Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Topics are in the instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Topics are in the instruction - Essay Example The American manufacturing companies, in trying to soften the impact of the economic crunch, resorted to several strategies aimed at restoring growth and profitability. One strategy adopted was â€Å"flexibility†which entailed shifting out their operations to areas within and outside the country which would minimize operational and labor costs. The target areas were those which had low-wage anti-labor policies in place. Thus, between the years 1969 and 1976, many of the major cities which previously housed large manufacturing plants found themselves at the edge of bankruptcy because of job and revenue losses brought about by the closures of these plants (Gibson 39). The growing revenue deficit brought about by manufacturing relocations and closures was aggravated by â€Å"outmoded capital facilities, declining tax bases, soaring demand for public services, debt ceilings and taxpayer rebellions†which resulted in the inability of these cities to prevent the widening gap between expenditures and revenue resources. To avert catastrophe, many of these cities resorted to increasing taxes, abolishing jobs, calling off or deferring construction projects, and even cutting services (Cooke 2007 pp 213-214). The HOPE VI program is a housing policy passed by the US Congress in 1993 which is aimed at alleviating poverty in public housing. It targets three areas: physical improvements; management improvements and; community services to address resident needs†(Hope VI, Public and Indian Housing). HOPE VI’s primary distinguishing feature is that it is not underpinned by distribution of residents of housing projects to various communities but to revive the housing projects themselves. The Housing & Urban Development’s budget for this project is pegged at $5.6 billion covering 231 areas all over the country (Arrighi & Maume 2007 pp79). To make HOPE VI housing projects viable, the project involves the
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the main character, Huck Finn, undergoes a variety of experiences that changes him as a man, relationships with other characters in the novel and we get to understand the author’s perspective through the characters. Huck Finn flourished in many ways through the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn grew up with the stereotype that all blacks are meaningless and do not deserve to live the same life style and have the same rights as any white man. His father brings these views to Huckleberry’s attention. During the novel, Huck travels the Mississippi river with a black male slave named Jim, throughout the journey Huck learns how to be selflessness and have empathy for others. By experiencing different obstacles and situations, Huckleberry gains an insight into others’ lives and how their experiences differ from his. He learns to be more open to new and different outlooks of life. He learns courage, empathy, compassion, and the differences between law and moral right and wrong. Because of these experiences, Huck gains courage and maturity. Huckleberry is a new and improved man by the end of the novel. Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain illustrates the bond formed between Huck, the young white protagonist, and Jim, Hucks black companion. As time goes on Huck begins to realize and understand how black men have been treated throughout their lives and starts to respect Jim more and more by who he actually is. While Huck and Jim travel down the river it becomes apparent that Jim is more of a father figure to Huck than his biological father. Huck’s father, Pap, teaches the virtues of a life not worth living, while Jim gives Huck the proper fatherly support, compassion, and knowledge for Huck to become a man. While Pap acts as an anchor on Hucks heel, Jim opens up a new world for Huck, and becomes his companion and a resource of knowledge. He finds the ideal combination of respect, love, and protection in Jim. Although Jim is not book smart, he maintains the simple values that Huck needs. Although Huck and Jim come from separate racial backgrounds their time together allows them to surpass their ethnic segregation and become true friends, and family. Huck returns the respect and gratefulness to Jim by keeping his promise and helping him become a free man. At the end of the novel, Huck thinks of Jim as being no different from any white man and doesn’t deserve to be treated differently otherwise. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, readers can identify Mark Twain’s picture of Southern society through the characters. Mark Twain harshly undermines our society in his novel by satirizes religion, civilization, and human nature to expose the flaws and weaknesses behind American society. Twain criticizes religion in society through satirizing Miss Watson and Silas Phelps for being highly religious yet hypocritical figures. Twain states that religious people can be hypocrites in situations such as in his novel, where they purposely ignore certain teachings of their religion. The Bible encourages that people treat others they wish to be treated, and here Miss Watson blatantly ignores that by being a slave owner. Even though many schools and parents would prohibit reading this novel because of its language and maliciousness, Twain states that he writes the truth. Huck is critical of many things and people in this novel. He implies that humans understand and comprehend the world by different means and rely on different sources to provide the truth. People use their senses, reasoning, emotion, past experiences and what others have taught them to understand the world and how to make their own decisions. To understand something for what it is truly is you need to get a different perspective on it, which is what Huck did with Jim to find out the real meaning to slavery and to respect. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic story where readers learn about the true meaning of friendship and slavery just by a white man and a black man sailing down a river to find freedom.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
SELLARS AND THE MYTH OF THE GIVEN :: essays research papers
SELLARS AND THE "MYTH OF THE GIVEN" To be presented at the Eastern Division APA Meeting to be held at the Washington Hilton & Towers (Washington, DC) on Dec. 27 - 30, 1998: Book discussion: Wilfrid Sellars's Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind (International Ballroom West, Wed., Dec. 30, 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.) -- Published with the permission of Prof. Alston. Since the body of the paper will be distinctly critical, I would like to begin by paying tribute to Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind (EPM) as one of the seminal works of twentieth century philosophy. I still remember the growing excitement with which I read it when it first came out in Volume I of the Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (1956), in the Detroit Airport, of all places. (My colleague, Tamar Gendler, remarked to me that I was probably the only person there reading Wilfrid Sellars, the others, no doubt, reading best sellers.) Over the ensuing decades the excitement, though never wholly extinguished, has been adulterated by numerous second thoughts, some of which will be expounded here. Having already taken issue with Sellars' general argument against immediate knowledge in section VIII of EPM and elsewhere, in my essay "What's Wrong with Immediate Knowledge?"1, I will concentrate here on his complaints about "the given". But I must admit at the outset that it is not easy to pin down the target to which Sellars applies that title. At the beginning of EPM Sellars makes it explicit that though "I begin my argument with an attack on sense-datum theories, it is only as a first step in a critique of the entire framework of givenness". (128)2 But just what is this "framework of givenness" of which sense-datum theory is only one form? A bit later he says ". . . the point of the epistemological category of the given is, presumably, to explicate the idea that empirical knowledge rests on a 'foundation' of non-inferential knowledge of matter of fact". (128) That makes it sound as if any foundationalist epistemology is a form o f the "myth of the given". And I am far from sure that this is not the way Sellars is thinking of it. Nevertheless, for present purposes I will construe the commitment to the given as more restricted than that, identifying it with one particular way of thinking of "non-inferential knowledge of matter of fact".
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Architectural Literature Review on Sustainability of Malaysian Architecture
In Summary of the below, review on sustainability of Malaysian Architecture is been understood and analysed. The literature review prescribes the re-examining on the methodologies and architectural experimentation that had been directed by the Malaysian architectural calling towards the quest for a national personality in structural engineering towards a sustainable group. The main part is examined on the endeavour and talk that had been led which included general society and private segments. Modellers, benefactors and people in general had directed experimentation on the different methodologies and perspectives relating to the issue of a Malaysian architectural personality through talk, works and architectural configuration. It was discriminatingly guaranteed that architectural practice in Malaysia still needs profundity in its hypothetical methodology and powerless in it development usage which prompt an emergency in the calling. The emergency on the Built Environments' instruction programmes in the course of the most recent two decades additionally has advanced the expert practice of construction modelling having arrived at substandard level with no fitting philosophical and hypothetical methodology. The flop on the mission for a character in building design throughout the previous four decades was traced to modellers and different implementers neglecting to scatter the plans and aims to the grass roots level. No records or apparent might be discovered to uphold the idea that the plans of looking for a national character in building design has been conveyed to grass root or open level. It is basic that present era of designers and implementers of the calling re-assessing the thought and making further mission auspicious. II) Introduction Sustainability is an issue of pressing desperation yet it is additionally a buzzword with small substance. Literates wish to demarcate the importance of Sustainability inside the setting of our main event as draftsmen. They are completely conscious that architecture is not fate it can make the conditions for additional reasonable environments however can't compel individuals to act in foreordained ways. It then takes after that we must plan to suit neighbourhood societies, atmosphere and traditions, making environments that will be passed on from era to era, enduring life-compass a crux part of sustainability. To accomplish this, the outline must consider people to mould and personalise their own particular environments. Sustainability is the general idea of utilizing less to accomplish more. Sustainability in architecture is not simply a matter of additional items or item particular. It includes more than encasing, sun oriented boards and rainwater tanks. Rather, it impacts how we ponder planning a building and whatever shapes it in the end takes. Seeking after a natural plan is not a demand yet rather a major stimulus towards an architecture that is creative, huge, and important. Economical outline recognizes the dynamic collaboration of buildings with their instantaneous regular setting and encompassing powers. It is these connections on which the configuration process centres to the extent that on the resultant type of the building. Sustainability requires a specific path of working -clear objectives set at the undertaking commencement and close cooperation between customer, draftsman and designs all through the procedure. There is no such thing as green architecture or a green stylish. Rather there are endless ways configuration can address and incorporate issues of sustainability. Since the development of the Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia, and its capital Kuala Lumpur specifically, has turned into a reference in architecture worldwide. In this manner, it is not amazing to see it prepare other foremost edifices. Just this time, the primary centre is not stature, at