Monday, September 30, 2019
H2 Chemistry Practice
SERANGOON JUNIOR COLLEGE General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Higher 2 CHEMISTRY JC2 Preliminary Examination Paper 1 Multiple Choice Additional Materials: Data Booklet Optical Mark Sheet (OMS) 9647/01 23 August 2011 1 hour READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST On the separate multiple choice OMS given, write your name, FIN/NRIC and class in the spaces provided. Shade correctly your class and FIN/NRIC number. Eg. If your NRIC is S9306660Z, shade S9306660Z for the item â€Å"index number†. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice using a soft pencil on the separate OMS. Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. You are advised to fill in the OMS as you go along; no additional time will be given for the transfer of answers once the examination has ended. Any rough working should be done in this question paper. This document consists of 20 printed pages and no blank page. 2 Section A For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider to be correct. 1 A student added 10 cm3 of 0. mol dm? 3 KI (aq) to 10 cm3 of 0. 2 mol dm? 3 CuSO4 (aq) in a beaker and observed that a white precipitate in brown solution was obtained. She knew that if she were to add S2O32? (aq) to the mixture, the brown solution will be decolourised. Calculate the volume of 0. 04 mol dm? 3 S2O32? (aq) she should add to the mixture in the beaker in order to completely decolourise the brown solution. A B C D 2 12. 5 cm3 15. 0 cm3 16. 7 cm3 25. 0 cm3 Which of the following contains the greatest amount (in mol) of particles? A B C D 600 g of I2 (s) 50 cm3 of H2O (l) 50 dm3 of HCl (g) at s. t. p. 50 cm3 of 2. 5 mol dm–3 CH3COOH (aq) 3 An element, E can form a simple ion, E2+. Which of the following is the electronic configuration of an atom of E? A B C D 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s2 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 3 4 In 1996, Professor Hoffman and a group of scientists discovered a new element known as Ununbium, Uub. An atom of Uub can be formed by the fusion of a lead nucleus with the nucleus of an isotope of element G as follows: 208 82Pb + G 277 112Uub + 1 neutron What is G? A B C D Cu Zn Ga Ge 5 Which of the following graphs correctly describes the behaviour of a fixed mass of ideal gas? V/m3 constant P V/m3 constant P T/ oC 0 B V/m 3 T/ oC A V/m 3 constant P constant P 0 C T/ oC 0 D T/ oC SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 4 6 Which of the following consists of three compounds with different types of structure? A B C D BeO, SO2, BH3 BeCl2, Na2O, SiO2 AlF3, MgCl2, BN AlCl3, Cu2O, SiCl4 7 Ethyl ethanoate undergoes hydrolysis in water in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid catalyst. HCl CH3COOCH2CH3 + H2O CH3COOH + CH3CH2OH The rate of reaction was investigated by varying the concentrations of the ester and HCl. Experiment 1 2 3 [ethyl ethanoate] / mol dm-3 0. 10 0. 15 0. 10 [HCl] / mol dm-3 0. 20 0. 10 0. 10 Initial rate / mol dm-3 min-1 0. 096 0. 072 0. 048 Which of the following statements about the above reaction is correct? A B C D Half-life for experiment 1 is 0. 144 min. The rate equation of this reaction is rate = k[CH3COOCH2CH3][ H2O]. Tripling the concentration of both ethyl ethanoate and HCl increases the rate of reaction by a factor of 6 If the half life of ethyl ethanoate in experiment 1 is 5. 0 min, then the half life of ethyl ethanoate in experiment 3 will be 10. min. 8 When 2. 4 g of Na2CO3 was added to 50 cm3 of 1. 0 mol dm-3 aqueous hydrochloric acid, the temperature of the solution rose by 3. 2 oC What is the enthalpy change of neutralisation of this reaction? (Assume that 4. 20 J is required to raise the temperature of 1 cm3 of the solution by 1 K. ) A B C D ? 1. 34 x 104 J mol-1 ? 2. 97 x 104 J mol-1 ? 3. 11 x 104 J mol-1 ? 2. 56 x 106 J mol-1 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2 011 [Turn Over 5 9 The graph below shows how the percentage of products present at equilibrium varies with temperature and pressure. Percentage of products T + 20) oC T oC Pressure Which one of the following reactions could the graph represent? A B C D 2Fe (s) + C (s) + 3 O2 (g) 2 Fe2O3 (s) CO (g) H = ? 822 kJ mol? 1 H = ? 111 kJ mol? 1 H = +57 kJ mol? 1 H = +76 kJ mol? 1 1 O2 (g) 2 N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g) CO (g) + Cl2 (g) COCl2 (s) 10 Given that the Ksp of Mg(OH)2 is 1. 5 ? 10? 11 mol3 dm? 9 and the Kb of aqueous C2H5NH2 is 5. 6 ? 10? 4 mol dm? 3, what is the solubility of Mg(OH)2 in 1. 0 mol dm? 3 aqueous C2H5NH2? A B C D 1. 64 4. 78 2. 68 6. 34 x 10? 4 mol dm? 3 x 10? 5 mol dm? 3 x 10? 8 mol dm? 3 x 10? 10 mol dm? 3 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 Turn Over 6 11 An experiment is set up as shown below: The E cell of the cell was monitored as time progressed. When a change was made continuously to the set-up, the graph below was obtained. E cell /V Time / s What was the continuous change made? A B C D Add nickel (II) chloride to the nickel half cell Add NaCN to the iron half cell Add water to the nickel half-cell Increase the surface area of iron immersed in the solution. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 7 12 Aluminium alloys usually undergo a process known as anodisation to increase corrosion resistance and surface hardness. In this process, oxygen is formed and the gas reacts with the aluminium object to form a thick layer of aluminium oxide on the metal surface that protects the metal. A possible set up for this process is shown as below: Gases liberated Battery H2SO4 (aq) Aluminium object Graphite Which of the following statements about the anodisation of aluminium is true? A B C D Hydrogen gas and sulfur dioxide gas are liberated. Replacing the graphite electrode with copper will cause the reaction to cease. Anodisation is also possible when the aluminium object is connected to the negative terminal Water is oxidised at the anode to produce oxygen gas. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 8 13 Consecutive elements G, H and J are in Period 3 of the Periodic Table. The trend of their second ionisation energies and melting points are shown in the graphs below. 2nd I. E. Melting point G H J G H J What could be the identities of G, H and J? A B C D Na, Mg, Al Mg, Al, Si Si, P, S S, Cl, Ar 14 Which of the follow properties of beryllium and its compounds is incorrect? A B C D Beryllium does not react with water. Beryllium oxide undergoes neutralisation with both acids and bases. Beryllium chloride reacts with ammonia in a 1:2 ratio. Beryllium chloride is insoluble in water SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 9 15 When concentrated sulfuric acid was added to solid potassium chloride, white fumes of hydrogen chloride gas was observed. The same observation was made when concentrated sulfuric acid was added to solid potassium iodide, but significantly less white fumes was observed. Which of the following explains the lower yield of hydrogen iodide as compared to hydrogen chloride? A B C D Iodine is less reactive than chlorine. Iodine is a weaker base than chlorine. Hydrogen iodide is less volatile than hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen iodide is more easily oxdised than hydrogen chloride. 16 Which of the graphs below show the variation in the volume of carbon dioxide gas collected when 1 mol of strontium carbonate and 1 mol of calcium carbonate are heated strongly? Volume of gas / cm3 Volume of gas / cm3 Time / min Time / min A Volume of gas 3 / cm Volume of gas 3 / cm B Time / min Time / min C D SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 10 17 Astatine is below iodine in Group VII. Which of the following properties is consistent with its position in the Periodic Table? A B C D Silver astatide is soluble in dilute ammonia. Astatine is a liquid at room temperature and pressure. Astatine reacts with aqueous Fe (II) to form Fe (III). Hydrogen astatide decomposes at a lower temperature than hydrogen iodide. 