Tuesday, May 26, 2020
“Let Teenagers Try Adulthood†- 865 Words
We all remember the day of the Littleton high school shooting also referred as the Columbine High School Massacre. When the flashing new lines of (CNN News, 1999) stated that 25 people were killed at the High School by two heavily armed male students that also took their own lives; it was shocking and very disturbing news to learn that something so horrible caused this students to kill their own peers. What was the reason that drove these students to kill? Was the students bullying these boys, did they belong in the reject circle, the outcast’s of the high school, were they the weirdo’s because they loved to learn; while everyone else was focused on their looks and the next football game. Maybe, and this is†¦show more content†¦First off, majority of high school students only think about high school as a social club, as a learning institute. Why? Because all they worry about are the latest shoes coming out, whether or not if I’m prettier than them, or who’s the cutest person in school. The high school world is made up of cliques of individual that are the same age and are somewhat act the same why, It’s all about who’s cool and who’s a loser. As Botstein stated in his article, in no workplace not even college is there such age-segregation environment. When puberty meets education and learning, things get very dicey. Doing these valuable and crazy times in their young lives, they are ruled by their emotions and hormones. Their bodies go through changes that can be nerve-whacking, scary, and just downright embarrassing. From my personal experience as a teenager going through the American high school system, I can tell you that I seen many kids be teased, harassed and bullied because they don’t have the right shoes or other materialistic things. I have personally never been at the bottom of the social ladder in high school but I’m also not at the top of the ladder either. I consider myself to be in the middle of the social ladder; I’m not a loser in any why but I’m not the girl who everyone knows about. But I have beenShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Leon Bootsteins Let Teenagers Try Adulthood840 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"57% of students will not graduate from over 2,000 schools across the nation,†(Waiting for Superman). The American education system focuses on standards, therefore, does not prepare students for the real world. Leon Botstein wrote â€Å"Let Teenagers Try Adulthood†in 1977. He was the president of Bard College. The passage is about his opinion of how high school educates students. In the beginning of the passage, he says, â€Å"the American high school is obsolete and should be abolished,†(BotsteinRead MoreWhy Schools Kills Creativity By Ken Robinson And The Article Let Teenagers Try Adulthood 2038 Words  | 9 Pagesentering a classroom becomes the closest thing to entering a time machine since our teaching methods differ very little from those of ancient Rome over 2000 years ago. In Ted Talk â€Å"How Schools Kills Creativity†by Ken Robinson and the article â€Å"Let Teenagers Try Adulthood†by Leon Botstein, two different opinions about the current educational system are presented. While Robinson believes that the schooling system should work to promote creativity, Botstein says that the concept of a high and middle schoolRead MoreEssay on Causes of Underage Drinking930 Words  | 4 PagesCauses of Underage Drinking Today, many teenagers experience different things in the world. Whether it is their first date or first day in high school, teens are always eager to try something different or new. One of the things that teenagers try is drinking alcohol. Unfortunately, underage drinkers often abuse alcohol. In this paper, I will try to shed some light on some of the reasons why teenagers drink alcohol at such premature age. The causes of underage drinking include peer pressureRead MoreChild Development Course Reflection Essay1730 Words  | 7 Pagesinstance, during the Identity versus Role Confusion a teenager begins to wonder who they are as a person and how to fit into society. If a child comes out of this stage knowing his/her identity then adulthood would not be difficult whatsoever. On the other hand, if teenagers do not know their identity then they would enter adulthood confused about themselves. This identity vs. role confusion role has taught me to appreciate and understand teenagers better therefore to be a good parent. Also anotherRead MoreThe Age Of The Middle Class1609 Words  | 7 PagesThe whole idea of teenager came during the mid 1920’s also known as the prosperity decade. This was a time when everything seemed to be going right for the middle class americans. The economy was booming and for the white middle class things appeared to be going quite well. The theory behind teenagers was to create a grace period between childhood and adulthood, in which an individual was able to learn and grow from their experiences. But as the years progress the ease into adulthood started to becomeRead MoreJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going Where Have You Been? as a Coming of Age Story1167 Words  | 5 PagesShe alienates herself from her family, preferring to spend her time with her friends at the local restaurant looking for boys. She enjoys the popular music of