the same time, actually, that they are great illustrations of bioclimatic and sustainable architecture. III) Review Sustainability implies that a methodology or state might be kept up at a certain level for with the expectation that is needed. A standout amongst the frequently refered to meanings of sustainability is the one made by the Brundtland Commission, advanced by the previous Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Commission outlined economic improvement as improvement that helps the present without bargaining the capacity of future eras to meet their own particular needs. Sustainability identifies with the coherence of financial, social, institutional and environmental parts of human social order, and additionally the non-human environment. Sustainability is one of the four Core Concepts old-fashioned Universal Forum of Cultures. Sustainability likewise implies that your something is dependably the same and does not change. Architecture in Malaysia is a mixture of numerous styles, from Islamic and Chinese styles to those carried by European colonists. Malay architecture has adapted because of these impacts. Houses in the north are comparative to those in Thailand, while those in the south are comparable to those in Java. New materials, for example glass and nails, were acquired by Europeans, modifying the architecture. Houses are manufactured for tropical conditions, raised on stilts with high roofs and expansive windows, permitting air to move through the house and cool it down. Wood has been the primary building material for much of Malaysia's history; it is utilized for everything from the basic kampung to imperial palaces. In Negeri Sembilan customary houses are truly free of nails. Besides wood, other regular materials, for example bamboo and leaves were used. The Istana Kenangan in Kuala Kangar was inherent 1926, and it the main Malay castle with bamboo dividers. The Oral Asal of East Malaysia lives in longhouses and water villages. Longhouses are raised and on stilts, and can house 20 to 100 families. Water villages are likewise based stilts, with houses joined with boards and generally transport by boats. Chinese architecture could be partitioned into two sorts, accepted and Baba Nyonya. Baba Nyonya families are made of colourful tiles and have huge indoor patios. Indian architecture accompanied the Malaysian Indians, reflecting the architecture of southern India where generally began from. Some Sikh architecture was likewise imported. Malacca, which was a conventional middle of exchange, has an expansive assortment of building styles. Imposing wooden structures, for example the Palace of Sultan Mansur Shah exist from right on time periods. Chinese impact could be seen in shiningly enlivened sanctuaries and terraced shop houses. The biggest remaining Portuguese structure in Malacca is the A Famosa post. Other frontier building could be the Dutch Stadthuys, the Dutch Colonial town block buildings, and buildings constructed by the British, for example the Memorial Hall, which joins together Baroque and Islamic architecture. The shapes and sizes of houses vary from state to state. Regular components in Peninsular Malaysia incorporate pitched roofs, verandas, and high top sides, raised on stilts for ventilation. The woodwork in the house is regularly complicatedly cut. The carpets are at distinctive levels relying upon the capacity of the room. Mosques have generally been dependent upon Javanese architecture. In cutting edge times, the government has pushed distinctive projects, from the tallest twin buildings on the planet, the Petronas Twin Towers, to an entire enclosure city, Putrajaya. Malaysian firms are improving tower plans that are in particular for tropical climates. Malaysian Architecture is one of the most respected Architecture and design in the world based on the fact that no matter how small Malaysia is it still has nice design concept and a relatively good sustainability in its Architecture, Malaysia is well known for its Petronas Twin tower and other amazing structure in the building industry. Sustainability in Malaysian Architecture has still not been attained as Education on that should be promoted in schools and educational institutes Architects all over the world and in Malaysia should make use of sustainable materials in building construction designs in that way a sustainable Architecture â€Å"Careful selection of environmentally sustainable building materials is the easiest way for architects to begin incorporating sustainable design principles in buildings. Traditionally, price has been the foremost consideration when comparing similar materials or materials designated for the same function. However, the â€Å"off-the-shelf†price of a building component represents only the manufacturing and transportation costs, not social or environmental costs. †As sited by (Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Professor of Architecture, and Brenda Rigdon, Project Intern; Edited by Jonathan Graves, Project International; College of Architecture and Urban Planning the University of Michigan, in Qualities, Use, and Examples of Sustainable Building Materials 2012). Some materials used in construction processes are listed below. Limestone * Limestone is maybe the most pervasive building material acquired through mining. It is utilized as a cladding material and assumes a paramount part in the preparation of an extensive variety of building items. Concrete and plaster are evident illustrations of items that depend on limestone; less evident is the utilization of limestone in steel and glass creation. Steel * Steel requires the mining of iron ore, coal, limestone, magnesium, and other fellow components. To process steel, iron must first be refined from crude ore. The iron ore, together with limestone and coke (heat-refined coal) are stacked into an impact heater. Sultry air and blazes are utilized to dissolve the materials into pig iron, with the contaminations (slag) drifting to the highest point of the molten metal. Aluminium * Aluminium, determined from bauxite ore, requires a huge measure of raw material to generate a minor measure of last item. Up to six pounds of ore may be instructed to yield one pound of aluminium. Bauxite is for the most part strip-mined in tropical rainforests, a process that presupposes uprooting vegetation and topsoil from substantial ranges of land. The point when mining is finished, the dirt is swapped. The land may then be permitted to come back to rainforest, however is more prone to be utilized as farmland Bricks and Tiles * Dirt and adobe soil must likewise be mined. They are for the most part discovered in shallow surface stores, and assembling is frequently done close-by, lessening extraction and transportation costs. With the exemption of adobe, blocks and tiles must be let go to be handy building materials. The booting methodology uncovered the shaped mud to high, delayed high temperature, preparing a hard, water-verification, lasting block or tile. The terminating procedure can take hours or even days and requires an imposing measure of vigour. Coated blocks and tiles are terminated twice: first to make the shape changeless then afterward to soften and follow the coated completion, which typically holds glass. The finished item has tremendously typified vigour however is likewise exceptionally dependable. Indeed, without booting, fittingly kept up adobe blocks can most recent 350 years or more. Wood * Wood is the collected material generally ordinarily utilized within edifices and building items. Dimensional wood is utilized as a part of surrounding the lion's share of private edifices and numerous business structures. Wood items, for example plywood, particleboard, and paper are utilized widely all through the development business. Until later years, the ost well-known technique for collecting wood was clear-decreasing, a procedure wherein all vegetation inside a given zone is evacuated for handling. Notwithstanding, where clear-cutting happens, lumber associations are obliged to replant the region. Petro-Chemicals * The building business is remarkably subject to materials inferred from petroleum and natural gas. These are utilized within an extensive variety of items incorporating plasti cs, glues for plywood and particleboard, covered ledges, isolation, covering, and paints. Boring for oil and gas is both perilous and exorbitant. Overwhelming apparatus is needed, and tainting of the groundwater and soil is regular. Broad worry about energy conservation, global warming and exhaustion of the planet's non-renewable assets has conceived the green building development, with its thought of sustainable architecture that appears to be mushrooming over the planet. Essentially put, green buildings speak for outline and construction that are touchy to nature now and sometime later. Green building is not a normal practice in Malaysia due to the exceptional tests these systems face. This exploration was led to recognize the principle impediments to the headways of green buildings improvements in the nation and how to incorporate more contribution from the gatherings in the construction business to embrace this methodology. The ideas and perspectives of identified gatherings in building industry were acquired from organized questions and case studies which have been recognized to give a clearer picture of the present scenario of the green building advancements in Malaysia. Recommendations on the most proficient method to increase more presentation for green buildings were likewise procured. In light of the discoveries, it was inferred that the principle obstructions are absence of cognizance, instruction and qualified data on the profits of the construction of green buildings. It is critical for us Malaysians to get an ideal model change and begin taking a gander at greener choices which are all the more ecologically neighbourly and diminishes energy utilization. Making consciousness additionally is the first and grandest venture to guarantee that green buildings are setting down deep roots. Sustainable Architectural design does not necessarily mean the use of highly termed technologies and modernised applications in the building construction sector but rather holding and not letting go of past designs and finding such many ways to sustain Architectural design to be moderate and useful to the people as quoted by (Professor Iain Borden, in Sustainability and architectural design, 2010) â€Å"Architecture is not just about technology, and we need social propositions as to how architecture interacts with lifestyle and urban design. Here the imaginative and creative architecture can help to speculate about possible futures outside of some of the more usual constraints of commercial architectural practice†The traditional Malay house is one of the wealthiest segments of Malaysia's social legacy. Planned and assembled by the villagers themselves, it manifests the innovative and stylish aptitudes of the Malays. This is a close flawless house form which is suitable to neighborhood climatic conditions and communicates the lifestyle of its occupants. The house is to a great degree overall intended to suit the warm and sticky Malaysian atmosphere and for the multifunctional utilization of space. Its outline is likewise adaptable as it indulges the extensively distinctive needs of the clients and it has an expansion framework which permits the house to be broadened to help every family. The traditional Malay house is a timber house raised on stilts. It is basically a post-and-lintel structure with wooden or bamboo dividers and a thatched top. Windows are ample, coating the dividers and giving exceptional ventilation and sees for the house. This nature of openness is additionally reflected by the impressive open inner part spaces with negligible segments. Lim Lee Yuan mentioned in his article (Under one Roof) that â€Å"For religious reasons, most traditional Malay houses are oriented to face Mecca (i. e. in an east-west direction). This orientation minimizes the number of are as exposed to direct solar radiation during the day and, hence, the heat gains in the building. Heat retention is minimized by the lightweight, natural construction materials that have a low thermal capacity and the interior remains cool due to the insulating capability of the Atta (thatch) roof†sited by ( Lim Lee Yuan, Under one roof, 2013) So Malaysian traditional houses happens to use Religious concepts in making stays in houses more easier then. Situation that may come about because of this situation will be that Islam is tossed totally in avour of, or that it is made decidedly mediocre to, the embraced man-created perspectives