18 Aqueous chlorine is added to aqueous sodium bromide and the mixture was shaken with an equal amount of trichloromethane. Given that the density of trichloromethane is 1. 48 g cm? 3, which one of the following observations can be seen? A Colourless Red-brown B Red-brown C Colourless D Colourless Red-brown 19 Below is a scheme of reaction showing the chemistry of some compounds of transition metals in aqueous solution. Excess AgNO3 (aq) Excess KCl (aq) Cu (s) Blue solution White precipitate What are the possible identities of the blue solution and the white precipitate? Blue solution CuNO3 CuNO3 Cu(NO3)2 Cu(NO3)2 White precipitate CuCl AgCl CuCl AgCl A B C D SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 11 20 Stigmasterol is an unsaturated plant sterol occurring in the plant fats of soybean and rape seed. How many stereoisomers does stigmasterol have? A B C D 29 210 211 212 21 In which of the following reactions is the reactive carbon sp3 hybridised in the reactant and sp2 hybridised in the product? Br2 in CCl4, in the dark A CH3CHCHCH3 CH3CHBrCHBrCH3 B CH3COCH3 LiAlH4 in dry ether, r. t. p. (CH3)2CHOH C CH3CH2OH Excess conc. H2SO4, 1700C CH2CH2 Cl Cl D CH3Cl / AlCl3 SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 12 22 Which one of the following processes is a propagation step in the chain reaction between CH2Cl2 and Cl2 when irradiated with light? A B C D 2 Cl Cl2 CH2Cl2 + Cl2 CCl3 + Cl2 CHCl3 + Cl CHCl3 + HCl CCl4 + Cl CCl4 + H 23 In the preparation of ethene, ethanol was added to a drop of heated reagent L. The impure ethene was washed by being bubbled through a solution of M before collection. What are the reagents L and M likely to be? Reagent L concentrated H2SO4 concentrated H2SO4 ethanolic NaOH dilute NaOH Reagent M ethanolic NaOH dilute NaOH concentrated H2SO4 concentrated H2SO4 A B C D 24 In the Wurtz reaction, two halogenoalkanes react with sodium metal to form a new carbon-carbon bond, resulting in the formation of a new alkane: R? X + R'? X + 2Na R? R' + 2NaX Which of the following does not show the correct product when the stated reactants are reacted together in a Wurtz reaction? A B CH3Br + C2H5I + 2Na CH3CH2CH3 + NaBr + NaI CH3 Br + + CH3 Br + 2Na + 2NaBr C Br CH 2Br + 2Na 2NaBr D Cl + Br 2Na + NaCl + NaBr SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 13 25 Which of the following shows the correct reagents and conditions to produce the desired product? H H C H NaBH4 H COOH (l) Na2CO3 (s) H C H H C H COO Na (l) + A H C H B O O (l) OH PCl 5 (aq) H3 3 CHC C Cl (l) C H3C CH3 C H H C H Cl ethanolic KOH, heat H H C H H C H OC2H5 D H C H 26 Compound Q was refluxed with a queous sodium hydroxide and the resulting mixture was then distilled. The distillate gave a positive tri-iodomethane test. The residue in the distillation flask, after acidification, gave a white precipitate. Which of these could be Q? A B C D CH3CH2COOCH2CH3 C6H5COOCH3 CH3CH2OCOC6H5 CH3CONHC6H5 27 Which of the following produces a compound with a chiral carbon centre on reaction with hydrogen cyanide? A B C D CH3CHO CH3CH2COCH2CH3 CH3CO2CH3 HCHO 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over SRJC 14 28 The Russian composer Borodin, was also a research chemist. He discovered a reaction in which two ethanal molecules combine to form a compound commonly known as an aldol (reaction I). The aldol formed can then produce another compound on heating (reaction II). reaction I reaction II CH3CHO CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO CH3CH=CHCHO + H2O Which of the following best describes reactions I and II? I A B C D II elimination reduction reduction elimination addition addition elimination substitution 29 Compounds W, X and Y react with sodium, but only one of them reacts with aqueous alkaline iodine. Which of the following combinations is likely to be W, X and Y respectively? A B C D C6H5OH, CH3COOH, (CH3)3C OH HOCH2CH2OH, HOCH(CHI2)CH2COOH, CH3COCH2I CH3COOH, (CH3)3COH, CH3COCH2OH CH3COOH, CH3COCHI2, CH3COOCH2OH SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 15 0 In the study of a polypeptide structure of Z, it was digested using two different enzymes. The fragments obtained were then separated using electrophoresis. Analysis of the fragments from each digestion gave the following results: Fragments using first enzyme: tyr-leu-leu tyr-ala gly-asp-pro asp-pro Fragments using second enzyme: leu-tyr asp-pro-gly ala asp-pro-tyr-leu Deduce the possible sequence of Z. A B C D asp-pro-tyr-leu-ala-leu-tyr-asp-pro-gly asp-pro-gly-asp-pro-tyr-leu-leu-tyr-ala gly-asp-pro-asp-pro-tyr-ala-tyr-leu-leu ala-asp-pro-gly-asp-pro-tyr-leu-leu-tyr SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 16 Section B For questions 31-40, one or more of the numbered statements 1 to 3 may be correct. Decide whether each of the statements is or is not correct. The responses A to D should be selected on the basis of A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1 only are correct are correct are correct is correct No other combination of statements is to be used as a correct response. 31 Two colourless liquids were mixed together in a beaker and left to stand. The mixture separated into two distinct layers after standing for an hour. Assuming that the liquids did not undergo any reaction with each other, which pair(s) of liquids, when mixed, will produce the above observation? 1 2 3 Ethanal and water Cyclohexanol and methanol Ethanol and tetrachloromethane 32 A reversible reaction, A (aq) + B (aq) of M2+ ions. C (aq) is catalysed by an aqueous solution Which of the following statement(s) about this system is/are correct? 1 2 3 The catalyst alters the mechanism of the reaction. The catalyst reduces the activation energy for both the forward and backward reaction. The catalyst alters the composition of the equilibrium mixture. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 17 33 Sulfuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, is often used as a source of Cl2 for various organic reactions. Sulfuryl chloride is also a highly reactive gaseous compound which decomposes endothermically when heated in the following manner: SO2Cl2 (g) SO2 (g) + Cl2 (g) A 7:2 mole ratio of SO2Cl2 and Cl2 was placed in an evacuated vessel at 375 K and 6 atm. After 10 minutes, the mixture reached equilibrium and the partial pressure of SO2 was found to be 0. 625 atm. Based on the above data, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? 1 2 3 The Kp value is 0. 03 atm. The Kp value will decrease when total pressure increases. The partial pressure of SO2Cl2 will remain constant when temperature decreases. 34 Consider the reaction between sulfur dioxide and oxygen to form sulfur trioxide: 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 Given that ? H = ? 199 kJ mol-1, and ? S = ? 190 J K-1 mol-1 for the above reaction, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for the reaction? 1 2 3 The reaction is spontaneous under standard conditions. As temperature increases, the reaction becomes more spontaneous. In the formation of sulfur trioxide, the system becomes more disordered. 5 Hydrazoic acid, HN3, is an acid with pKa value of 4. 72. Which of the following statement(s) about a 25. 0 cm3 sample of 0. 100 mol dm? 3 HN3 (aq) is/are correct? 1 2 3 The concentration of N3? in the sample is 1. 38 x 10? 3 mol dm? 3. A buffer solution is formed when 12. 50 cm3 of 0. 100 mol dm? 3 of NH3 (aq) is added to the sample. When titrated with NaOH (aq), the equivalence pH is above 7. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 18 36 In 1800, an Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the first battery – the voltaic pile. A diagram of the voltaic pile is shown below: Blotting paper soaked in Zinc metal H2SO4 (aq) Copper metal One cell Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? 