the day and tries to appear older and sophisticated beyond her years when away from her home. In many ways she is a typical teenage r caught between adolescence and adulthood. She avoids sharing too much information with her parents for fear they will not approve of her activities and curtail her freedom. She likes to go to the shopping plazaRead MoreDevelopmental Concept : Identity And Identity Confusion1369 Words  | 6 Pagessense of belonging. Erikson’s fifth stage of psychosocial development, identity versus identity confusion, describes the crisis that adolescents face, usually between the ages of 12 to 18 (Papalia Martorell, 2015). During these formative years, teenagers are faced with the task of identifying who they are and who they can become. These are years of revolt and experimentation. This is the time in which adolescents will question and confront everything and everyone. What may often be seen a rebellionRead More Teenage Life Essay621 Words  | 3 Pagesquot;censorquot; their memories; and have them believe that being a teenager was was one big party, free of cares and respon sibilities. Well let me say this, you couldnOt be more wrong if you had a lobotomy. There arent that many adults around who realise what adolescence was really like. The anguish, the fear, the anxiety, the stress. People dont remember those problems because they want to forget them. The truth of the matter is, is that being a teenager is hard, right from the beginning, and it doesnt getRead MoreShort Story Analysis: Where Are You Going Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates1375 Words  | 6 Pagestransition, usually from childhood to adulthood, or from innocence to experience. The story focuses on that turning point, that trial, or the passage from one state to the other. The story is about a fifteen-year-old girl named Connie, a pretty girl who is in the middle of a rebellious adolescence. She alienates herself from her family, preferring to spend her time with her friends at the local restaurant looking for boys. She enjoys the popular music of the day and tries to appear older and sophisticatedRead MoreAdolescence : The Transitional Period Between Childhood And Adulthood1549 Words  | 7 Pagesadolescents are transforming from children to young adults. There are many levels of adolescence that can cause hardships for the adolescence. According to Zastrow and Ashman (2013), adolescence is â€Å"the transitional period between childhood and adulthood†It can begin as early as nine years old but usually occurs between the ages of eleven and twelve. When adolescence begins, changes happen mentally and physically. Mentally, children begin to establish and maintain satisfying relationships by learning
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Harlem Renaissance Movement By Zora Neale Hurston,...
Known as one the most impactful movements on African American arts, the Harlem Renaissance Movement represented a period of artistic and intellectual change that initiated a new identity on black culture. Often called the â€Å"New Negro†Era, the Harlem Renaissance opened doors for African American to express themselves in the form of visual arts, musical elements, and even performing arts during the 1920s. Due to this movement, Harlem became the city that â€Å"gave African Americans a physical cultural center.†[1] Renowned black artists such as Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, and Ralph Waldo Ellison were primary figures that became well-known for their many artistic and creative pieces during this popular time. Created by a class of English teachers in April of 2003, a Wikipedia page was made in dedication of the Harlem Renaissance Movement. In comparison to the beginning, numerous edits and additions have been made to the page that has included a tremendous ab out of information and important events that took place during such a popular era. The initial contributors to the page only defined this period as an â€Å"arts movement in Harlem, New York in the 1920s. However, later editors included information with regards to what defined the period, the transformation of Harlem into a black community, and ways the movement was used to create a new identity for blacks. The English teachers, first editors of the Wikipedia page, chose to only define the Harlem Renaissance as an artsShow MoreRelatedBrief Survey of American Literature3339 Words  | 14 Pagesor, The History of Eliza Wharton; A Novel; Founded on Fact. By a Lady of Massachusetts (1797) The Romantic period: 1820â€â€1865 Romanticism As an approach in literary creation, romanticism is ever present in literature of all times. As a literary movement, it occurred and developed in Europe and America at the turn of the 19th century Under the historical background of the Industrial Revolution around 1760 and the French Revolution(1789â€â€1799) Romantic vs. Neoclassic (1) Neoclassicism: - reason
Friday, May 15, 2020