and philosophies. On for the issues that structure the foundations of the applied skeleton for Islamic architecture, all around, are: taw shrouded (the thought of God's Oneness), man as the vicegerent (khalifah) on earth and his association with environment, exhaustive brilliance (ihsan or titan), and Islam as the last and all inclusive disclosure to humankind. This reasonable structure renders Islamic architecture such a remarkable subject and tremendously not quite the same as other building outflows and schools. Concentrating on the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, which because of its securing on a portion of the most essential Islamic precepts constitutes a preeminent section of the Islamic perspective, is basic. This is so for two head explanations. Firstly, by knowing and engrossing the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, Muslim architects, and professionals in manufactured environment all in all, will own a robust base on which restoring and progressing the wonder of Islamic architecture will be effectively and surely created. Provided that the precepts on which the theoretical schema for Islamic architecture rests, penetrate an engineer's or a designer's thinking and acting standards, the aggregate conduct that starts from such a mentality is sure to be in concurrence with Islamic qualities and conviction framework. An architecture that stems from such a mentality is sure to be really Islamic as well. What's more when it starts to be, it does so spontaneously, unassumingly and truly, fitting splendidly into the grid of Muslim life exercises. It does so without any ado throughout the methodology of its imagining execution, without any ambiguities or perplexity in its substance and capacity, and without any superficialities, eccentricities and garishness in its style and manifestation. Besides, if Muslim architects, builders, engineers and even clients are new to and don't stick to the theoretical skeleton for Islamic architecture, an additional options will be looked for rather. Such plan B, definitely, will be outsider to and in this way inconsistent with the Islamic ethos and teachings. A few options will be more contradictory and others less, however sometimes will there be an elective that will be completely agreeable with Islam and its perspective. This is so since no human movement, not to ention a living framework, that is totally without a logic or a philosophy which unmistakably outlines one's perspective of the planet and all its constituents: life and its reason, passing, characteristic environment, man and his mission, time, space, history, and obviously God and His association with man and the entire of universe. So in this manner, if Muslim architects don't have the Islamic perspective or belief system, a different one will unavoidably worm in, inten tionally or unknowingly, and will hold influence over their musings and deeds. At the close, and in one of better situations, this will bring about foundered endeavours towards accommodating the received perspectives and belief systems with Islam and its own particular logic and esteem framework to which those architects will at present be subscribing. In any case, an activity of orchestrating Islam and some outside and by and large man-made perspectives and rationalities of life is a destined errand on the grounds that such a combination is unthinkable in both hypothesis and hone. That, therefore, may prompt the extent that disarray, absence of certainty, perilous bargains, laxity in religion, repugnance and even contemptuousness in Muslim architects' brain which, in turn, will be expanded onto the domain of fabricated environment and will in this way dangerously influence both the psyche and behavioural examples of its clients. The most exceedingly awful and generally terrible sctunately, large portions of today's Muslim experts in assembled environment experience both the illnesses. Another aspect of Malaysian Architecture we must look at is Micro Architecture which involves building structures like Side way toilets, pedestrian malls, Alleys etcetera. These micro architecture application in towns and cities or in a country in general are usually seen as irrelevant but in another way serves as good purpose to the people, Azmin Samsul S Tazilan also said in his article that â€Å"Micro-architecture, however, actually gives the first real impression of a town, city or country to visitors to a particular place or locale. Its impact is immediate and opinions are formed of the place and its people quite instantaneously. A lot of street micro-architecture is public amenities such as toilets and squares. Based on current phenomenology research studied, it gives a better justification on sustainable elements approach on street microarchitecture in Malaysia†sited by ( Azmin Samsul S Tazlian, Sustainability in Malaysian micro architecture, 2013) sustainability in street micro architecture should be looked at so as improve the comfort of locals and visitors alike. The current status of Malaysian Architecture has grown to a level that people out there including the Government have been wondering whether there is sustainability in construction projects of Malaysian Architecture, awareness has been laid out for need in develop and implicate strategies towards its application in built environment â€Å". In Malaysia, the issues of environmental dissatisfaction on construction projects have regularly appeared in headlines. This growing attention pushes the government and professional bodies in Malaysia to be more proactive in alleviating this problem without restraining the need for development. But, has this efforts bear fruits? Creating sustainable construction depends on the knowledge and involvement of all people involved in the industry. So, what is our level of understanding of this concept and application? This paper aims to explore the actions undertaken by the Malaysian government, non-government organisations and construction players in promoting sustainability in construction and the progress so far†as stated by (Nazirah Zainul Abidin, SUSTAINABLE CONCEPT AWARENESS IN MALAYSIA, 2011) In the article- Sustainable Towers in Malaysia by Studio Nicolette Association â€Å"Malaysia is no stranger to notorious buildings. Two of the tallest buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, are found in Kuala Lumpur, the country's capital. So it comes as no surprise to us that a stunning new residential improvement is planned for the Putrajaya waterfront regarded as Precinct 4, just 30km south of Kuala Lumpur. The design, be that as it may, is a refreshing and unique with extraordinary, marine-inspired structures – which also draw from conventional Islamic designs – orchestrated in a porous, transmitting square of bioclimatic architecture. Putrajaya waterfront advancement, Malaysia, studio Nicolette architects, sustainable towers, green Islamic towers, green Islamic architecture, marine architecture, green building, green architecture, green design, eco architecture, ecotecture, sustainable improvement, pontoon like structures, marine inspired architecture â€Å" as sited by (Studio Nicolette Association, Sustainable Towers in Malaysia, 2010) . There is need for continuation of Malaysian race towards the sustainability of building skyscrapers and tower as Malaysia once held the privilege of building the world’s tallest twin towers. This is a great achievement and success as sustainability should continue to make a brighter and better Malaysia for their children in the future. In conclusion Sustainable Architecture in whole should be maintained in Malaysia and the rest of the world as its advantages are important so rather ignoring it should be made a constant practice in building environment aspects of countries all over the world.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Literature Paper Essay
Sophocles two plays, namely the AD 6717-658 Oedipus the King as well as the 658-693 Antigone, are dominated by elements of conflict – both external and internal. The external conflict involves two persons with opposing viewpoints being engaged in a physical or philosophical confrontation. On the other hand, the internal cases of conflict occur when certain individuals in the 2 plays encounter dilemmas regarding doing things that their consciences counsel against. Further, the playwright describes various characters handling the conflicting situations in a variety of ways. For example, some characters just choose to give in, become complicit, and do the things that their consciences advise against. A notable example of this phenomenon in Oedipus the King is Queen Jocasta’s action of bowing to King Laius’ (her husband’s) pressure and thus giving away the young Oedipus to be disposed off. Likewise, in Antigone, Ismene depicts the same behavior of allowing outside pressure to adversely influence her conscience-led aspirations. To this end, Ismene refuses to join efforts with Antigone – her defiant sister – in burying Polyneices – the 2 sisters’ departed brother. Conversely, the 2 plays contain cases whereby physical person-to-person conflicts arise. For instance, in Antigone, Creon – Thebe’s ruler – holds viewpoints that conflict with those of Haemon – Creon’s son. To illustrate, when Creon detains and intends to murder Antigone – Haemon’s fiance – son and father are at loggerheads. The situation deteriorates to the extent of father and son insulting one another. Haemon angrily leaves, promising that he will never come back. Similarly, in Oedipus the King, King Oedipus becomes conflicted with prophet Tiresias because Tiresias is experiencing an internal sort of conflict. The prophet is aware that telling King Oedipus the truth about who killed King Laius would yield no good results. On the other hand, King Oedipus is very intent on ascertaining the true identity of Lauis’ killer, not knowing that Oedipus himself killed Laius. The conflict between the 2 personalities pushes them to exchange harsh words. This conflict is resolved when Tiresias utters the definitive paradox that Laius was indeed killed by his (Laius’) son. All in all, through the two plays – Antigone and Oedipus the King, playwright Sophocles describes both external and external cases of conflict, with the conflicts being resolved to the detriment of a certain individual. To begin with, Queen Jocasta’s conflict regarding either disposing off or saving the life of Oedipus – her son – ends with the infant son being disadvantaged when he is disposed off. The hopeless Oedipus passes from the hands of Jocasta, to a servant, to a lowly shepherd and eventually to a King’s palace. Through such transition, the baby encounters various hardships. Firstly, he risks being killed and then spends some time out in the open fields where he is exposed to the elements. Further, it is notable that the shepherd who eventually passes Oedipus on to King Polybus has no means of keeping and raising the condemned child. Jocasta’s indecisiveness when she faces the internal conflict of either saving or killing Oedipus thus causes the son immense problems. In this case, Sophocles describes a conflict being resolved to the detriment of a particular personality – Oedipus. In a similar version, in Antigone, Sophocles describes Antigone’s conflict as resulting in a string of misfortunes. After Creon the King unjustly orders that Polyneices should be ignored regarding proper burial, with Eteocles being accorded a fitting send-off, Antigone – Polyneices’ sister – becomes mentally conflicted. Antigone immediately detects Creon’s partiality in ordering for this obviously discriminative treatment. She thus cannot demonstrate complicity by adhering to Creon’s unjust edict. The determined girl therefore opts to secretly accord Polyneices a proper burial. By doing this, Antigone risks being put to death as indicated by Creon’s directive. She however gallantly carries on with her plan and even boldly defending her decisions before the King. Related to Antigone’s mental conflict is Ismene’s dilemma whereby she has to choose to either stand by Antigone or obey Creon’s controversial decree. By adhering to the directives that Creon has issued, Ismene will in effect be betraying Polyneices – her brother. Conversely, by deciding to join Antigone in properly burying Polyneices, Ismene will be showing sisterly responsibility to her departed brother as well as to Antigone. In addition, Ismene risks being put to death as per Creon’s orders should she go by Antigone’s bold decision. Eventually, Ismene shies away and avoids going by Antigone’s plans. On her part, Antigone boldly accords Polyneices a proper send-off, thus attracting Creon’s