1 2 3 The overall equation of the reaction occurring in the cell is Cu2+ + Zn Zn2+ + Cu. Zinc is the anode, while copper is the cathode. cathode The e. m. f. of the voltaic pile can be increased by stacking more elements 37 When drops of NaOH (aq) were added to a green solution of Cr(NO3)3 (aq), a greygreen precipitate was formed. The precipitate dissolved when excess NaOH(aq) was added, forming a dark green solution. Subsequent additions of liquid ammonia caused the solution to turn violet. According to the information given above, which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect? 1 2 3 OH? acted as a ligand in the first addition of drops of NaOH (aq). NH3 is a stronger field ligand as compared to OH?. The [Cr(H2O)6]3+ complex is the most unstable of all the complexes involved. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 19 38 Chloroethane reacts with excess alcoholic ammonia when heated to form a quaternary ammonium salt in four steps. Which of the following statement(s) about the reaction is/are correct? 1 2 3 In each step, the attacking nucleophile is more nucleophilic than that in the previous step. In each step, the reaction is slower than the previous step due to increased steric hindrance. In each step, an intermediate with a sp2 hybridised carbon atom is formed. 39 Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in many animals, including vertebrates and invertebrates. The structure of dopamine is shown below: O OH HO OH NH2 Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? 1 2 3 1 mol of dopamine reacts with 3 mol of ethanoyl chloride. 1 mol of dopamine reacts with 1 mol of HBr (aq). 1 mol of dopamine reacts with 1 mol of Na2CO3. SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over 20 40 Paracetamol is commonly used for the relief of headaches, fever and pains. It is a major ingredient for cold and flu remedies. The structure of Parcetamol is shown below: H N O CH3 HO Which of the following statement(s) about Paracetamol is/are correct? 1 2 3 On addition of concentrated nitric acid, a white precipitate will be formed. A pale yellow precipitate is formed when a solution of warm alkaline aqueous iodine solution is added. It reacts with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide to produce a gas which turns damp red litmus paper blue SRJC 9647 / 01 / Prelim / 2011 [Turn Over
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Marketing Is Called Delivery of Standard of Living Essay
Standard Marketing Marketing is one of the terms in academia that does not have one commonly agreed upon definition. Even after a better part of a century the debate continues. In a nutshell it consists of the social and managerial processes by which products (goods or services) and value are exchanged in order to fulfill the needs and wants of individuals or groups. Although many people seem to think that â€Å"marketing†and â€Å"advertising†are synonymous, they are not. Advertising is simply one of the many processes that together constitute marketing Marketing, as suggested by the American Marketing Association, is â€Å"an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders†. [1] Another definition, perhaps simpler and more universal, is this: â€Å"Marketing is the ongoing process of moving people closer to making a decision to purchase, use, follow†¦ or conform to someone else’s products, services or values. Simply, if it doesn’t facilitate a â€Å"sale†then it’s not marketing. â€Å"[2] Philip Kotler in his earlier books defines as: â€Å"Marketing is human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes†. Add to Kotler’s and Norris’ definitions, a response from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) [3]. The association’s definition claims marketing to be the â€Å"management process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer requirements profitably†. Thus, operative marketing involves the processes of market research, new product development, product life cycle management, pricing, channel management as well as promotion. Marketing-â€Å"taking actions to define, create, grow, develop, maintain, defend and own markets†. An approach to business that seeks to identify, anticipate and satisfy customers needs. Al Ries and Jack Trout defined marketing as simply â€Å"war†between competitors, however this is clearly absurd – ‘Ali v Frazier’ is not marketing†¦ however the publicity and hyping of the event for commercial purposes is. It was the era of the clean-cut figure in a smart suit, the glad hander salesman who could sell refrigerators to an Eskimo, capable of selling everything from used cars to Bibles. It was sometime in the late Forties that attention came to rest upon a number of inter related elements of the marketing task that seemed to act together to influence the offtake of a product or service. Neil Borden of Harvard coined the phrase â€Å"the elements of the Marketing Mix,†depicting the manager of the function as not a specialist in selling, distribution, or advertising but rather a blender of ingredients in the right proportions to suit the market, its time and place. Later Marketing got separated from the notion of selling, including three distinct elements: customer orientation, i. . beginning with the customer; integrating the whole organization taking a long-term point of view; and linking with the primary goals of the business i. e. a combination of growth, market share and profitability. Indeed some writers (Peter Ducker, Regis McKenna) hold that Marketing and Business are synonymous. A later and less comprehensive formulation came to be known as the 4Ps â €“ product, price, promotion and place. This has now become the universal standard as a teaching tool for any introductory course in the subject. This was a vast improvement over the confusion between selling and marketing. It firmly put the former as a part, but only one among many that together explain the success or failure of a product in appealing to customers. Marketing thus became the overarching strategic theme, higher in level of abstraction than the mere act of obtaining the order. The significance of advertising in the establishment of an assured customer base really took off only after the widespread availability of mass media, especially after the 1950s. This not only made competition more difficult but more expensive and affordable only by the large sector. Enter the era of brands and branding. The Brand Image and Personality school came next, mostly identified with the legendary David Ogilvy, who said the brand’s personality gave it â€Å"a first class ticket through life. †The purpose of advertising was to convey the essence of this personality, beyond merely conveying the consumer benefits to the user – and do it in a charming and cultured way (â€Å"People don’t buy from clowns . . . †â€Å"The consumer is not a moron. She is your wife . . . â€Å"). Stephen King – Director, J. Walter Thompson, London – acknowledged as the practitioner’s guru of Branding, stressed the need for all the elements of a brand’s make up – from name, packaging, design elements to the creative expression of the advertising – to hang together. They must be not only mutually consistent, but also reinforcing the strengths of one another, to create a totality greater than the sum of its parts. Though brands have been around a long time the attention to building them happened only after the Sixties. Some enlightened organizations were exceptions and the brand leadership of their famous names still stands, such as Marlboro, Lux, IBM, Gillette, Kodak, Johnson & Johnson and so on. Soon, however, the only distinguishing feature of brands became their distinctive flavour of advertising, particularly so in consumer products. After all what can you say about a car (mileage, power, styling, looks), detergent (washes whiter, brighter clothes, removes stains) soap (refreshes, fragrant) or toothpaste (sparkling teeth, healthy gums, fresh breath) that hasn’t been said before
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Financial Position of Gap Inc.
