Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Psychological Testing Essay Example for Free
Psychological Testing Essay There comes a time when we all come across a specific test such as school tests, driving test, or even as simple as food tasting test. However, there is a difference between regular tests and testing’s when referring to psychological testing. There are several different psychological tests that many psychiatrists, psychologists, and school counselors use to determine certain abilities, however each of the tests are used for a specific purpose. It is vital for the individuals to contain high knowledge of the tests before applying it to others. Defining â€Å"Test†According to the medical dictionary, psychological tests are defined as written, visual and verbal evaluations administered to assess the cognitive and emotional functions of children and adults (Psychological Tests, 2012). The purpose for psychological testing is to determine the mental abilities, personality traits, achievements and abilities, and neurological functioning. Although, we all have a basic idea of what the definition of â€Å"test†is, however according to (Hogan, 2007), they developed six-element to define â€Å"test†: A test is a standardized process or device that yields information about a sample of behavior or cognitive processes in a quantified manner (Hogan, 2007). Major Categories of Tests There are five major categories of tests that are applied by trained professionals in the field of psychology. The five major categories are mental ability tests, achievement tests, personality tests, interests and attitudes tests, and neuropsychological tests (Hogan, 2007). The mental ability test is applied to test the cognitive functions, such as memory, spatial visualization, and creative thinking (Hogan, 2007). Within the category of mental ability tests, it is separated into other categories of tests that may also be applied such as; individual administered intelligence tests, group administered tests, along with several other ability tests. Second, the achievement tests are created to help determine the placements of students in school based on their knowledge and skills. Achievement tests are subdivides in to batteries, single subject, and certification and licensing, government sponsored programs, and individual assessment tests (Hogan, 2007). Third of the major category tests is the personality tests, with this test professionals are able to determine the reasoning of the human personality. Within this category it is also alienated into other subdivisions such as objective tests and projective techniques (Hogan, 2007). Next is the interest and attitudes tests, these tests are put together to help individuals maintain focus on a specific subject of interests either if it is in school or in a job placement. This category is subdivided by vocational interests and attitude scales (Hogan, 2007). Lastly, the neuropsychological tests, the main purpose of this test is to illustrate information of the functioning of the central nervous system, mainly focusing on the information coming from the human brain (Hogan, 2007). Uses and Users Just as all psychological tests are categorized, not all tests are applied for the same use and the same users. Each test is done by a trained or professional to determine what is the situation based on the results and to see what treatment is best for the individual. There are four major psychological tests users are clinical, educational, personal and research (Hogan, 2007). Clinical users are professionals in the psychology field of clinical psychology, counseling, school psychology and neuropsychology. Psychologists use several methods of tests to identify the nature and severity of the problem, and perhaps provide some suggestions on how to deal with the problem (Hogan, 2007). The users of educational settings are teachers, educational administrators, parents and the general public. The major use of educational settings is to establish the ability and achievements of an individual. Another reason that users use educational is to predict the success in academic work (Hogan, 2007). Next, the users that use personal tests as there usage are business and military. Psychological test are used by these users to acquire the right individual for the task or to fill a position in job placements (Hogan, 2007). The last test use and users is research, the users in this category are varied and it is used to test the education and other social/behavioral sciences (Hogan, 2007). Reliability and Validity According to research reliability is best defined as, is the test is reliable if it produces the same results over and over again, when measuring the same thing. As to validity, it is defined as, a test is valid if it measures what you think it measures, as determined by some independent way of measuring the same thing (Dewey, 2007). It is important to psychologists to understand not to use the wrong test for a different purpose than what the actual purpose was. Then the validity of the measurements of the test scores is not reliable. Conclusion To summarize, psychological tests are being used by many users to acquire adequate results of an individual either if it is for school, careers, or just a personal socialization. Also, as research continues to advance more tests will continue to be implemented to better help others and to have a better result on the treatment that is to be used by the users.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