wrath. Ultimately, the 2 sisters find themselves behind bars, with Ismene being a sort of martyr since she did not participate in Antigone’s defiant actions. It is at this point that Antigone faces another conflict when Ismene offers to suffer the consequences of Antigone’s actions. Antigone is aware that it would be unjust to allow Ismene suffer the same fate as Antigone. Although outside pressure eventually forces Creon to let the 2 girls walk free, the conflict that Ismene and Antigone face is resolved with disastrous results. Further, the decision that Antigone makes because of being mentally conflicted serves to make Creon’s son – Haemon – to also become conflicted. To illustrate, after Creon puts Antigone in prison, intending to kill the girl, Haemon intervenes, trying to persuade Creon to let the girl walk away. Haemon does this because he is an intimate friend to Antigone. He thus cannot allow his father to kill Antigone owing to the love that Haemon has for Antigone. It is worth noting that Haemon is in a tight spot when he approaches Creon, persuading the King to let Antigone go away. This is because Haemon risks being branded a traitor or someone who demonstrates insubordination towards the King. On the other hand, should Haemon decide to keep quiet, allowing the King to do as he wills with Antigone, Haemon will demonstrate lack of commitment towards Antigone. Son and father thus confront each other because they hold varying viewpoints about the incarceration of Antigone. Again, Sophocles describes a person-to-person conflict being resolved in a negative way. After Haemon and Creon hurl insults at each other, Haemon walks away, promising that he will never come back. True to his words, Haemon commits suicide. Likewise, through the Oedipus the King play, Sophocles describes the shepherd who witnessed King Laius’ murder as well as Oedipus as being conflicted both externally and internally. For instance, King Oedipus desires to know every detail of his (Oedipus’) childhood. On the other hand, the shepherd is aware that should he become aware of his past, Oedipus will only experience pain. The shepherd thus only gives certain details of Oedipus childhood after which he begs to be allowed to stop the narration. By doing this, the shepherd seeks to shield Oedipus from the pain that will inevitably result when the King learns of his (the King’s) past. Such good intentions are however misunderstood by Oedipus as the shepherd’s demonstration of insubordination. Consequently, Oedipus threatens the shepherd with death should he hold back any information from the King. The shepherd is thus deeply conflicted. He is very sure that when Oedipus learns the truth about Oedipus’ lineage, the King will surely be gravely hurt. Out of fear for his life, the shepherd finally explains all the details about Oedipus life. Consequently, the King becomes distraught. Further, the Queen commits suicide, after which Oedipus gorges out both his eyes and goes into self-imposed exile. Once more, Sophocles describes the conflict between the shepherd and King Oedipus as being resolved in a bad manner as it results in the deaths of Queen Jocasta and the self-imposed exile of King Oedipus. In conclusion, though his 2 plays – Oedipus the King and Antigone – playwright Sophocles describes numerous instances whereby various characters are conflicted either externally or internally. One notable case of mental conflict in Antigone is the instance when Antigone has to choose to either remain loyal to Polyneices – her brother – or obey Creon’s dictatorial decree. Conversely, the instance when Creon and Haemon exchange bitter words denotes external conflict. On the other hand, in Oedipus the King, Jocasta’s indecision regarding whether to dispose off or save Oedipus represents internal conflict. The shepherd and Oedipus’ confrontation demonstrates external conflict. Further, all the conflicts that are presented in both Oedipus the King as well as in Antigone are resolved in ways that harm certain characters.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Karen Horney essays
Karen Horney essays Karen Horney was born in Hamburg, Germany to Captain and Mrs. Berndt Wackels Danielson on September 16, 1885. Captain Danielson was a religious man with an authoritarian parenting style, he was referred to as the Bible thrower. Although her father brought her gifts from around the world and let her accompany him on three sea excursions, Karen felt that he favored her older brother Berndt. The lack of a connection with her father made Karen become extremely close with her mother, Clotilde aka Sonni. Clotilde was Captain Danielsons second wife, 19 years seperated the cosmopolitan wife When Karen was nine she changed her approach to life and became more bold and ambitious. At the same time, Karens crush on her beloved teenage brother led him to distance himself from her uncomfortable attentions. Berndts rejection made Karen depressed, the first of many bouts of depression throughout her life. In 1904 Clotilde divorced Karens father and left both Berndt and Karen in his care. In 1906, Karen Horney decided to attend medical school against her parents wishes. Contrary to societal norms, Horney attended the universities of Freiburg and Berlin. While in school Karen met Oscar Horney, a law student, whom she married in 1909. The first of the couples three daughters, Bridgette was born in 1910. The following year Clotilde died and Karen entered psychoanalysis to help her cope with the dramatic changes she had been through. In psychoanalysis Karen learned that Oscar was like her dad, an authoritarian who was harsh with the children. Yet Karen considered his methods acceptable and did not intervene, instead she believed that the atmosphere encouraged Horney began to follow Freudian analysis with Karl Abraham in 1915. By 1919, she was taking patients which led to a twelve year position at Berlin Psychoanalytic Clinic and Institute. Later sh...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Willy Russells attitude to education as revealed in Educating Rita Essays
Willy Russells attitude to education as revealed in Educating Rita Essays Willy Russells attitude to education as revealed in Educating Rita Paper Willy Russells attitude to education as revealed in Educating Rita Paper Essay Topic: Education Literature Although Educating Rita is about Rita becoming educated, there are underlying messages within the play that reveal what its writer, Willy Russells attitudes and opinions of education are. One main part of the play is the contrast between Frank and Rita and how their roles reverse as Rita becomes educated. Education gives Rita a choice. Rita wanted education to give her a meanin to life which she didnt need as a child growing up in working class culture. Her school was borin, ripped-up books, broken glass everywhere, knives an fights and education was only for the wimps. As she has matured she thinks there must be more to life than everyone pissed or on the Valium, tryin to get from one day to the next. By becoming educated, she is making the leap from working class to middle class, although Denny, her husband, doesnt want her to. Education makes Rita stronger and thats what Dennys frightened of. This evidence could be Russell trying to question why education is so important? As Frank says, education is nothing of value as he takes it for granted. To Rita, education is everything. Rita has a very admiring view towards education and is always referring to proper students who she idolises. She sees education as an escape from herself and her current life. This can be seen from the way she describes herself as a stupid woman and says she wants to change from the inside. At the start of the play she comments on people in her culture being stuck-up idiots and wonders whats it like to be free? This could be Russell implying education gives freedom, but as we find out later in the play Frank, due to being educated, has become metaphorically trapped. His window hasnt been opened for generations and he wont be able to get out of his door. Rita says her student friends are not trapped theyre too young for that suggesting Frank has become old and trapped within himself. Russell may be trying to say education can trap people and really educated people, like Frank, know absolutely nothing. Franks attitude to education is quite the opposite of Ritas, which is the contrast Russell wanted to convey. Frank sees Rita as a breath of fresh air and by education doesnt want her to lose her uniqueness which he values in her. This is Russell suggesting educated people are all the same and are not to have a view. One of Franks key quotes is Youll have a much better understanding of something if you discover it in your own terms. The reader could interpret this quote in several different ways and I believe its Frank giving Rita advice, not only on education, but also on life itself. Here, Russell could be saying that if uneducated people want to learn they should help themselves like Rita does, and come to their own conclusions. Another one of Franks key quotes is I know nothing which he says to Rita. This is probably Russell suggesting the more you know, the less you really know. This is backed up by some of the most intelligent people turning insane as they realise how insignificant their intelligence is. This is a very deep comment from Russell. Frank is not a stereotypical lecturer; he is pissed at lectures, always on the stuff, unhappy and only lectures as he needs the money. He is not enthusiastic and sees education as so very little. Here, Russell exposes an issue of education today. This is something he wants to be addressed. A point that Russell makes very obvious is the fact that most if not all uneducated people are in the working class, in situations they dont like. Denny gets himself out of the fact he cant have a baby with Rita by moving on and having a baby with his new fianci. Rita chose education instead of staying with Denny and is building a better life for herself. She had a choice and took it, and this shows that Russell thinks education can be good when you use it to your advantage and make it work for you. This is something Frank has not done. Frank has taken his education for granted and has wasted opportunities and this could well be another view from Russell to people in the educating process to take opportunities and not waste them. This shows Willy Russells attitudes to education are mixed and are not all bad. Educating Ritas comedy is mostly shown in the difference in background and language of Rita and Frank. Frank asks her You are? and Rita replies, What am I? This shows her naivety and may be Russell saying uneducated people arent accustomed to formal situations and language. This is also shown when Rita leaves a note saying, sorry couldnt come when she was invited to Franks dinner. It shows the difference between their cultures and classes in which education plays a large part. We see Rita change considerably throughout the play as she becomes educated. Her language changes, along with her image, personality and attitude. She respects herself, has choices and so feels she has become a better person. Frank also changes, he ends up having to move to Australia and realises his problems and mistakes. He is also changing for the better. It is argued whether the play should be called Educating Frank as Rita teaches Frank what she knows and Frank teaches Rita.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
List of 8th Grade Math Concepts