Kate Chopin And Many Details In The Story of An hour - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 614 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Tags: The Story Of An Hour Essay Did you like this example? Imagine hearing your husband has died but all you felt was joy and freedom. Marriage is when two people are equal, and they share everything. Mrs. Mallard was in a marriage where she felt stuck and she didnt have any freedom like most women in the 19th century. There are many factors that suggest Mrs. Mallard was in an unhappy marriage. Three significant symbols in The story of an hour are Mrs. Mallards bedroom armchair, the open window, and the heart problem. After hearing the news of her husbandrs death, Mrs. Mallard rushes to her room to be alone, where she sat in her armchair. The armchair symbolizes the news of the death of Mr. Mallard started sinking in. In the story, the armchair was described as a comfortable and roomy symbolize a feeling of warmth and freedom in her life. An armchair is a place where she felt like herself, a comfort zone. The Author describes the armchair as an escape from her marriage. In the chair, Mrs. Mallard felt something came over her, but she didnt know what it was. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Kate Chopin And Many Details In The Story of An hour" essay for you Create order The Author uses descriptive language to portray Mrs. Mallardrs true feelings. Sitting in the armchair gazing out the open window symbolizes the freedom presented to her. The open window shows a life that she wanted but now have an opportunity to live it. The springtime describes outside the window show a new beginning for Mrs. Mallard as a single woman free to do anything she pleases. An example of this is she smells the fresh scent of the rain coming from the outside, she sees trees moving in the wind. The Author use these descriptive words to show the freedom Mrs. Mallard feels. Mrs. Mallard whispered free, free, free this show she was imprisoned in her marriage and faces a difficult life with her husband and waited for a chance to be free. You could tell with her husband she was restrained and that he has control over her. The Author uses Mrs. Mallards heart trouble to show the weakness of the marriage between Mr. Mallard and Mrs. Mallard. In most marriage, the heart would be a symbol of love but in this story, the heart shows the lack of freedom in the marriage. Mrs. Mallard felt trapped, I said this because after the news of her husbandrs death she felt joy after grieving for a short moment. Another symbolism that was presented was that Mrs. Mallard dies of joy or a hearted disease. When Mrs. Mallard collapse the doctor said she died of joy due to seeing her husband alive, while many would believe that she dies due to a broken heart. She was broken heart because after seeing her husband the joy that she felt was taken away from her. The sense of freedom she felt was taken from her. Mrs. Mallard dies of shock that was brought on by the realization that her newly found freedom she felt was once again out of her reach. Finally, Kate Chopin uses many details to display how Mrs. Mallard felt in her marriage. From tell readers about Mrs. Mallard heart trouble to the open window. There were many symbolisms in the story that represent the weakness in the marriage and the freedom she felt. Kate Chopin used the heart condition to show weakness in the marriage and to show what society thought of women back in the 19th century. The doctor proved that in society the woman would be happy that her husband is alive instead of dying of shock due to her freedom being taken away. The open window represents the new freedom she found and the new beginning for her.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is The Real Psychology Behind Bullying - 1683 Words
Introduction: Bullying has been a huge part of a student’s life since school began in the 12th century, maybe even before. But, what creates bullies? For many years it has been thought of that bullies were students with low self-esteem. However, new information has shown up showing that bullies tend to be the ones with the highest self-esteem and are the most popular students and are living a great life with no large problems. So, what is the real psychology behind bullying? Why does this continue? The answer is simple, bullying affects students giving them a lower self-esteem, less confidence, and even thoughts of suicide. Bullies are a their own breed of people as their brains have been wired differently. It has not only been shown to have effects physically, but also mentally. Background: So, why does this need to be researched? How does this affect the life of humans? Simply put, the reactions to bullying needs to be researched because it is the only way to protect the future generations and keep them in the right mental state and make sure the world does not lose any possible great minds to a child who thinks they are just having fun when putting down other people. By researching the reactions of bullying one can determine how to fix the situations by making the students, parents, and the general public have a better reaction to bullying that occurs within the community. Another reason that bullying needs to researched is that bullying has many risks â€Å"For example,Show MoreRelatedSocial Control And Criminal Deviance820 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying Darryl Gennie Professor Catherine Terry SOC 100 Augusta 17 August 2015 Strayer University The most important step needed to analyze bullying is to review the existing knowledge. The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the work you are trying prove including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodical contributions to a particular topic. Get the facts and review them thoroughlyRead More The Dangers of Social Media Essay908 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom real life interaction and have found a safe haven behind a computer screen. Here, they feel that they can be whoever they want to be and say whatever they want to say. While this can have some benefits, the cons outweigh the pros. It is no coincidence that in the last five decades, suicide rates have increased by 60% around the world (World Health Organization). It is likely that technology and social media have influenced this number, especially just within the last 10 years. Bullying is aRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Common Than Traditional Bullying Essay137 4 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Bullying? â€Å"Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance†(Stopbullying.gov). Bullying can include making threats to someone to scare them, spreading false rumors about someone, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. The bullies, the ones who are bullied, and the bystanders are all victims, specifically teenagers. Females are more vulnerable to bullies because they areRead MorePreventing Cyber-Bullying And Trolling1547 Words  | 7 Pagesfateful and heartbreaking Facebook status would follow (Cloud). Unfortunately, stories like Tyler’s have become more common as bullying has made the leap from the playground to the massive new world of social media. With forty percent of teenagers using social media claiming they have been cyber bullied at least once (Billitteri â€Å"Cyberbullying†), the trend of tee nage bullying through social media has become harder to ignore. The anonymity of online profiles has contributed to the rise of cyberbullyingRead MoreThe Role Of Professional And Ethical Codes1499 Words  | 6 PagesAssessment 1 Introduction In the field of psychology, from the initial meeting to the final step of treatment the role of professional and ethical codes is important. There are numerous professional and ethical issues that could potentially arise in various psychological settings. Due to this, regulations have been implemented to guide psychologists’ actions when these issues occur; these include codes from the Australian Psychological Society (APS), the Australian Counselling Association (ACA)Read MoreTaking a Look at Cyberbullying1105 Words  | 4 Pagescalled a â€Å"slut†and a â€Å"whore†online. Throughout the use of social media, teens are potentially susceptible to become victims of cyber-bullying, and the drama that rises from it could work as a catalyst in the development of psychological traumas. To help the prevention of bullying, parents and schools must work hand in hand in this issue by incorporating anti-bullying education in their curriculums, and establishing a chann el of communication and trust between adults and teens. The Centers for DiseaseRead MoreThe Deeper Meanings that Lies in Fairy Tales1121 Words  | 5 PagesThis tale illustrated the importance of fantasy as well as adventure. Suval also uses Cinderella as a great example, which signifies personal growth and transformation. In conclusion of Lauren Suval, she states that fairy tales all have a meaning behind them that represents us if is fantasy or even a growth that isnt physical. Another idea is by Carrie Hughes, who says there are deeper meanings that lie in fairy tales. These fairy tales have psychological aspects such as, Freuds suspicions thatRead MoreThe Relationship Between Bullying And Peer Relationship1596 Words  | 7 PagesThe Relationship Between Bullying and Peer Relationship In Middle Childhood Bullying is an unfortunate issue that many children face every day. When people think about bullying many imagine something like this; one child yelling at another to get his or her attention. Also, another scenario would be a child being bullied for their lunch or lunch money. However, today’s bullying issues have become much more severe. Unfortunately, today’s bullying antics could easily lead to physical and psychologicalRead MoreAsperger Syndrome : A Neurological Disorder Associated With Autism1341 Words  | 6 Pagesvictims of bullying. Asperger syndrome:In criminal law, assault may refer to a verbal threat of violence, whereas battery refers to the actual violence. Most jurisdictions in the United States define assault as an attempt to cause, or actually causing, bodily injury. Some states expand this definition to include an attempt to menace someone by putting a person in fear of imminent injury. Assault is also defined as unwanted physical contact or unwanted sexual advances. Bullying: In generalRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay958 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to some research Pre-adolescents and adolescents tend to be a target to cyberbullying. As reported by to young studies Australia December 2004 article â€Å"Cyber-bullying Common among students†wrote by Sheila Alison, explains how experts conclude that cyber bullying is potentially more destructive than face to face bullying because it could reach a large audience and remove the safety factor of being at home(Alison, Sheila). Is important to remark that some of this cyberbullying event aren’t
The Puritan Influence in Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel...