The gross margins have also Increased for fiscal 2009 here It was 40. 32 percent as compared to 2008 of 37. 5 percent and 2007 of 36. 1 1 percent. The operating margins also continue to grow for fiscal 2009 Gap had an operating margin on 12. 8 percent as compared to 10. 7 percent from 2008 and 8. 3 percent In 2007. Gap has also been able to grow Its cash not only each year but also 29. 4 percent of Its total assets as compared to 2008 where cash was only at 1. 7 billion and 22. 6 percent of total assets.Gap also has worked to reduce their debt down to ere by 2010 and they have done so, currently they have no long-term debt and 2. 3 billion in cash. The 2009 current ratio for Gap is 2. 19 as compared to 1. 88 in 2008, and 1. 67 in 2007. Gap is increasing their liquidity from year to year while net sales are still decreasing. Gaps merchandise inventory has also seen a decrease not only in value but also as a percentage of total assets 2007 Gap had merchandise inventory valued TTL . 57 billion and that represented 20. Percent. Inventory was 1. 50 billion and represented 19. Percent of total assets in 2008. In 2009 the merchandise inventory was 1. 47 billion and represented 18. 5 percent of total assets. The operating expenses for Gap have maintained constant from 2005-2009 when looking at them as a percentage of sales. The difference in percentage from year to year changed only by a few tenths of percentage. Income from operations however has increased since 2006 where it had fallen 29 percent from 2005.Operating expenses include the following: I payroll and related benefits (for our store operations, field management, striation centers, and corporate functions); I marketing I general and administrative expenses; costs to design and develop our products; I merchandise handling and receiving In dilutions centers and stores; I distribution center general and administrative expenses; I rent, occupancy, depreciation, and amortization for corporate facilities: and othe r expense (income). I gross margins previously stated. Gap had cost of goods sold at 59. 68 percent of sales in 2009 compared to 62. Percent in 2008 and 63. 89 percent in 2007. Gap has been working to drive their costs down and thus far have been successful. Cost of goods sold and occupancy expenses include the following: I the cost of merchandise; I I inventory shortage and valuation adjustments; I I freight charges; I I costs associated with our sourcing operations, including payroll and related benefits;
Friday, September 27, 2019
Astronomy_Cosmo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Astronomy_Cosmo - Essay Example Faith is an excellent human trait, but having faith in something that can has been proven wrong through science and observation can hinder individual and societal growth. The Big Bang Theory is the theory that the universe came about from an immense explosion billions of years ago. Sagan raised the possibility of an oscillating universe, where the Big Bang Theory was not only the beginning of the universe, but the end of another universe. This cycle could be repeating over and over. Scientists can only speculate. However observation has shown that the universe is expanding outward from each individual point in the universe. Radio, photographic, x-ray telescopic views have shown this expansion of the universe through the Doppler Effect. The Big Bang Theory was based on observation and scientific means. It was not meant to refute religion, or to be sacrilegious. The Big Bang Theory is incompatible with religions that believe in Creationism. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are based on Creationism. The basic tenants of Creationism are the story of God creating the Earth and man in six days. This even occurred four to five thousand years ago according to the religions steeped in Creationism. The Big Bang Theory is unacceptable due to the lack of God’s involvement and the purported age of the universe being billions of years old. The story of Adam and Eve in the Old Testament has been passed down in these Judeo-Christian religions. If that cornerstone is taken away, then other Torah, Biblical, and Qur’an stories might be dismissed. This frightens the fervently faithful. If Adam and Eve were not real people, then maybe a higher power does not exist. If God, Jesus, or Allah is not real, what have humans believed and died for eons? This will cause the truly faithful to avoid astronomy and scientific finds despite the proof of obser vation or other evidence. Some
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 71
Reflection - Essay Example Mentorship will be the first developmental strategy and will be the primary strategy in my first year of development, and later a secondary strategy. Professional workshop will be my secondary strategy in my first and second year of development while academic learning will be my key strategy in my second year. I will evaluate my progress after the end of each development strategy and self-assessment and independent assessment by a human resource personnel will evaluate my mentorship and workshops’ outcomes while academic tests will evaluate my academic outcomes. Success in developing these skills will be of great value to a potential employer. With communication and interpersonal competencies, together with leadership and adaptability potentials, I shall be able to organize and coordinate activities in the employer’s business towards effective and efficient operations. Research and decision-making skills will also ensure sound decisions towards the employer’s interests. Developing these skills therefore promises my intra and interpersonal competencies for attaining objectives of a potential
Compare and contrast the characters of Iago and Othello in Research Paper
Compare and contrast the characters of Iago and Othello in Shakespeare's Othello - Research Paper Example In Western Literature, the protagonist of the Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’ is considered the first black central character ever adopted in the play. This is one of the famous characters Shakespeare worked out during his writing career. In the initial stages of the play, the author beautifully dramatizes Othello’s character with love, warmth and grace. Shakespeare portrays his character as a noble guy- who was not only a loving husband but also a respected and celebrated war hero. He was an expressive person who was a fluent storyteller. However, at the closing stages of the play, Othello has come forward as an irrational, jealous and violent husband who was getting insane and finally murdered his own wife because of his extreme envy towards Lago who convinced Othello that his wife Desdemona became unfaithful to him. On the other hand, Lago- one of the most mysterious and disreputable character of the play seems to spend most of his time, from the beginning of the play, in plotting and scheming against Othello and his wife Desdemona. In the end of the play, the villain- Lago became successful in his deeds to convince Othello that his wife is no more faithful to him. He persuaded Othello to understand that his wife has been continuously cheating Othello- from the very beginning of their wedlock. Despite the plot, Lago has created, Desdemona was completely faithful. However, here it can be clearly observed that Othello was a noble guy but the circumstances changed his personality and poisoned him with extreme bitterness that came to an end with Desdemona’s murder. On the other hand, Lago was a cruel villain from the very beginning. His unkindness and meanness can be seen from the very start. He believes on absurd way of living and induces annihilation for people whom he knows the best. His character in the play does not portray any sort of motivation for the readers. As far as Othello’s status in Venice is concerned, he sta rted his career as a traveler who traveled long distances. In the initial stages he had been sold as a slave as well. From there he escaped and finally moved towards Venice where he rushed for his career and finally ended up with a glowing status of military commander. As far as Othello’s character is concerned in the city of Italy- Venice, it can be observed that his character was quite complicated to understand there. He was not only an insider but an outsider at the same time. He was a Christian by religion who was an experienced commander in military as well. He was not only admired by people but by the Senate and the Duke as well. However, it was a fact that he was a black Moor at the same time and not the local habitant of Venice. This causes racism issues, time to time, for Othello especially the father of his wife always considers his marriage with Desdemona as a result of his tricks towards her. Desdemona’s father believes that Othello enchanted her daughter w ith magic spells and foul charms. In this play, it can be observed that many characters refer Othello as a â€Å"devil†- â€Å"old black ram†and a â€Å"thick- lips†person. It is referred that Othello just inspired the lady because of his hyper- sexuality. At that point Lago showed his character and referred Othello as a ‘devil.’ He induced aggression in Brabantio that he would surely be a â€Å"grandsire†of devil like black babies. Here it can be clea