List of 8th Grade Math Concepts At the eighth grade level, there are certain math concepts that your students should attain by the end of the school year. A lot of the math concepts from eighth grade are similar to seventh grade. At the middle school level, it is usual for students to have a comprehensive review of all math skills. Mastery of the concepts from the previous grade levels is expected. Numbers No real new numbers concepts are introduced, but students should be comfortable calculating factors, multiples, integer amounts, and square roots for numbers. At the end of eighth grade, a student should be able to apply these number concepts in problem-solving. Measurements Your students should be able to use measurement terms appropriately and should be able to measure a variety of items at home and at school. Students should be able to solve more complex problems with measurement estimations and problems using a variety of formulas. At this point, your students should be able to estimate and calculate areas for trapezoids, parallelograms, triangles, prisms, and circles using the correct formulas. Similarly, students should be able to estimate and calculate volumes for prisms and should be able to sketch prisms based on volumes given. Geometry Students should be able to hypothesize, sketch, identify, sort, classify, construct, measure, and apply a variety of geometric shapes and figures and problems. Given dimensions, your students should be able to sketch and construct a variety of shapes. You students should be able to create and solve a variety of geometric problems. And, students should be able to analyze and identify shapes that have been rotated, reflected, translated, and describe those that are congruent. In addition, your students should be able to determine if shapes or figures will tile a plane (tessellate), and should be able to analyze tiling patterns. Algebra and Patterning In eighth grade, students will analyze and justify the explanations for patterns and their rules at a more complex level. Your students should be able to write algebraic equations and write statements to understand simple formulas. Students should be able to evaluate a variety of simple linear algebraic expressions at a beginning level by using one variable. Your students should confidently solve and simplify algebraic equations with four operations. And, they should feel comfortable substituting natural numbers for variables when solving algebraic equations. Probability Probability measures the likelihood that an event will occur. It used it in everyday decision making in science, medicine, business, economics, sports, and engineering. Your students should be able to design surveys, collect and organize more complex data, and identify and explain patterns and trends in data. Students should be able to construct a variety of graphs and label them appropriately and state the difference between selecting one graph over another. Students should be able to describe collected data in terms of mean, median, and the mode and be able to analyze any bias. The goal is for students to make more accurate predictions and understand the importance of statistics on decision making and in real-life scenarios. Students should be able to make inferences, predictions, and evaluations based on interpretations of data collection results. Likewise, your students should be able to apply the rules of probability to games of chance and sports. Other Grade Levels Pre-K Kdg. Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr.11 Gr. 12
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Personal Statement - Essay Example My zeal to explore events that occurred throughout history has facilitated my learning curve. As a sophomore student, I plan to transfer to a university next fall. My goal is to obtain a position in corporate American post graduation in which I can implement the analytical, critical and social skills I have acquired. The main purpose of this club is to assist people in developing their keen interest in law enforcement and create channels that can enable them to have a fulfilling role in their respective fields. Commerce is one those fields that truly gives a person an enriching experience in their life. Working at a local restaurant enables me to micro manage employees, which is truly a wonderful opportunity for me to gain valuable experience. I firmly belief that my academic education along with engagement at a local restaurant is critical towards my pursuit to obtain my education that not only will harness my growth in professional development, but will enable me to gain a better sense of the commerce that govern society. As a dedicated student, my work ethics along with my superb leadership skills have become the catalyst for my academic success. Although I don’t possess a degree yet, I look forward to fresh set of challenges that I will have to overcome not only as a student, but as a young adult ready to explore the essence of real world.
Friday, October 18, 2019
A DIFFICULT CHOICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A DIFFICULT CHOICE - Essay Example Chances of avalanches are real! It is not possible for anyone to survive in this condition of blinding blizzard, in the tent for 10-15 days at a stretch. Even the return journey is going to be perilous! We venture to give this advice to you from our fifteen years’ experience with the moods of the Himalayas. The weather may worsen further or everything may be perfect by tomorrow. That is the unpredictability about the Himalayas.†At our insistence they agreed to stay in this camp for another two days. If the weather is fine by tomorrow, we shall make a trial ascent in the morning and return to the camp by evening. That will give us confidence for the final assault and to acclimatize our bodies to high altitude conditions. My dear friend, you know the challenge of Mount Everest has been my daring dream. My birth at Colorado has something to do with it. But let me tell you, mountaineering at Colorado, are kindergarten stuff as compared to the challenge of the Himalayas. From a distance, Everest looks a graceful and gentle mountain. In the climber’s life its conquest is the ultimate achievement. I came here in pursuit of that ambition, and my girl-friend Sandia, had reservations about the timings of my adventure. â€Å"Attempt it two-three years after our marriage,†she often pleaded. â€Å"No, you will marry the Everest hero, not an ordinary mountaineer,†I retorted. Right now we are in a brutally exposing situation. In all probability, we are up to a do or die situation. In any case, we two will not give up without making a final attempt on the summit, when the blizzard stops and the weather turns favorable. Frankly, I have no moral courage to address this letter to Sandia directl y. She is tender-hearted and would be unable to bear the shock of my being stuck up in the snowy heights of the Himalayas. When you get this letter, meet her, do pep talks to bolster up her spirits and then show her the letter. With
Information Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Information Management - Essay Example This report will examine how senior managers can improve information management within an organization. Information management is an umbrella term, which encompasses people, process, technology and content. Improving information management is driven by the need to improve upon the business processes. Because it encompasses all the systems and processes within an organization, it is essential that managers at all levels communicate effectively. With the growth of the electronic media, the problem of managing information has compounded. There are a large number of information systems today, which lack co-ordination or integration. Information that flows into a company is quite often out-dated, lacks in quality and consistency. The senior management normally does not offer support in managing this information. Added to these are internal politics, changing corporate policies and strategies, and diverse business needs. Investment in information management has also been lacking, as no tangible benefits are visible as in other business processes. People: A strong leadership can help create an effective information management strategy (Robertson, 2005). A clear vision about the outcomes expected from the system is necessary to formulate the right strategy. They must be able to identify and prioritize the business requirements. Senior managers are responsible to ensure that managers at all levels have a clear understanding of the project, its implementation, and the benefits. Technology alone would not suffice unless it is backed by the right managers to implement it. Staff may need to be trained in the application of the information system. The managers also need to recognize the need to invest in developing and maintaining an effective information management system. Technology: Selecting the right technology itself is the first and most important task. No single application of project can resolve all the problems connected
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Geomorphology Lab 3 Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Geomorphology 3 - Lab Report Example Further, a model for predicting age can be succinctly tested based on weathering degree. The class split into three groups and recorded the varying degrees of weathering for different tombstones at the Murray Cemetry. The characteristics of the 20 tombstones were recorded by each group. The characteristics recorded for each tombstone include height, width, length, name, thickness at bottom and thickness at top, texture, lithology, tilt and visual weathering class. The data obtained were entered into an excel spreadsheet as shown in the result section. As shown in the above the graph, with the help of a best fit line, there is a general trend observed between weathering class and age. A positive gradient indicates that there is a positive relationship between the two and as the age increases so does the weathering class of tombstone increases. As shown in the graph, there is a general trend between weathering class and height of the tombstone. The equation gives a positive gradient, showing that as the height increases there is a positive effect on the weathering class. The weathering class increases with increase in height. A line of best fit, as shown in the graph, indicates that there is a considerable relationship between weathering class and length. The graph shows that an increase observed in length leads to an increase in weathering class. The positive gradient shows that there is a positive relationship between the two. The results obtained were able to support the initially listed hypotheses. For age, there was observed consistency in its relationship with weathering class as shown in the graph. Hence, from the methodology used, the hypothesis â€Å"The degree of tombstone weathering is related to tombstone age†is sufficiently supported because there was observed consistency with a positive gradient. The results supported hypothesis two which stated that â€Å"The degree of tombstone weathering relies on the height of the tombstone†given
Law - Community Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Law - Community Policing - Essay Example Police policies and procedures provide the guideline for daily working. It assists in decision making of the Police department. Courts and public look to policies and procedures to see whether the actions of any officer are according to policies or not. So, during the making of policies it is taken in to consideration whether or not the policy is meeting the community requirement. Antisocial Behavior Policy Antisocial behavior causes misery to people who want to live with peace in the society. It includes serious violence and harassment. It is difficult to define anti social behavior precisely. The absence of any definition of antisocial behavior creates problem for the Police to tackle it because its power is unclear and solutions may be restricted to other agencies. According to Section 1 (1) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, Antisocial Behavior is acting in antisocial way that causes harassment, distress, alarm or nuisance to anyone. The anti social behavior includes: Nuisance n eighbors Racist behavior Using or threatening violence Playing music too loud The misuse of fireworks Begging and antisocial drinking People dumping rubbish, fly tipping and abandoning cars People dealing and buying drugs on the street or alcohol abuse Rowdy and nuisance behavior Antisocial behavior policy and procedure of Merseyside Police I am discussing here the antisocial behavior police policy of Merseyside Police. Merseyside is a metropolitan county in North West England. Policy Statement The key priority of Merseyside Police is to tackle with any anti social behavior. We understand the effect of antisocial behavior on communities and individuals and we have researched different resources to deal with it. Merseyside has still higher level of antisocial behavior. So it becomes our priority to tackle with this serious issue and employ all possible resources to deal with this issue. To reduce this percentage, we will make short term, as well as long term, goals. Our objective is to provide the victim with support and security. Aims The aim of formulating this policy is to reduce and in long term eliminate anti social behaviors. The aim is also to identify the repeat victims and ensure that every safety measures must be used to support them. The policy is provided with procedures so that the application of policy becomes easier and there is a path to follow. Objective The objectives of this Policy is to Decrease the number of anti social behavior incidents Introduction of the system of analyze the victims’ condition Increase the satisfaction of community Create a system for the cooperation of different agencies Follow national guidelines Identify the groups who are engaged in anti social behaviors Application and Scope All police officers, staff and volunteers must know and follow the policies and procedures. Assistant Chief Constable is the Chief Officer and he is responsible for the operations. Outcome Evaluation Outcomes are the goals set or object ives and they should be checked on regular basis. The measurement of the results by the application of policy will be done by the Head of Area support and coordination Unit. Procedure The procedure of the Merseyside Police
