid was added to solid potassium iodide, but significantly less white fumes was observed. Which of the following explains the lower yield of hydrogen iodide as compared to hydrogen chloride? A B C D Iodine is less reactive than chlorine. Iodine is a weaker base than chlorine. Hydrogen iodide is less volatile than hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen iodide is more easily oxdised than hydrogen chloride. 16 Which of the graphs below show the variation in the volume of carbon dioxide gas collected when 1 mol of strontium carbonate and 1 mol of calcium carbonate are heated strongly? Volume of gas / cm3 Volume of gas / cm3 Time / min Time / min A Volume of gas 3 / cm Volume of gas 3 / cm B Time / min Time / min C D SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 10 17 Astatine is below iodine in Group VII. Which of the following properties is consistent with its position in the Periodic Table? A B C D Silver astatide is soluble in dilute ammonia. Astatine is a liquid at room temperature and pressure. Astatine reacts with aqueous Fe (II) to form Fe (III). Hydrogen astatide decomposes at a lower temperature than hydrogen iodide. 18 Aqueous chlorine is added to aqueous sodium bromide and the mixture was shaken with an equal amount of trichloromethane. Given that the density of trichloromethane is 1. 48 g cm? 3, which one of the following observations can be seen? A Colourless Red-brown B Red-brown C Colourless D Colourless Red-brown 19 Below is a scheme of reaction showing the chemistry of some compounds of transition metals in aqueous solution. Excess AgNO3 (aq) Excess KCl (aq) Cu (s) Blue solution White precipitate What are the possible identities of the blue solution and the white precipitate? Blue solution CuNO3 CuNO3 Cu(NO3)2 Cu(NO3)2 White precipitate CuCl AgCl CuCl AgCl A B C D SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 11 20 Stigmasterol is an unsaturated plant sterol occurring in the plant fats of soybean and rape seed. How many stereoisomers does stigmasterol have? A B C D 29 210 211 212 21 In which of the following reactions is the reactive carbon sp3 hybridised in the reactant and sp2 hybridised in the product? Br2 in CCl4, in the dark A CH3CHCHCH3 CH3CHBrCHBrCH3 B CH3COCH3 LiAlH4 in dry ether, r. t. p. (CH3)2CHOH C CH3CH2OH Excess conc. H2SO4, 1700C CH2CH2 Cl Cl D CH3Cl / AlCl3 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 12 22 Which one of the following processes is a propagation step in the chain reaction between CH2Cl2 and Cl2 when irradiated with light? A B C D 2 Cl Cl2 CH2Cl2 + Cl2 CCl3 + Cl2 CHCl3 + Cl CHCl3 + HCl CCl4 + Cl CCl4 + H 23 In the preparation of ethene, ethanol was added to a drop of heated reagent L. The impure ethene was washed by being bubbled through a solution of M before collection. What are the reagents L and M likely to be? Reagent L concentrated H2SO4 concentrated H2SO4 ethanolic NaOH dilute NaOH Reagent M ethanolic NaOH dilute NaOH concentrated H2SO4 concentrated H2SO4 A B C D 24 In the Wurtz reaction, two halogenoalkanes react with sodium metal to form a new carbon-carbon bond, resulting in the formation of a new alkane: R? X + R'? X + 2Na R? R' + 2NaX Which of the following does not show the correct product when the stated reactants are reacted together in a Wurtz reaction? A B CH3Br + C2H5I + 2Na CH3CH2CH3 + NaBr + NaI CH3 Br + + CH3 Br + 2Na + 2NaBr C Br CH 2Br + 2Na 2NaBr D Cl + Br 2Na + NaCl + NaBr SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 13 25 Which of the following shows the correct reagents and conditions to produce the desired product? H H C H NaBH4 H COOH (l) Na2CO3 (s) H C H H C H COO Na (l) + A H C H B O O (l) OH PCl 5 (aq) H3 3 CHC C Cl (l) C H3C CH3 C H H C H Cl ethanolic KOH, heat H H C H H C H OC2H5 D H C H 26 Compound Q was refluxed with a queous sodium hydroxide and the resulting mixture was then distilled. The distillate gave a positive tri-iodomethane test. The residue in the distillation flask, after acidification, gave a white precipitate. Which of these could be Q? A B C D CH3CH2COOCH2CH3 C6H5COOCH3 CH3CH2OCOC6H5 CH3CONHC6H5 27 Which of the following produces a compound with a chiral carbon centre on reaction with hydrogen cyanide? A B C D CH3CHO CH3CH2COCH2CH3 CH3CO2CH3 HCHO 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over SRJC 14 28 The Russian composer Borodin, was also a research chemist. He discovered a reaction in which two ethanal molecules combine to form a compound commonly known as an aldol (reaction I). The aldol formed can then produce another compound on heating (reaction II). reaction I reaction II CH3CHO CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO CH3CH=CHCHO + H2O Which of the following best describes reactions I and II? I A B C D II elimination reduction reduction elimination addition addition elimination substitution 29 Compounds W, X and Y react with sodium, but only one of them reacts with aqueous alkaline iodine. Which of the following combinations is likely to be W, X and Y respectively? A B C D C6H5OH, CH3COOH, (CH3)3C OH HOCH2CH2OH, HOCH(CHI2)CH2COOH, CH3COCH2I CH3COOH, (CH3)3COH, CH3COCH2OH CH3COOH, CH3COCHI2, CH3COOCH2OH SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 15 0 In the study of a polypeptide structure of Z, it was digested using two different enzymes. The fragments obtained were then separated using electrophoresis. Analysis of the fragments from each digestion gave the following results: Fragments using first enzyme: tyr-leu-leu tyr-ala gly-asp-pro asp-pro Fragments using second enzyme: leu-tyr asp-pro-gly ala asp-pro-tyr-leu Deduce the possible sequence of Z. A B C D asp-pro-tyr-leu-ala-leu-tyr-asp-pro-gly asp-pro-gly-asp-pro-tyr-leu-leu-tyr-ala gly-asp-pro-asp-pro-tyr-ala-tyr-leu-leu ala-asp-pro-gly-asp-pro-tyr-leu-leu-tyr SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 16 Section B For questions 31-40, one or more of the numbered statements 1 to 3 may be correct. Decide whether each of the statements is or is not correct. The responses A to D should be selected on the basis of A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1 only are correct are correct are correct is correct No other combination of statements is to be used as a correct response. 