The Puritan Influence in Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†(repr. in Thomas R. Arp, and Greg Johnson, Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 8th ed. [Fort Worth: Harcourt, 2002] 316) is a short story with strong Puritan influence. Puritanism is a religion demanding strict moral conduct and strong faith. Puritans held that Christians should do only what the Bible commanded. Analyzing â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is dependant upon understanding the Puritan faith. The influence of the Puritan religion is vivid in literary elements such as setting, allegory, and theme. The primary setting of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is the forest. The Puritans believed that the woods were evil†¦show more content†¦This statement helps show the strong conviction of the Puritans. The other setting of the story is Salem Village. Salem Village is historically most famous for the controversial Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials were sparked by the political motives and imaginations of the townspeople. Many Puritans were sentenced to death for suspicion of witchcraft. The Salem Witch Trials also contributed to the taboo feeling of the forest. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is full of allegorical content relating to the Puritan religion. The names of the characters in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†are the most profound examples of allegory influenced by Puritanism. The protagonist, Goodman Brown, has a name that suggests far more than just a name. â€Å"Goodman Brown†for example, is a name that presents the character as a good moralistic man that at all costs resists temptation. Goodman Brown’s wife, Faith, has a name that assists in illustrating the downfall of Goodman Brown. After seeing Faith in the forest, Goodman Brown cries, â€Å"My Faith is gone!†(323). His wife, Faith was gone along with his spiritual faith. We first see Goodman Brown as a moral Puritan man, and after loosing his faith he becomes the opposite. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†has a theme of Puritan nature as well. People often dwell on life’s uncertainties so much that they loose the ability to enjoy life. Goodman Brown had a curiosity that made him travel into the wickedShow MoreRelatedNathaniel Hawthornes Literature During Early America1560 Words  | 7 PagesNathaniel Hawthornes literature exhibits the influence of many factors. Much of his literature addresses Puritan culture in early America, commonly focusing on the shortcomings and hypocrisies that became apparent during the numerous witch hunts. Many of his works are allegorical, using the Puritan setting to portray his own ideas about ancestry, history, and religion. While The Scarlet Letter and House of the Seven Gables are among Hawthornes most known works, he produced a large sum of workRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1543 Words  | 7 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbol ism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will break down the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting thanRead MoreShort Story Analysis: Young Goodman Brown Essay1115 Words  | 5 Pagesa great author, but none more intriguing than Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne’s ability to weave stories through the use of complex language and early puritan society narratives has long been a topic of study amongst scholars and young adults, alike. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†explores the idea of good vs. evil and draws many parallels to the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is often debated whether man is born innately good or evil. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†it is possible to see Hawthorne’s stance on thisRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown847 Words  | 4 PagesFaith is a word often used to describe the trust that one has in God; as expressed in a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown.†In Young Goodman Brown, one of Hawthorne’s biggest themes is faith. Hawthorne wrote this story to illustrations how temptation and the views of others can influence the way an individual lives. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†takes place in the 1800s during the time of the Salem Witch Trials; where emphasis was positioned on the strict moral rules and the searchRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1492 Words  | 6 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbolism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man’s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will breakdown the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society, and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting than NathanielRead More Essay on Faith in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown710 Words  | 3 PagesFaith in Young Goodman Brown     For those who have not studied the Puritans or their beliefs, Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown is not much more than a story of lost (or maybe just confused) faith. Hawthone, a man of puritan descent, had some oppositions to the ideals that Puritans followed. Some of these ideals are discussed in his Young Goodman Brown.                