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Geomorphology Lab 3 Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Geomorphology 3 - Lab Report Example Further, a model for predicting age can be succinctly tested based on weathering degree. The class split into three groups and recorded the varying degrees of weathering for different tombstones at the Murray Cemetry. The characteristics of the 20 tombstones were recorded by each group. The characteristics recorded for each tombstone include height, width, length, name, thickness at bottom and thickness at top, texture, lithology, tilt and visual weathering class. The data obtained were entered into an excel spreadsheet as shown in the result section. As shown in the above the graph, with the help of a best fit line, there is a general trend observed between weathering class and age. A positive gradient indicates that there is a positive relationship between the two and as the age increases so does the weathering class of tombstone increases. As shown in the graph, there is a general trend between weathering class and height of the tombstone. The equation gives a positive gradient, showing that as the height increases there is a positive effect on the weathering class. The weathering class increases with increase in height. A line of best fit, as shown in the graph, indicates that there is a considerable relationship between weathering class and length. The graph shows that an increase observed in length leads to an increase in weathering class. The positive gradient shows that there is a positive relationship between the two. The results obtained were able to support the initially listed hypotheses. For age, there was observed consistency in its relationship with weathering class as shown in the graph. Hence, from the methodology used, the hypothesis â€Å"The degree of tombstone weathering is related to tombstone age†is sufficiently supported because there was observed consistency with a positive gradient. The results supported hypothesis two which stated that â€Å"The degree of tombstone weathering relies on the height of the tombstone†given
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Public international law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Public international law - Essay Example Whether it is the war that used to be fought between the kings during the ancient ages with traditional weapons or the current warfare involving modern armaments, peace is nothing more than a maxim or a dictum. In the modern age, war has surpassed the strain of physical battle and political issues and conflicts are constantly revealed by different nations across the world. To take care of such conflicting situations, various national, international and regional organisations have been set up by various nations across the world. One of the most prominent organisations in this arena is the United Nations Security Council. Overview of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) The UNSC or United Nations Security Council is a body of the United Nations, which is responsible for restoration of peace across the globe and set up about 65 years ago amidst violence and extreme human suffering (UN Security Council – Profile, 2013). A world that was already shattered and badly ravaged by the World War II and recovering from its impact strongly aspired for global peace, found it as the greatest opportunity to eliminate the bane of armed conflict with the formation of UNSC. The Security Council comprises of five member states including China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States that represents the Council permanently. Alongside, these member states, the existence of non-member states intends to establish stability across different regions of globe. Accordingly, there are two non-members from Africa and Asia, two Latin African members, one and two members from East and West Europe respectively. These non-members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years (Edward C. Luck, 2006, P. 3-5) The United Nations Security Council is one of the six key organs of the United Nations and is responsible for the maintenance of global peace and security. It has the power to issue mandatory resolutions to member states regarding the launc h of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international permissions and the authorization of military action through its resolutions. After World War II, the Security Council was founded to address the shortcomings of the League of Nations in preserving world peace. In its early years, activities of the UNSC were largely constrained by the Cold War between the US and USSR. With the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the peacekeeping work by UN increased vividly, and the Security Council approved major military and peacekeeping missions in Kuwait, Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and Congo with wavering amounts of success. (Shaw, 2008) Composition of the UNSC The Security Council presently consists of fifteen members, of which five are permanent and ten are non-permanent. The great powers that were the winners of World War II, namely China, France, Russia, the UK and the US, function as the five permanent members of the UNSC. These permanent members can exercise veto power regarding any basic Security Council resolutions, comprising those on the admission of new member states or nomination of candidates for the position of Secretary-General. The Council also has ten non-permanent members, chosen on a regional basis to work for a term of two years. The resolutions passed by the Security Coun
Monday, October 14, 2019
The church of England national society Essay Example for Free
The church of England national society Essay In 1800 there were only a very small number of women who were literate, this was a large number of women who could neither read, nor write, this was the way that the men of the time wanted it to be. This was because women were not seen to need these skills, they should stay in the home and perform their duties as a mother. By 1900 a large number of women were literate. This change was largely due to universal elementary education. The biggest early provider of this education were factories and workhouses, the education went hand-in-hand with these places as many women children were working at them at this time. Also, the poor law began in 1834, unemployed people could go to work houses where they would be given jobs to do. These jobs were often meaningless tasks such as bone breaking to try and encourage people to get out and get a job. Naturally the conditions at these places were horrible. This was to make sure that you would not go there by choice and sponge off the state. The poor law also made the work houses legally bound to give half time education to all its child workers. These schools taught the three Rs, reading, writing and arithmetic. The education was poor but it was equal for both genders. Workhouse schools were often a lot worse than in the factories, both sexes were taught to read but girls were often taught more domestic jobs such as sewing and cooking rather than academic subjects that they would not need in the home In 1870 the education act was passed to educate all. The church wanted people to read the bible and so the Church of England National Society for Education was set up. The majority of working class children went to these schools at some point, the Sunday schools offered similar education to factory schools and religious groups financed them. Some people believe that this was just a social control to convince the working classes to accept their position in life. Although this was one of the only educational opportunities for girls many parents kept them at home. Girls and boys were also seated separately. During the 1830s the middle class values began to be incorporated and girls were taught how to cook and clean. Inspectors even suggested that arithmetic might help with shopping bills. Dame schools were also set up. These were run by women for a small fee, the teachers were part-time and mainly female. They were seen as better then the factory run schools because they had a better atmosphere. The quality of the education varied as many taught gender-specific skills such as needlework to girls only. The 1870 education act had many benefits such as schools built in poorer areas and Local Education Authorities replacing school boards in 1902 paving the way for secondary education. However, there were fears over moral decline and this led to attempts to reinforce family values, in 1878 domestic science was made compulsory in Board Schools. These emphases on domesticity meant that many girls did worse in subjects like arithmetic that were given a lower priority. Girls were not discriminated against in education, but the education of boys was seen as more important. During 1833 the government gave away money to existing schools to help them educate the children. Working class men were given the vote in 1867, this gave hope and a greater prospect to the working classes. Then in 1870 the plan was to, fill in the gaps this was because some people were not being educated. In order to educate them Board schools were set up in areas with low prevision. The need for education was spreading due to the power of the church and social control, if the children are educated at a young age then they will not turn against the government later on in life. Political and economic growths are also reasons for this want of education. By 1880 education was compulsory in Britain for all girls and boys. In 1890 the monitorial system came into play, this was a pupil to teacher system where children with good prospects as teachers would stay on at the school and become monitors, and eventually they would also become teachers themselves. In 1864 Kay-Shuttleworth set up a scheme where grants were given to best equipped elementary schools to train teachers, however, this system was criticized for lack of intellectual rigor and was ended in 1902. In 1842 the first womens college was founded at Whitelands but used trainee students as domestic helps. For the working classes the amount of change was not substantial, although the education act meant that a lot of women were suddenly able to read and write, however it stopped there. The focus at this time was on universal education of all, but this education was gender specific, as the academic education of boys seemed to take priority. This does not mean to say that this did not aid womens emancipation, as the skills acquired would be very useful in the suffragette years to come. This is also an example of continuity, the change for this group was not large as I mentioned above and there was not a great deal to come for the working classes for quite some time. Education of the middle and upper classes consisted of most girls being taught at home by parents or a home tutor if you could afford one. Thus this education varied and was usually directed at the domestic side of life such as child upbringing, cooking and cleaning. The aim of home tutoring was primarily to help women find a husband. The argument used against education at this time was that it was cause an upset in social order with women competing for professional jobs. That the relationship between the sexes would break down and social values lost. This is view is obviously incorrect but the men at the time were afraid of this new kind of educated women. In the mid 19th Century new schools were established, they were run by trustees on a professional basis to educate middle class girls, e. g. The North London Collegiate school founded by Frances Mary Buss. However, girls were still expected to behave in a ladylike manner and only the minority attended with 70 % still at the old private schools. These schools were highly exclusive, with high fees and only the daughters of independent gentlemen and professionals were allowed. For this group of women the change was almost the opposite of the working classes.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Environmental impact of tourism in Romania