T.S. Eliot’s American Dream :: essays research papers
T.S. Eliot’s American Dream Thomas Stearns Eliot was born to a very remarkable New England family on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. His father, Henry Ware, was a very successful businessman and his mother, Charlotte Stearns Eliot, was a poetess. While visiting Great Britain in 1915, World War I started and Eliot took up a permanent residency there. In 1927, he became a British citizen. While living in Britain, Eliot met and married Vivienne Haigh -Wood and at first everything was wonderful between them. Then he found out that Vivienne was very ill, both physically and mentally. In 1930, Vivienne had a mental breakdown and was confined to a mental hospital until her death in 1947. Her death was very hard on Eliot and he died on January 4, 1965. Most of Eliot’s works were produced from the emotional difficulties from his marriage. Because of Eliot’s economic status, he attended only the finest schools while growing up. He attended Smith Academy in St. Louis and Milton Academy in Massachusetts. In 1906, he started his freshman year at Harvard University studying philosophy and literature. He received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy in only three years. Eliot went on to study at the University of Oxford and also at the Sorbonne in Paris. At the Sorbonne, he found inspiration from writers such as Dante and Shakespeare and also from ancient literature, modern philosophy and eastern mysticism. Eliot’s first poem he wrote was â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†in 1915. Eliot converted his religion to Anglo - Catholicism and in 1927, his poetry took on new spiritual meaning. Ash Wednesday was the first poem he wrote after his conversion in 1930. It is said that it traces the pattern of Eliot’s spiritual progress. It strives to make connections between the earth ly and the eternal, the word of man and the Word of God and the emphasis is on the struggle toward belief. Thus telling us that God is part of Eliot’s American dream. Other poems Eliot has written are Portrait of a Lady (1915), Mr. Apollinax (1916), Sweeny Among the Nightingales (1918), and Four Quartets (1943) which he believed to be his greatest achievement. Eliot also wrote the play "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935). It was about the murder of Thomas Becket and was later turned into a film in 1952. Other plays written by Eliot are "The Family Reunion" (1939), "The Cocktail Party" (1949), "The Confidential Clerk" (1953), and "The Elder Statesman" (1959). T.S. Eliot’s American Dream :: essays research papers T.S. Eliot’s American Dream Thomas Stearns Eliot was born to a very remarkable New England family on September 26, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri. His father, Henry Ware, was a very successful businessman and his mother, Charlotte Stearns Eliot, was a poetess. While visiting Great Britain in 1915, World War I started and Eliot took up a permanent residency there. In 1927, he became a British citizen. While living in Britain, Eliot met and married Vivienne Haigh -Wood and at first everything was wonderful between them. Then he found out that Vivienne was very ill, both physically and mentally. In 1930, Vivienne had a mental breakdown and was confined to a mental hospital until her death in 1947. Her death was very hard on Eliot and he died on January 4, 1965. Most of Eliot’s works were produced from the emotional difficulties from his marriage. Because of Eliot’s economic status, he attended only the finest schools while growing up. He attended Smith Academy in St. Louis and Milton Academy in Massachusetts. In 1906, he started his freshman year at Harvard University studying philosophy and literature. He received his bachelor’s degree in philosophy in only three years. Eliot went on to study at the University of Oxford and also at the Sorbonne in Paris. At the Sorbonne, he found inspiration from writers such as Dante and Shakespeare and also from ancient literature, modern philosophy and eastern mysticism. Eliot’s first poem he wrote was â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†in 1915. Eliot converted his religion to Anglo - Catholicism and in 1927, his poetry took on new spiritual meaning. Ash Wednesday was the first poem he wrote after his conversion in 1930. It is said that it traces the pattern of Eliot’s spiritual progress. It strives to make connections between the earth ly and the eternal, the word of man and the Word of God and the emphasis is on the struggle toward belief. Thus telling us that God is part of Eliot’s American dream. Other poems Eliot has written are Portrait of a Lady (1915), Mr. Apollinax (1916), Sweeny Among the Nightingales (1918), and Four Quartets (1943) which he believed to be his greatest achievement. Eliot also wrote the play "Murder in the Cathedral" (1935). It was about the murder of Thomas Becket and was later turned into a film in 1952. Other plays written by Eliot are "The Family Reunion" (1939), "The Cocktail Party" (1949), "The Confidential Clerk" (1953), and "The Elder Statesman" (1959).