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Violence and its effects on children and families Research Paper
Violence and its effects on children and families - Research Paper Example Many video games these days are based on the theme of violence. Violence through media is a very silent yet a very effective way of changing the minds of the young generation especially children. â€Å"[T]he motion picture, music recording, and electronic game industries attempt to market the same products to children that they label as unsuitable for children†(Cornell, 2006, p. 117). Children are drawn toward video games in which they have to do target killing. Anything from rape to genocide and drug dealing can be the activity in a video game or a movie. In the present age, children spend a lot of time watching television and playing video games. Gradually, these activities become ingrained in their personalities. They develop a level of comfort with such activities. Television programs showing children kidnapping and murder teach them the ways and means to do these acts of violence (Freedman, 2002, p. 5). The more they watch it happen, the more the negative or at least, aw kward image of these activities fades away. Children become used to seeing violence and becoming part of it. This reflects in their behavior in the form of rudeness, lack of respect for the elders, lack of discipline, and physical and verbal abuse. Parents adopt different ways of counseling their children but not many get successful in disciplining their children after they have been spoilt. If parents take it too lightly, the chances of children getting spoilt are maximized. If parents take it too seriously and scold their children for such behaviors and activities, their relation with their children is distorted. Parents are perplexed and curious which affects their own lives as well. Family violence is commonly observed in the present age. Domestic violence is defined as â€Å"any violent or abusive behavior (whether physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, verbal, financial, etc.) that is used by one person to control and dominate another with whom they have or have had a re lationship†(Pearson, Hester, and Harwin, 2007, p. 18). Chances of family violence are maximized in distorted families. Family issues that often become the cause of violence include but are not limited to divorce, teenage pregnancy, and step-parenting. Usually, in these cases, at least one of the parents is not able to pay due attention toward the children. Children require care and love from their parents that they are deprived of in such cases. Divorce draws them away from one of the two parents. The emotional and physical gap thus created instills negative feelings in the children that are further strengthened with the passage of time because of lack of parental supervision. Likewise, children born to and raised by single parents are stereotyped and grow up with an inferiority complex. As they reach adolescence, they tend to join groups and gangs for identity. These groups make them part of their violent activities, and children develop into criminals. Many children are abu sed by their step-parents either physically or verbally or both. Many step-parents do not accept children of their spouses from their first marriages as part of their family. The hatred shows up in the form of verbal abuse. Many step-parents also abuse the children physically, thus leaving them with a life-long trauma and suffering. Some children share their experiences with their biological parents while others do not. In either case, the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Aeschylus and the Oresteia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Aeschylus and the Oresteia - Essay Example In order to clearly depict this play writer divided it into three elements including the society, courts and the norms of the society. In the play the characters insist on the need to suffer in order to obtain truth and justice in the society. This play depicts a society that has been living on misery for a long period of time especially during the Trojan War that brought with it a murderous house of Atreus1. The play depicts the continued violence that has been experienced in the country and at the end of it is women and children that are harmed. This is attributed to the fact that being a society that is driven mostly by the norms of the society, women are forced to be submissive in all aspects and events that happen in the society. They are left homeless, without food and psychologically tortured by the aftermath of the war. For instance in the play, Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia some ten years ago in order to advance his political interests. This depicts a soc iety that views the female gender as a lesser being and one that has to suffer in order for the male gender to prosper. Orestes also killed his own mother in order to revenge against the killing of Iphigenia. The play therefore questions the intentions of the two characters when they decide to murder their close relatives in order to fulfill their personal interest This is a society that is strongly tied together by the belief in the different gods they have and do not have to go against what they say as it is valued as the absolute truth. For instance the two characters who murder their closer relatives attribute this to the requirements of their gods an issue that could not have been accepted by the legal setting of a country. Several symbols and metaphors are used in the play to depict the varying characters of both the society and the individuals in it. There is the use of the solar and lunar cycles, day and night and the storms. People who are not human in the society have been animated and are referred to as beasts in the play. Blood crimes are on the increase in the play an indication of how the society values the idea of shading blood as a form of sacrifice to their gods2. The sad part of the play is that those that are mostly killed are the women and children an indication of a society that suffers from a poor sexual orientation. There is a belief that blood has to be paid back with blood an indication of sacrifice and this makes them never to reach a decision between what is wrong and right. This resulted in a conflict between the new and old gods since with civilization people started to adopt a new form of religion in which they would worship only one supreme God. This is because primitive laws always demanded blood vengeance as a form of punishment yet this was not the case with the form of justice which insisted on the rule of law. This created a conflict of interests between the traditionalists and modernists and there was an increase in rates o f murder and those that were mostly murdered were the modernists who adopted law as a form of justice. The play is therefore a product of the classical Greece in the sense that the writer went ahead to come up with the use of two characters in a play as opposed to the initial use of one character. This brought with it a richer interplay between the speech and action. Initially most of the plays had a main theme as one of tragedy but with time he began to shift his interests by writing on political standings and how they had an effect on the state. This was best depicted through the Oresteia play that combined a transition from a society that believed in bloodshed to one
Monday, September 23, 2019
Animism and Personification Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Animism and Personification - Term Paper Example These religions are given the term primal because of the animistic belief embodied in it (Super and Turley, p.18). Primal religions have a strong belief in animism and personification. Primal religions believe in the connection of all existence, whether it be humans, animals or even nature. In fact, nature is on the focal points of primal religion. Each being, each place, each object was reasoned to have a spirit, which is called anima. In such a manner, everything has a purpose, a reason for its existence. This is closely related to how people have lived centuries ago, in the time where hunting and gathering were the primary means of living. In primal religions, the distinction between good and bad is associated with misfortune and fortune. Long ago, people do not have the technology and knowledge that we have today that can explain illness, death and suffering. Although primal religions believe in a greater or supreme being, it also brings forth the belief in entities, deities and spirits that dwell among people and nature who can and may interfere with people’s lives when they desire to or when they are disturbed. With limited knowledge and the belief in animism and personification, the people do not have an explanation to the misfortunes they are experiencing except to use their primal religion as a way to understand their lives. With this, primal religion do not relate good and bad to natural or unnatural rather they relate good