31 Two colourless liquids were mixed together in a beaker and left to stand. The mixture separated into two distinct layers after standing for an hour. Assuming that the liquids did not undergo any reaction with each other, which pair(s) of liquids, when mixed, will produce the above observation? 1 2 3 Ethanal and water Cyclohexanol and methanol Ethanol and tetrachloromethane 32 A reversible reaction, A (aq) + B (aq) of M2+ ions. C (aq) is catalysed by an aqueous solution Which of the following statement(s) about this system is/are correct? 1 2 3 The catalyst alters the mechanism of the reaction. The catalyst reduces the activation energy for both the forward and backward reaction. The catalyst alters the composition of the equilibrium mixture. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 17 33 Sulfuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, is often used as a source of Cl2 for various organic reactions. Sulfuryl chloride is also a highly reactive gaseous compound which decomposes endothermically when heated in the following manner: SO2Cl2 (g) SO2 (g) + Cl2 (g) A 7:2 mole ratio of SO2Cl2 and Cl2 was placed in an evacuated vessel at 375 K and 6 atm. After 10 minutes, the mixture reached equilibrium and the partial pressure of SO2 was found to be 0. 625 atm. Based on the above data, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? 1 2 3 The Kp value is 0. 03 atm. The Kp value will decrease when total pressure increases. The partial pressure of SO2Cl2 will remain constant when temperature decreases. 34 Consider the reaction between sulfur dioxide and oxygen to form sulfur trioxide: 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 Given that ? H = ? 199 kJ mol-1, and ? S = ? 190 J K-1 mol-1 for the above reaction, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for the reaction? 1 2 3 The reaction is spontaneous under standard conditions. As temperature increases, the reaction becomes more spontaneous. In the formation of sulfur trioxide, the system becomes more disordered. 5 Hydrazoic acid, HN3, is an acid with pKa value of 4. 72. Which of the following statement(s) about a 25. 0 cm3 sample of 0. 100 mol dm? 3 HN3 (aq) is/are correct? 1 2 3 The concentration of N3? in the sample is 1. 38 x 10? 3 mol dm? 3. A buffer solution is formed when 12. 50 cm3 of 0. 100 mol dm? 3 of NH3 (aq) is added to the sample. When titrated with NaOH (aq), the equivalence pH is above 7. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 18 36 In 1800, an Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the first battery – the voltaic pile. A diagram of the voltaic pile is shown below: Blotting paper soaked in Zinc metal H2SO4 (aq) Copper metal One cell Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? 1 2 3 The overall equation of the reaction occurring in the cell is Cu2+ + Zn Zn2+ + Cu. Zinc is the anode, while copper is the cathode. cathode The e. m. f. of the voltaic pile can be increased by stacking more elements 37 When drops of NaOH (aq) were added to a green solution of Cr(NO3)3 (aq), a greygreen precipitate was formed. The precipitate dissolved when excess NaOH(aq) was added, forming a dark green solution. Subsequent additions of liquid ammonia caused the solution to turn violet. According to the information given above, which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect? 1 2 3 OH? acted as a ligand in the first addition of drops of NaOH (aq). NH3 is a stronger field ligand as compared to OH?. The [Cr(H2O)6]3+ complex is the most unstable of all the complexes involved. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 19 38 Chloroethane reacts with excess alcoholic ammonia when heated to form a quaternary ammonium salt in four steps. Which of the following statement(s) about the reaction is/are correct? 1 2 3 In each step, the attacking nucleophile is more nucleophilic than that in the previous step. In each step, the reaction is slower than the previous step due to increased steric hindrance. In each step, an intermediate with a sp2 hybridised carbon atom is formed. 39 Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in many animals, including vertebrates and invertebrates. The structure of dopamine is shown below: O OH HO OH NH2 Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? 1 2 3 1 mol of dopamine reacts with 3 mol of ethanoyl chloride. 1 mol of dopamine reacts with 1 mol of HBr (aq). 1 mol of dopamine reacts with 1 mol of Na2CO3. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 20 40 Paracetamol is commonly used for the relief of headaches, fever and pains. It is a major ingredient for cold and flu remedies. The structure of Parcetamol is shown below: H N O CH3 HO Which of the following statement(s) about Paracetamol is/are correct? 1 2 3 On addition of concentrated nitric acid, a white precipitate will be formed. A pale yellow precipitate is formed when a solution of warm alkaline aqueous iodine solution is added. It reacts with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide to produce a gas which turns damp red litmus paper blue SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over
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