The basic impression that most people have of Puritans describes them as dour, irascible, self-righteousRead More Young Goodman Brown Essay1048 Words  | 5 Pagesmain theme of the Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, â€Å" Young Goodman Brown,†is the struggle between Goodman Brown’s faith, power to resist his own evil impulses and his own doubts within him. It is a story of Young Goodman Brown’s personal conflict over his inner desires and its greater meaning conflict between good and evil in the world. The characteristics of Young Goodman Brown are similar to the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne had his own doubts about his own Puritan life and beliefs. ThereRead MoreSymbols and Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown Essay1331 Words  | 6 Pageseternity. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†by Nathaniel Hawthorne, reveals a similar resemblance of the Biblical inherent evil among man, through a disturbing dream of a young Puritan man who journeys into evil and is forced to examine the nature of evil among the human race. The Wife of Goodman Brown symbolizes the love that a wife has for her beloved husband but also the love, faith and devotion that her husband Goodman Brown has in his Christian God. An example of this symbolism is when Goodman Brown saysRead MoreThe Writings Of Nathaniel Hawthorne And Flannery O Connor1022 Words  | 5 Pagesalso have a â€Å"muse†something that influences their writing. Whether it is a personal experience, religious belief, or common morals writers derive the context within their writing from many different aspects of life. One thing most authors derive their ideas from is their religion or just any religion that interest them. Authors like Nathaniel Hawthorne and Flannery O’Connor, writings often include many allegories and symbols to religious faiths. Nathaniel Hawthorne comes from a bloodline that isRead More Puritan Depravity and Distrust in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown2245 Words  | 9 PagesPuritan Depravity and Distrust in Young Goodman Brown        Puritan doctrine taught that all men are totally depraved and require constant self-examination to see that they are sinners and unworthy of Gods Grace. Because man had broken the Covenant of Works when Adam had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, God offered a new covenant to Abrahams people which held that election to Heaven was merely a possibility. In the Puritan religion, believers dutifully recognized the negative aspects
Brutus The Leader Essay Example For Students
Brutus The Leader Essay Brutus is the most fit character to be a leader in the entire book. Brutus is a take charge kind of person. When there is something that he does not like about the government he takes charge and does something about it. Previously to Cassius even entering Brutus had said to himself that Caesar must die. Brutus is also a very smart character. When he is talking to himself about killing Caesar he compares him to a serpent in his egg and says that he must be killed while he is still in his egg because when he hatches (or is crowned king ) he will be more dangerous. Brutus is smart enough to know hat Caesar is just putting on an act and that once he becomes king he will not be as nice as he is now. Even tough he is a smart and take charge character he also quite deceptive. He shows just how deceptive he is when he kills Caesar. Brutus was very close to Caesar and he still killed him. Brutus was the only character of the conspirators that was killed Caesar for a some what of a good reason. Brutus killed him because he thought it would be better for Rome while the others just did not want him to become more powerful than themselves. Brutus felt that the death of Caesar would be the end of the absolute rule that Caesar presently had. Brutus is a supporter of the republic government. Brutus says, â€Å" We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar / And in the spirit of men there is no blood†(II. i. 180-181). In this quote Brutus shows that everyone of the conspirators does stands against what Caesar is doing but the point of killing him is to end what he is doing not to dismember him or to kill the person Caesar but to kill what he is about. Brutus is the best character in this book to be a leader. The first reason I think that Brutus would make a good leader is that he does not want to be a king or have absolute rule he would like to have a republican government. Brutus would also be a good leader because he is not the type of person that would sit around and watch the government go bad, if he saw a problem he would try his best to fix it. Brutus would also make a good ruler because he is willing to fight for what he thinks is right. Brutus says, â€Å"Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers, Caius. †(II. i. 179). This quote shows how Brutus does not wish to kill Caesar brutally but he would rather kill him with some sort of honor. Brutus wants him to be killed in this â€Å"honorable†way because he does not want to be looked at by the plebeians as murderers but as someone who was fighting for a cause.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Banking Concept Of Education free essay sample