and bad to how they view their relation with the spirits and deities around them through their relation with other people and with nature. Nature has a very big impact in the way people lived. By taking care of their environment and essentially nature, people believed that they will be blessed by being given back plants, trees, fruits, crops and animals that will serve as their food, shelter and clothing. Good and bad became a distinction between taking care of the things around them versus destroying their environment. When something bad happens, such as a plague, people generally believe that they are being punished because they disturbed the balance or they believe that there was something they have done that offended the spirits, deities and other beings. With this, they try to turn things around through offerings and sacrifices, which are quite different from how we do it today. Another perspective of good and bad in the primal religion is the distinction between suffering and good fortune. When a person experiences suffering, it is related to something bad or evil. And when people, with this limited knowledge, no modern technology and with a belief in animism, look for a reason behind this suffering, they associate it with something bad or evil, which is related to the idea of the unknown. Anything that is unknown to them that causes misfortune, suffering or death is equated to bad or evil. But not all unknown is related to evil and not all known is related to good. The relation is based on their experience. For example, when there is an eclipse and something bad happens to them, like crops dying, they automatically associate this with something evil. When there is a shooting star, or in our knowledge now a meteor shower, and something good happens after it like animals migrating to their area, they automatically think that the meteor showers are something good. This association comes from the primal belief that all things are interrelated or intertwined. And this is because of the communitarian way the people of those ages lived (Sharma, p.4). The primal belief has another important characteristic, and that is the belief that people, animals and other things are held together by an ultimate nature and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Effecting communication and information Essay Example for Free
Effecting communication and information Essay Recruitment and Retention Process and Documentation WHSmith was established in 1792 by a man named Henry Walton Smith, and his wife Anna, but was established under the name H W Smith. After their deaths, the business was passed on to their two sons; Henry Edward, and William Henry Smith. The business was renamed to WHSmith as William was the older of the two and he was the more able businessman. WHSmith today, as one of the biggest retail groups in the UK, it is made up of two core businesses; high street retail, and travel retail. They have approximately 17,000 employees working in either of the 543 High Street stores or the 129 Travel stores in the UK. The manner in which a person is employed within WHSmith would obviously have to start with a job opening. This opening can be due to one of many reasons. For example: If a new store is opened or if someone has left his or her job. From there on, the steps taken would start off with WHSmiths Human Resources Department making a job specification, which consists of the job details. Here is an example of a job specification for an opening at WHSmith as an assistant manager: Job Specification Vacancy Role Title: Assistant Manager London (North/South/East/West) Role Level: Assistant Manager Region: London Location: London Salary: i 17,000 i 23,000 Details: You will be required to work six days a week. In your role as assistant manager, it will be your duty to assist the retail manager in his day-to-day work. This job is very demanding and you never know, it may be the just the job for you. In a position as assistant manager, you will be given two weeks paid holiday a year. Person Specification: Role: We are looking for a good team player, with proven retail management experience, good communication, a target driven approach plus the ambition and potential to succeed. The Assistant Manager is responsible for achieving store sales targets by leading, motivating and developing the store team to achieve sales targets and customer service standards and to support the Store Manager. The next step would be for them to produce a person specification, which outlines the type of person they are looking for (for example: qualifications, previous experience etc. ). WHSmith would then plan on advertising the job in a number of different places so as to attract attention towards the job opening. Advertisement is very costly and it would be in the best interests of WHSmith to get the job details and specifications absolutely spot on. Once all of this information has been gathered, it is then advertised in a number of places (i. e. the internet, job centre etc. ). WHSmith have recently started to recruit online with an Internet based job recruiting process. The next step involves people applying for that specific job by providing their relevant documents, which will then be analysed by WHSmiths Human Resources department. Applicants are then short-listed and a number of the applicants are selected. I have provided a WHSmith job application form with my assignment. The selected applicants will then be asked to provide references from two or more reliable sources. These would be from people like previous employers and former educational teachers. Those who are selected as people who seem like suitable candidates for the job will then be invited for a formal interview at a WHSmith. A senior member of staff would usually carry out this interview. The data that is derived from the interview is then analysed and compared to the prepared person specification. After a long, time-consuming process, and a lot of money being spent, the successful candidate is then offered the job. In the case of WHSmith and the job specification I have given, this candidate would have to have previous experience in a retail management position, and would basically be the person that they see as the best man/woman for the job. P2 Employability, Personal and Communication Skills Assistant Manager Role The Assistant Manager is responsible for achieving store sales targets by leading, motivating and developing the store team to achieve sales targets and customer service standards and to support the Store Manager. The job role is related to the Person Specification. Person Specification The person specification asks for someone with the following traits: We are looking for a good team player, with proven retail management experience, good communication, a target driven approach plus the ambition and potential to succeed. These skills are all placed on the person specification for a reason. The Personal Skills outlined here are: Â Someone who is a team player An assistant manager will be required to work with the manager as part of a team. They also have to be a team leader, as outlined in the job role. Â Someone with a target driven approach In a high position like this, it is necessary that an assistant manager knows how to tackle set targets and that they approach these targets whole-heartedly. Â Someone with the ambition and potential to succeed If an assistant manager does not wish to progress, then they will not give the job their full attention. It is better that they want to, and are able to succeed so that they can have a positive impact on the business. It is also their job to motivate the store team and it would be hard to do so if he/she wasnt motivated him/herself. The Employability skills outlined here are: Â Someone with proven retail management experience It is absolutely vital that someone who wants to work as an assistant manager, has some previous experience managing a store or people, and was good at doing so. The Communication skills outlined here are:Â Someone with good communication It is essential that, as an assistant manager, you are able to communicate well. This is due to the fact that an assistant manager is required to communicate messages to both the manager, and the store team. P3 Electronic and Non-Electronic methods for communicating business information There are many different methods of communication. These can be divided into two different categories: Electronic (non-written), and Non-Electronic (written). Methods of communication that would come under Written Communication would be things like: Â SMS (Text Message) Methods of communications that would come under Electronic Communication would be things along the lines of: Meetings Both Written Communication and Electronic Communication have their advantages. These advantages differ depending on the audience which is being addressed. The recipient is very important when it comes to the type of communication that is being used. Within The Organisation Within the organisation the methods of communication that I would use would be things like: Meetings In an organisation, it is inevitable that