Environmental impact of tourism in Romania The Environmental Impact of Tourism in Romania Introduction In this essay the main attention will be focussed on the impact of tourism upon the environment in Romania, so the positive and the negative aspects of tourism will be brought in discussion. In Romania the environment is a factor influencing tourism demand. Given that the demand for products of interest is partly determined by its quality, the environment can have a positive or negative impact on tourism. Tourism-environment relationship is particularly important, protection and conservation of the environment being the primary condition for progress and development of tourism. This link is complex; it is manifested in both directions. The environment is defined as the quality of life of people living and natural environments suitable habitats for animals and plants. The impact of tourism on the environment The positive impact Tourism is one of the most important industries and has developed continuously. Romania is visited by more people which are interested in exploring new destinations and cultures as distant. Thus, areas having special natural resources attract more visitors, especially if they offer the opportunity to know the customs and traditions of other cultures. When tourism and environment coexist in harmony, environment benefits from tourism. There are many examples of this kind, most falling into one of two types: conservation and environmental rehabilitation. Preservation means keeping informed choice and use of the natural and anthropogenic. Conservation and tourism often go hand in hand. In Romania many historical and archaeological monuments have been saved from destruction because of tourist interest to them. In Romania parks and nature reserves managed to protect many species that would otherwise have been destroyed by uncontrolled hunting. Tourism not only provides a reason to preserve the environment from man, but also provides money for conservation: a share of the income from tourism can be used to preserve the environment. In this tourist from all over the world are involved in different touristic programs like hiking the trails of medium and high difficulty , visiting historical monuments and palaeontology, easy routes to points of Belvedere, and Keys resort to Rà ¢usor Buti, trails for ski touring, climbing routes, programs for the study / observation of flora, bird watching and observation traces animals. Conservation implies preservation of the environment in a form as close to the original, rehabilitation involves a major change in the use environment. Many buildings and tourist areas have been saved by being restored as tourist attractions or tourist accommodation.  Many buildings and tourist areas have been saved by being restored as tourist attractions or tourist accommodation. Many factories in Romania began a new life as museums, industrial areas were converted into places of festivals, a variety of impressive castles and houses that were in decay became accommodation for tourists. Such examples show how the environment can benefit from tourism, saving what would otherwise be lost entirely. The most important natural reserve from Romania, natural monument, internationally recognized as a Biosphere Reserve is Retezat National Park. The park contains many touristic attractions such as over 80 lakes, 20 peaks over 2000m, the most extensive and deepest glacial lake in Romania, more than 54 habitats of rare or vulnerable plants and animals, glacial relief in the north and caustic terrain in the south. In this reservation tourist from all over the world are involved in different touristic programs like hiking the trails of medium and high difficulty , visiting historical and paleontological monuments, light trails to points of Belvedere, ski at Rà ¢usor and Cheile Butii, climbing routes, programs for the study and observation of flora, bird watching and observation animal trails. Another international known touristic attraction from Romania is the Danube delta. Tourists from all over the world choose the Danube delta as their holyday destination because of its unique landscapes and habitats. This has a good impact upon the natural reservation, because foreign tourists help raising the money for modernising and maintaining the many and diverse natural habitats in the delta. The negative impact Tourism is a consumer of space and tourist resources, participating default degradation and environmental pollution and tourism potential. This degradation is carried out either by direct pressure of tourists on the landscape, flora and fauna and other tourist attractions on which tourism can partially or totally damaged or recovery by the misconception of some areas, points and tourist attractions. Human pressure on the natural environment increases day by day, people moving more often and longer distances on the past. Leisure offers greater opportunity in the exploitation and conquest of the natural environment, most free time is spent outside the city, in nature. Periodic output of the city to green areas in the form of tours, a weekend or holiday sites has become a social custom with negative environmental effects. Many of the environmental damage caused by tourism are caused by the large number of visitors arriving at destinations whose optimal reception capacity has been exce eded.   Environment rarely escape harm when the number of tourists is very high. Air and water quality and diversity of flora and fauna are inevitably affected in some way, and landscapes, cities and monuments. Movement of uncontrolled tourist sightseeing done in natural or anthropogenic causes of often irreversible destruction of some of the items they have devoted to tourist attractions (the destruction of vegetation and flora, breaking trees and especially juveniles, poaching, degradation of the landscape). Pollution is increasing and because of the nature of automobile tourism whose deleterious effect is alteration of air quality, destruction of grasslands, trees and flora, etc Another way of environmental degradation is the purpose of investment unscientific and irrational nature tourism, investments take the form of: over-dimensioning stations in terms of reception and treatment capacity, failure of general principles of natural resource exploitation. An example showing the mutual relationship between tourism and environmental complex in general, and the negative impact that it manifests on each other, in particular, is the disappearance of the last 20 years to 14 huts in the Romanian Carpathians, the loss due to fire. Such damage is due to negligence of tourists. Conclusions Through this essay it has been showen that tourism has much more negative impacts on the environment of Romania than positive ones and that they are often closely related to the economical aspect of tourism. In conclusion Romania is a country enjoying a natural setting with great potential and infrastructure often enough natural tourism, travel form, in this view, is less demanding . After research, results that Romania does not benefit by much more positive aspects, since many components of the environment have been destroyed by tourists, rather than preserved. As Romania has much to do about environmental preservation. References: Cooper et al, C., (1998) Tourism Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Cooper et al, C., (2005) Tourism Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition. Harlow (Essex): Pearson Education Limited
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Realism in Patricia MacLachlan’s Sarah, Plain and Tall :: Sarah Plain Tall
Realism in Patricia MacLachlan’s Sarah, Plain and Tall A book that has a clear understanding of what is â€Å"real†is often thought to be a quality book. Although what is thought to be â€Å"real†is different for everyone, for me it is how easily I am able to relate to the characters in the book. If I can sympathize and understand what they are going through on an emotional level and can put myself in their shoes, I am more apt to enjoy the story. Narrative style and structure play a very important role here; because it is through these that we get a sense of what type of realism is being portrayed. For example, in Sarah, Plain and Tall, the realism displayed is emotional realism. In Patricia MacLachlan’s Sarah, Plain and Tall the narrative style is apparent. We know that it is the character Anna whose point of view this story is from. It is essential that it is told from her point of view, because the arrival of Sarah will ultimately affect her the most. We get a sense of the pain that she has undergone, as well as the over-whelming sense of love and pride she has for her family. As Anna explains, â€Å"†¦I didn’t tell him what I really thought. He was homely and plain, and he had a terrible holler and a horrid smell. But these were not the worst of him. Mama died the next morning. That was the worst thing about Caleb†(MacLachlan 4). It also reveals to us the tremendous amount of responsibility that is resting on her young shoulders. In addition to the point of view, in what realm it was written is also important. Is it written as a fantasy, as a truth, or as a fable? Sarah, Plain and Tall was written as realism, meaning it has a feeling that it actually happened. Although we aren't directly told when and where this story takes place, we get at good sense of it by the descriptions of their everyday life. It is these descriptions that give the book its sense of realism. For example, in chapter seven Caleb describes plowing to Sarah: Papa needs five horses for the big gang plow,’ Caleb told Sarah. ‘Prairie grass is hard’†(MacLachlan 39). Despite the lack of an in-depth depiction, we still gain a feeling of what kind of life these characters led, as well as in what time period the story takes place.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Case Study: the Coca-Cola Company Struggles with Ethical Crises
The Coca-Cola Company Struggles with Ethical Crises Coca Cola has been a leading competitor in the beverage industry and has the world’s top leading soft drinks, including Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. It also sells other brands such as Powerade, Minute Maid and Dansani. Coca Cola has the largest distribution system in the world. This company has demonstrated a strong market orientation, making strategic decisions and taking actions to attract, satisfy and retain customers. With changes in top management over the life of this company, Coca Cola leadership seemed to lack the ability to handle a series of ethical crises.Coca Cola’s ethical and legal problems have caused its stock to remain at the same price for the last ten years. The company has had issues with a contamination scare with consumers becoming ill after the consumption of the product in different countries. There has been issues internally with discrimination suits against the company by the African Ame rican employees, market research has been contaminated, sabotage within the company, and attempts to inflate earnings; all of which negatively affected the company. . Coca Cola has had one ethical issue after another over at least the last ten years. Investors, employees, customers, interest groups, the legal system, and the community often determine whether a specific action is right or wrong or ethical or unethical. With each of these determinants, they are the foundation of a strong ethical business. The ethical issues with Coca Cola are a result of inconsistent leadership.Coca Cola leaders did not execute strong ethical habits which resulted in a long chain of unethical practices. 2. Based on Enron’s downfall, I don’t think that Coca-Cola will have the same outcome. Enron’s downfall was a result from top management hoarding money for their personal gain. I feel with those unethical acts performed by Enron for strictly for the personal gain of the individuals involved. Coca-Cola’s issues appeared to be the direct reflection of poor management and ethical skills, specifically top management. . Coca-Cola should start with the top management and re-evaluate the ethical foundation. First, the company needs to understand the individual factors, organizational factors, ethical intensity and opportunity to determine the intentions and evaluations of the business. The leadership influences the ethical decisions performed by the business as a whole. Also Coca Cola needs to address and resolve any lingering ethical dilemmas going forward and work to continuously build a strong ethical foundation.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Economics and External Audit
