Tuesday, May 26, 2020
“Let Teenagers Try Adulthood†- 865 Words
We all remember the day of the Littleton high school shooting also referred as the Columbine High School Massacre. When the flashing new lines of (CNN News, 1999) stated that 25 people were killed at the High School by two heavily armed male students that also took their own lives; it was shocking and very disturbing news to learn that something so horrible caused this students to kill their own peers. What was the reason that drove these students to kill? Was the students bullying these boys, did they belong in the reject circle, the outcast’s of the high school, were they the weirdo’s because they loved to learn; while everyone else was focused on their looks and the next football game. Maybe, and this is†¦show more content†¦First off, majority of high school students only think about high school as a social club, as a learning institute. Why? Because all they worry about are the latest shoes coming out, whether or not if I’m prettier than them, or who’s the cutest person in school. The high school world is made up of cliques of individual that are the same age and are somewhat act the same why, It’s all about who’s cool and who’s a loser. As Botstein stated in his article, in no workplace not even college is there such age-segregation environment. When puberty meets education and learning, things get very dicey. Doing these valuable and crazy times in their young lives, they are ruled by their emotions and hormones. Their bodies go through changes that can be nerve-whacking, scary, and just downright embarrassing. From my personal experience as a teenager going through the American high school system, I can tell you that I seen many kids be teased, harassed and bullied because they don’t have the right shoes or other materialistic things. I have personally never been at the bottom of the social ladder in high school but I’m also not at the top of the ladder either. I consider myself to be in the middle of the social ladder; I’m not a loser in any why but I’m not the girl who everyone knows about. But I have beenShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Leon Bootsteins Let Teenagers Try Adulthood840 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"57% of students will not graduate from over 2,000 schools across the nation,†(Waiting for Superman). The American education system focuses on standards, therefore, does not prepare students for the real world. Leon Botstein wrote â€Å"Let Teenagers Try Adulthood†in 1977. He was the president of Bard College. The passage is about his opinion of how high school educates students. 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