there will be meetings held. These are usually used to discuss improvement, the current status of the organisation, and to get staff to contribute their ideas. Customers These are the methods of communication that I would use to communicate with the customers: Publicity Materials To tell the truth, this is an obvious one really. The way to get customers is through publicity. If your organisation is a well known one, it is more likely to prosper. Â Advertisements In my opinion, advertisements should be used by all major and even small organisations. These should outline things like services provided and special offers to attract more customers. Suppliers Here are some of the methods of communications I would use to communicate with suppliers of goods etc. : Â Letters These are a great way of communicating and people have been using them for centuries. I would use letters to communicate with suppliers because it is not a long time consuming method of communicating. You just write what you need to say, put it in an envelope, post it, and the recipient gets it the next day! Easy Peasy! * Telephone This is one of the simplest, most direct ways of communicating with people today. Talking with suppliers on the telephone would mean that all of the business involving matters like deliveries, times, amounts, and other things can all be sorted out in a matter of minutes. P4 Sources of Information External Source. This information is external (outside of the business) information that I have taken from the BBC website. Here is the link, as evidence of information: http://newsvote. bbc. co. uk/1/shared/fds/hi/business/market_data/shares/3/23473/twelve_month. stm I have provided information on WHSmiths share prices. From this graph we can see the rise and fall in WHSmiths share price value in the year 2007. The current (exact) value of their shares on the 13th of December 2007 at 14:22 is i 324. 75. We can see that the peak of their share value this year was in March. The lowest point was in late November. Internal Source This information is internal (within the business) information that I have taken from WHSmiths Annual report. Here is the link, as evidence of information: http://www. whsmithplc. com/grp/WHSPLC-IR-AR07. pdf I have provided information on WHSmiths Profits for the years 2006 and 2007. From this information we can see the increase in profits and the percentage increase. Year 2006 2007 Increase in Profit Percentage Increase Profit i m (Before Tax) i 51 i 66 i 15 29. 41% We can see that their profit for the year 2006 was i 51million, the profit for the year 2007 was i 66million, the increase in profit was i 15million, and the percentage increase is 29. 41%. Here is a column graph showing the information. Secondary Source Secondary information is information that I will be using. This information is already in existence, but has been gathered by other people, and not myself. I will be using information from WHSmiths annual report. This information was gathered by WHSmith, within the corporation. Here is the link as evidence of information: http://www. pdf I have provided information on WHSmiths Carbon Emissions for the last five years. From this we can see the increases and decreases in Carbon Emissions. Year 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 Carbon Dioxide Emissions (kg) 0. 9 0. 76 0. 82 0. 79 0. 71 We can see that, in the period 2002/3, their Emissions were very high. In the period 2003/4, these Emissions are reduced significantly. In the period 2004/5, these Emissions are increased, and in 2005/6 they are again decreased. In the period 2006/7, these Emissions are decreased furthermore. We can see that WHSmith have successfully reduced their Carbon Emissions. P5 Presentation of information I have been asked to present the data aquired in three different methods. Here is the Share Price information presented in a line graph: Profit i million (before tax) I will be using a column graph and a line graph to present this information. Column Graph Line Graph Carbon Dioxide Emissions I will be using a column graph and a line graph to present this information. Column Graph Line Graph I will now be using a power point presentation to present all of this information.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Research Report Critique: Nursing and Midwifery Grants
Research Report Critique: Nursing and Midwifery Grants Citation of the article Gledhill, S., Mannix, J., MacDonald, R., Poulton, G. (2010). Nursing and midwifery research grants: profiling the outcomes. Australian Journal Of Advanced Nursing,28(3), 14-21. Introduction: This paper was aimed at outlining the contributions that were made in the field of health care particularly to professions of nursing, and midwifery by researchers who were granted financial support in their by The Queensland Nursing Council (QNC) Australia. This research paper is based on the findings obtained from a survey and focused on research grants awarded in the the time frame between1996 and 2010. 1. Substantive and Theoretical Dimensions relevance of research problem and significance The research problem that has been identified in this research paper is very crucial to the professions of nursing and midwifery. This research report exposes the problem of closing down of this grant program with effect from July 2010 due to the shifting of territory and state midwifery and nursing regulations into a regulatory scheme under the authority of national health profession. Moreover the author also points out at the problems lying around underfunding of the nursing research. The problems stated are thus of vital importance which the author has supported with the studies of other authors and have highlighted the need and importance of nursing funds in encouraging and stabilizing the nursing and midwifery profession in different ways such as leadership support that a successful research development provides and making significant contributions to advance the health care system. congruence between research question and methods used Given the authors’ emphasis on the outcomes of Nursing and midwifery research grants, this research is primarily survey-based and takes in responses of different nurses and midwives who have conducted or still conducting researches under such grants. Their fields of study have been taken in account and the relation of these studies to the profession of nursing, midwifery and health care. literature review Gledhill, Mannix, MacDonald and Poulton cite several previous studies as part of their literature review. The literature review that has been incorporated in the research report covers all the dimensions that the author aims to explore, starting from the barriers and obstacles in the nursing research, problems relating to the underfunding, proposed frameworks to make these systems better, sources of the funding to the benefits of nursing grants to the system of health care. 2. Methodological Dimensions research design A cross sectional electronic survey consisting of 21 items was conducted relating to the research grant outcomes. 71 former and current research funds receiver from across Australia participated in the survey. Respondents were required to evaluate the effect and advantage of the research grant on nursing and midwifery and the role they play in enhancing knowledge, education, practice, and how this funding support the professional their project. I think that the cross-sectional survey can result in responses that a high ratio of personal bias on the issue. 71 was very low response rate and I think the electronic form of the survey was one reason that limited the participants in this study. I think that another research design should also have been used for example content analysis of the research articles and publications that have been published as a result of the researches conducted with the help of such grants. population and sample Methodologically, I have concerns regarding sampling of this research report. (91.4%)of the respondents were female, while the males only comprised of 8.6% of respondents. There were Ninety three per cent (93 %) nurses in the respondents and only 7% of the midwives. There were approximately nine times as many females than males, 91.4% versus 8.6%. Coincidentally, most of the respondents were also nurses. I would have favored if the survey had engage a comparatively more equivalent number of participants on the basis of sex and the fields of profession i.e. nurses and midwives. Age groups were classified as: 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years and 60 years and older. 