The Banking Concept of Education: Destructive or Convstructive? After reading Paulo Frieres essay, The Banking Concept of Education, I have personally come to understand that his argument ultimately states that modern education is the chance for teacher or professors to deposit their knowledge into their students who submissively accept what they are taught without question. Freire believes that there is no shared knowledge between teacher and student; the path to knowledge is a one-way street. In my experiences as a student, I have encountered eachers who perfectly fit the description of Freires teachers (or oppressors as he refers to them). I have also encountered teachers who have proved to be the exact opposite of Freires description of the modern day teacher. These teachers made their classrooms an amazing environment where knowledge is shared between student and teacher, and also made the information being shared easier to retain. A difference in the way knowledge is taught helps many different student understand what type of teaching benefits them the most. We will write a custom essay sample on The Banking Concept Of Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The class that molded my positive outlook on education was my senior English lass that was taught by a brilliant teacher named . She is a young and incredibly bright young woman who graduated at the top of her class with a PhD in secondary education. She was an excellent teacher who had discussion with her class, rather than lectures. Overall, she understood that she could learn as much from her students as they could learn from her. Although Freire lists a number of qualities about The Banking Concept of Education, none of these negative qualities were found in thisclassroom. He states 10 qualities on which he bases his argument. Rather than ccepting these qualities, I believe that we should analyze each quality, interpret the quality, and find a better, more constructive alternative that would help better the students educational career, and the teachers ability to get through to the students in their classroom. The first quality on Freires list is the teacher teaches and the student is taught. This was not the case in my classroom. Every Friday, one student from the class would be assigned a certain reading, and he or she were required to interpret the reading, form questions about the reading, and get a class discussion going. My teacher Jumped in to ask a few questions or to suggest a couple different ways to interpret our reading, but she had little to do with our learning processes. She wanted to hear what we had to say and how we interpreted the reading. By forming our own opinions, questions, and discussions, we not only gained shared knowledge from everyone in the class including the teacher, but we gained self-confidence, independence, and the ability to critically think on our own. Freires argument that the students can only be taught by the teacher was proven wrong in this classroom. Another example to prove Freires fallaciousness about his first quality is my own classroom, I have noticed that my knowledge retaining develops more with having discussions with my peers; students my age with different insight on topics assigned by the teacher. By having discussions with peers, I have learned that I am able to be more open-minded, I am able to understand harder concepts, and I am able to see things from different perspectives. By being in a small group of peers, everyone has the chance to put their insight in and share their knowledge. Knowledge does not just have to come from the teacher. Freires second quality states that the teacher knows everything and the students know nothing. This statement is truer than most of Freires other qualities in The Banking Concept of Education, depending on age. As children, we start our education process very early in life. At around 5 years old, we start preschool; at which point, our general motor skills and critical thinking skills are not yet developed. The teachers are teaching us the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, and months of the year. In our younger school years, it is true that the teacher does in fact know verything, and we are learning from the teacher. At such a young age, we need guidance and rules set in place for us to prepare us for the discipline we will encounter in our later school years to come. Teachers provide both guidance and rules for us because the teachers know better than we do at such a young age. We are not yet able to carry on an intellectual conversation, or retain the amount of knowledge that we are able to right now. Children need the guidance and rules set by the teacher in order to become disciplined, educated and well prepared for their long educational career ahead of them. Freires fourth quality states that the teacher talks and the students listen-meekly. In my personal opinion, this statement could not have been anymore false; not Just for my senior English class specifically, but for most of my current classes now. Our whole class time was based around an in-depth discussion where everyone had an equal say, including the teacher. My teacher made it extremely important that we as her students would be the ones doing the talking while she listened. She would ask some guideline questions here and there, but overall, the class had group iscussions rather than a one-woman lecture.
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