As mentioned in the case study above, Kellogg is going through a challenging time. Perform an external audit on Kellogg. Discuss the opportunities and threats facing the company. Answer Perform an external audit on Kellogg, will gain the team with better understanding of the firm industry, competitors and markets. It should involve as many managers and employees as possible. Before perform the audit, Kellogg must try to gather as much as possible on competitive intelligence and information about the products range, scale of economic, social, cultural, local political situation, legal, and technological trends.External audit staffs or manager should get strategic information update periodically by various sources such as such as internet, business magazine, and trade journals from stock exchange markets, newspaper, university and corporate publication. Suppliers, distributors, customers, salespersons and competitors represent also good references information. Once Kellogg collected al l these information, a detail study and evaluation should immediate carry out by involving a group of key staffs and management to identify the key threads and opportunities may occurs.Every key factor should list down and put with priority with rank from 1 for most important to 20 with least important. This ranking should conduct for both threat and opportunity. These external key factors may change from time to time which very much depending on the situation. Relationships with supplier or distributors are often a critical success factor. Other important variables use are include market share value, world economic environment, and technology, price competitiveness, load interest rate, competing of same range of products and sales force advantage and so on.Key external factors should be (a) Important for Kellogg to achieving annual and long-term objectives (b) applicable to all competing organization or company (c) quantitative and must be measureable (d) hierarchical which mean it may able apply across the organization but some are only for certain department only. The finalize list must publish and well explain among the organization in order to maximize the result when execute the action items. The key impact on external factors should include both threats and opportunities. Opportunities and Threats facing by the company:The external opportunities and threats facing by Kellogg may refer to social, economic, government, political, legal, demographic, environmental, technological, and competitive trends and events that impact the future of Kellogg. Opportunities and threats are usually difficult to control by an organization. A few opportunities and threads that face are listed here: ?Cash flow and company capital may impact or affected by the credit term or bad debt by their customer or cash spend on the acquisition. ?Price competition will largely impact organization profits margin since organization may offer price discount to maintain the market share. Change of consumer expectation on the products. It can be technology advancement, green product, simples operation with more users friendly and so on. ?Security of information technology will be a major concern since it may be hack by hacker with more and more transactions go on-line. ?With the increase of labor cost and processing cost, this will direct impact the commodity food prices and eventually these cost will factor in into the selling price. ?Political uncertainty in Africa and Middle East causing oil prices raise which may direct impact to the manufacturing and logistic cost. Both European and United State having high underemployment and unemployment rates will direct impact the spending power. Both European and United State encounter slow in economic growth. ?Short product life cycles is become a trend and organization much continuous to invent on new products by spending huge amount of capital on research and development to fulfill market need. ?Uncertain on global weath er with winters are colder and summers hotter than usual which impact the growth of agriculture’s products. This factor will impact to the supply demand which will directly impact to the raw material price.
Culture diversity Essay
Increasingly today, people come into regular contact with individuals from different cultures and it’s important to learn to talk with people who may not share a common language, background, and/or worldview. Each of us participates in at least one culture, and most of us are products of several cultures Being aware of our own culture and background is really important as it helps us understand how we are shaped by what we have experienced. Even within cultures, we all have different attitudes and beliefs based on our experiences and this will impact on the way we relate to people both professionally and in our personal life. Learning to value diversity, to become conscious of our ways of relating to each other and their ways of relating to us, does not come easily to most of us nor is it something that can be imposed from the outside. In Valuing Relationship (1995), Lewis Brown Griggs sums the interrelationship of knowing ourselves and building relationship with others as follows: â€Å"Knowing myself is what allows me to know, understand, and value the diversity of others so that I can build trust with them. With more trust comes the ability to communicate more clearly, to problem solve and network more effectively, and to realize the value of synergistic relationships and productive interdependency. Together, investing in my relationship with myself and enhancing my relationship with others are important insurance policies against lost opportunities.†(page 210) Griggs, L. B. (1995). Valuing Relationship: The Heart of Valuing Diversity. In L. B. Griggs & L. L. Louw (Eds.), Valuing Diversity: New Tools for a New Reality. McGraw Hill, Inc: New York.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
PARAPHRASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
PARAPHRASE - Essay Example They do not use command-and-control model and they ensure the transmission of the company’s culture. Nucor also has an unusual pay system that shares corporate wealth with workers (profits and bonuses). Workers’ and managers’ take-home greatly depends on results and pay disparities are modest with executive pay geared toward team-building. There also exists a healthy competition in Nucor based on efficiency, safety and output among shifts and facilities, balanced with a long history of idea-sharing and cooperation. Just as Nucor rewards good work, it also penalizes bad work and this way, the company’s model has brought it numerous benefits including improved annual production of acquisitions and improved total shipments. With the company’s growth, its existing facilities whose products overlap with those of acquired plants may be forced to seek new businesses to branch into thereby making its workers innovate themselves into more lucrative spots out of tough ones. Apparently, Nucor is the leading and the most outstanding steel company in the U.S. Its model energizes workers and provides an example of exceptional strategic execution. It also ensures that both workers and managers demonstrate a level of fervor for the company that can border on the bizarre. For other companies, the model is therefore worth
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Formal justification report to an organization making a recommendation Research Proposal
Formal justification report to an organization making a recommendation for eco paper - Research Proposal Example The report proposes a greener approach to the building and construction sector to ensure that that as domestic and commercial built environment increases, there should be measures that have to be followed in ensuring that buildings are energy efficient, with a view of reducing the carbon load caused by both domestic and commercial usage in heating, air conditioning and cooling. Other resources such as water should also be utilized in the best way possible to ensure sustainability. Some buildings such as L60 building in Melbourne and Comcast Center in Philadelphia have elaborated the leadership in built environment impact of reducing global warming through being energy efficient. Such buildings serve as the best examples that the program should be tailored to emulate and policies put in place, to enforce new and old buildings to accord to these policies. This is due to the wide ranging benefits that is achieved though energy efficient designs on the long term. There is to put into per spectives some of the technologies successfully implement in other places to use to achieve the same benefits. Sustainable Architecture & Building 1.0 Introduction: Overview The current globalised world in industrialization has led to massive increase in environmental pollution. The environmental pollution and the release of green house gases to the atmosphere are two issues that have become a menace to the current order in life. There are many organizations and government initiatives that have been set up to find measures that would be used to reduce the environmental impact of greenhouse gases, and saving of other resources such as water that are becoming scarce after each day. These organization and government policies have come up with measures that are targeted to the general manufacturing sectors and service sectors. This leaves an important cause of pollution unaddressed; the domestic and commercial houses. The Department of Built Environment and Urbanization has a responsibi lity to put up measures that if implemented in the building sector would have environmental degradation through release of green house gases reduced significantly. This call for implementing measures and policies that would require all the modern houses and those under construction to ensure efficiency in energy utility in a bid to ensure sustainable development that is friendly to the environment. There is a need for architects, clients and engineers to cooperate in designing and constructing domestic and commercial buildings to ensure the reduction of carbon load that is mainly caused by overreliance on conventional energy sources in both commercial and domestic buildings. As the country relies heavily on coal and hydropower sources of energy, the carbon burden produced by these energy sources has been increasing daily as the domestic and commercial power demands soars to record levels. The Australian households use about 92% of conventional energy, with only 8% being tapped form renewable sources. This has led the domestic usage or households to contribute to about
Monday, October 7, 2019
Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Human resource - Essay Example I am idealistic and responsible and would rather spend my days doing volunteer work because I am dependable, a team player and an organizer. These characteristics will be effective once I achieve a leadership or managerial position because I can organize my employees and at the same time engage in corporate social responsibility that is good for the community and the image of the organization. I have high management skills which in line with my career success will come in handy My future career goal is to be a strategic Human Resource Manager and therefore the Strategic human resource management is the best human resource category to help me achieve my future goal and enable me to gain enough knowledge to facilitate my smooth initiation into this career. Strategic human resource management is a career that is aimed at enabling organizations prevents foreseeable internal problems that arise in the organization and deteriorate the status of the organization and even reduce productivity immensely. This is an area most organizations are yet to invest in because they usually assume there is a similarity between human resource management and strategic human resource management and hence neglect the strategic aspect of it (Kandula 6). In order therefore to ensure that I achieve my goal and be of help in future to an organization, I need to endeavor in my studies and concentrate on the human resource activity about strategic human resource management as it will not only provide mw with the knowledge but also act as a guide that I will use when working in future. Career success means different things to different people and hence has no definite definition. According to me, career success is much deeper than achieving highly in my education (like having a doctorate) or personal success for that matter. Career success is having a positive impact on the people you have been serving (whether they
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