38% of respondents were among the 40-49 year age group followed by 29.6% from the 50-59 year age group, 19.7% were 30-39 years of age group and 12.7% of respondents were from the age group greater than 60 years. Response rate from the age group of 20-29 year was nil. This did not extend the prospects of thi s study towards young nurses and midwives or enrolled students or fresh graduates in the nursing, midwifery and health care degrees. collection of data Collection of data was well carried put considering the survey method that was used. Frequencies were calculated by means of the data analysis function of survey tool. Frequencies presented an actual count as well as the calculation of the percentage of participants individually, choosing each response category for a particular item of questionnaire. Qualitative data was examined by means of thematic analysis. Every response was independently coded, while identifying the subthemes and the clustering them into major themes. Data was collected in four spheres: demographic data, research focus and award category, impact of research grants and qualitative findings. Validity The results were quite consistent with the already done research around this topic. The result obtained from the survey showed that majority of respondents centered their research on midwifery and nursing staff. These results are in line with the literature reporting and support the ideas that most nursing research focuses on profession ‘endogenous’, rather than on patient ‘exogenous’ (Trayner et al 2001). The results also show consistency with an international comparative analysis carried out by Polit and Beck (2009). Taken from eight English journals, this analysis examined the 1,072 nursing research studies and their characteristics 2005 and 2006. The researchers used the scales consisting of a variety of settings. This could result bad for the internal validity as the participants might not have focused on completing the scale, rather they tried on completingpaperwork etc. 3. Ethical Dimensions confidentiality or anonymity The authors mentioned percentages of the respondents who have obtained different research grants, however, they did not mention that their names were known or not. Moreover, the authors have also not given any confirmation regarding disclosing the forms that they filled or keeping them confidential. informed consent The authors engaged the participants in an electronic survey which was suppose to be filled and answered by them directly. Therefore, I don’t think there is a chance of any negligence regarding the consent of the respondents. The participants engaged in the survey with their own choice knowing what it was aimed for. vulnerability of study subjects/participants We do not know that respondents were kept anonymous or not, therefore it is not certain to say that their vulnerability was compromised or not. research ethics board approval Ethical approval was obtained from the Queensland Nursing Council before conducting the research because the research was based on research grant programs administered by Queensland Nursing Council. 4. Interpretive Dimensions discussion section The researchers incorporated an extensive discussion section. It is a well structured section explaining the survey outcomes in terms of sampling and their link with the results, informing of the new techniques being used and new dimensions being explored, the limitations in the researches and the recommendations for providing more research grants in the nursing and midwifery field. The authors highlighted several explanations for their findings. The authors clarified the shortcomings that I pointed out earlier (population and sample) in their sampling in the beginning of the discussion section. They make it clear that demographics of respondents represented present demographics among the midwifery and nursing professions. The nursing profession in Australia consists of 90.4% females of which 33.0% are above 50 years of age. Most respondents were working as nurse academics or nurses than midwives and the average age was 43.5. Respondents over the age group of sixty corresponded really well, signifying that old age group researchers make valuable contributions in the knowledge body related to nursing and midwifery. The authors had also taken note of the lack of response amongst the young burses and midwives and suggest that this indicate the need of balancing a career along with personal commitments. The significance of consolidating a clinical career in young and fresh graduates was also highlighted. The frequency of randomized controlled trials technique and pre-test/post-test method carried out by respondents in this survey indicates the increasing trend towards a practice based on evidence in nursing and midwifery. This was unknown prior to this survey so it was a stepping stone in signifying the importance of increased research practices. The authors also pointed out the desire that nursing and midwifery reflect to understand experiences of patients and the health care. The authors proved the validity of the results in the discussion section explained earlier in (Validity). The discussion also point out the shortcomings that exist in the nursing and midwife research i.e. the focus on endogenous aspects such as examining what it is that midwives and nurses are doing, and how they deliver care, which should arguably be focusing on patients. They also pointed out that researched merely focused on main national health concerns which include asthma, cancer control, arthritis/musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, injury prevention, diabetes, obesity and mental health. The authors identified several benefits from funding led research including enhancing the body of knowledge, workplace efficiencies due to healthier workforce such as cost savings and better decision making attributed to up to date information. conclusion section The conclusion was well built. It adequately highlighted the aim of the research paper i.e. outlining the contributions that were made in the field of health care particularly to professions of nursing, and midwifery by researchers who were granted financial support in their by The Queensland Nursing Council (QNC) Australia. Respondents were capable of revealing the benefits of their research projects in the course of clinical practice changes, policy changes and the development of professional networks that adds significantly to the mass of research based knowledge in nursing and midwifery. Moreover, most participants were also able to publish their research findings and knowledge in various national and international journals. While highlighting the contributions of the nurse and midwifery led research, the conclusion also proposes a positive future of health care nationally and internationally through continued support for researches in nursing and midwifery to maintain the existing capacity of researchers in Australian nursing and midwifery as well as internationally. implication section I felt that recommendation section was a little vague. The recommendations presented were very general and were not explained specifically. In fact, there were a few implications that were outlined in discussion section were more elaborated such as advising to consider a close link between national health priorities and nursing and midwifery research projects to efficiently utilize the available funding and advising professional organizations of nursing and midwifery consider the overall benefits of the research grants to the health care consumers and profession. 5. Presentation and Stylistic Dimensions any missing information The survey did not include information about the effects that these nursing and midwifery had on the career of these researchers. Was it able to boost their career and gave them improved opportunities to work in better positions in health care? I think the survey also missed out on questions relating to the duration of the grants and their research. Information regarding confidentiality, anonymity and vulnerability is also missing. The percentages for response rate for any quantitative item have not been given. . clear, grammatically correct writing The writing is clear and easy to understand. The authors’ tone adds continuity in the article. The writing is somewhat grammatically correct and use simple words. well organized The research report is well structured. The information is presented in order. Research focusing questions and major themes for quantitative and qualitative data collection has been presented in tables that made the structure of the questionnaire/form easy to understand. enough detail, no jargon Jargons and technical terms have been explained for example the terms such as RCT, endogenous and exogenous were explained for the reader to understand. Limitations: The response rate was very low, of only 33%. Due to this low response rate, generalizing the results to nursing and midwifery research was a little difficult and thus a lot of support from existing literature was taken to do so. Conclusion: The research report is well structured and well organized. However, the research questions are not stated in a question form and neither any hypothesis has been proposed as such. However, the research problem has been identified effectively and has been supported with the results obtained from a survey. The results along with literature reporting were sufficient enough to fulfill the purpose of the study. However, a mixed method approach could still have been used such content analysis for a more detailed information on the subject.
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