Monday, January 13, 2020
Pho 24 – Vietnamese Franchise System
MODULE 1 1. Brief history of the chosen company. 2. The company’s mission statement: Mission, Vision, Major Goals, Core Values. 3. Some preliminary evaluation of the CEO’s leadership capabilities in comparison with key characteristics of good strategic leaders. Question 1. Brief history of the chosen company. 1. Introduction PHO24 used to be a Vietnamese noodle restaurant chain belonging to Nam An Group, the biggest F&B Corporation in the country.Apart from PHO24, Nam An Group has owned and operated many other different F&B brands including An Vien Restaurant, Maxim’s Nam An Restaurant, ThanhNien Restaurant, An Restaurant, Goody Ice Cream, Goody Plus Ice Cream, Ibox Cafe, etc. The first PHO24 outlet was opened in June 2003 on Nguyen Thiep Street, opposite to the prime landmark Saigon Sheraton Hotel. By June 2010, PHO24 has opened 77 outlets in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Vung Tau, NhaTrang, Binh Duong, Jakarta (Indonesia), Manila (Philippines), Seoul (Kore a), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Sydney (Australia) and Hong Kong.PHO24 plans to open more stores in all major cities of Vietnam as well as in overseas markets, where there are extensive Asian populations. The founders believe that PHO24’s business concept is unique but easy to multiply due to its small space requirement, low investment, standardized operational procedures, and most importantly, the top quality of the food. Now, PHO24 noodle restaurant chain belongs to VTI, owner of Highlands Coffee, Hard Rock Cafe, Emporio Armani, Swarovski, Aldo, La Vie En Rose, Debenhams, Coorslight, Orangina†¦ 2.Brand name: PHO has been the most famous dish of Vietnam but it was only known as street food for many decades. Therefore, the founders of PHO24 saw this is an excellent opportunity to create a new business concept that meets the high standards but still preserving the traditional value. After nearly two years of market research – especially the customer’s tas te – PHO24 has invented a unique flavor for PHO’s broth derived from 24 top-quality ingredients and spices. The number 24 is meaningful for Pho 24 * Pho 24 locations open 24 hours. Pho 24 also uses a total of 24 ingredients and spices in its pho broth * Diligently stewed for 24 hours before it is served. * The 24 ingredients plus the thorough preparation process ensures that the pho broth at Pho 24 has a rich and sumptuous flavor, according to the company. * The broth recipe is the same in all Pho 24 locations, as is expected for any food franchise. So wherever Pho 24 takes its pho dishes, you should get the same rich flavor and taste of its pho. This is key to a successful franch ise and it’s why the pho experience offered by Pho 24 is fast picking up in worldwide popularity.PHO24 has been consecutively the winner of The Guide Awards voted by readers of Vietnam Economics Times, ThoiBaoKinhTe Viet Nam and Tu Van Tieu Dung magazine during 6 years from 2004 to 2009. In 2008 Pho24 was voted as an International Franchiser of the Year, accepted by FLA Singapore. In 2010, PHO24 is one of the top 10 â€Å"Ho Chi Minh City – One Hundred Excitements†which voted by travelers. 3. The Milestone of The Company: 2012 : target to reach 200 outlets total 2010 : target began to open shops in China and Japan. 12/2009:Franchise stores open at No. South Korea and Hong Kong, bringing its total stores to 73rd (more than 57 stores in the city. HCMC),with16 stores in foreign countries (Indonesia, Cambodia, Korea, Philippines, and Hong Kong). 8 / 2009: New franchise agreements in Hong Kong and Macau. Will open its first store in Hong Kong and Macau in October 10/2009 3 / 2009: Total number of noodle shops in Vietnam and 24 foreign countries has reached number 70 after six years in operation 9 / 2006: Pho 24 and VinaCapital – the leading financial companies in Vietnam – officially signed a cooperation and investment. / 2005:Open the first franchise in foreign countries (Jakarta, Indonesia). We have 6 noodle shop in Jakarta on 24 November 2008. 1 / 2005:Open the first franchise store in Ho Chi Minh district, followed by a few other shops in the major cities of Vietnam like Da Nang, NhaTrang,Vung Tau, BinhDuong †¦ 12/2004:Opens first store in Hanoi, the capital ofVietnam and also the â€Å"capital of pho†6 / 2003:Opens first store at No. 5 Nguyen cards, district 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Shop quickly became popular destinations for tourists and residents. Question 2.The company’s mission statement: Mission, Vision, Major Goals, Core Values. Pho24’s Vision: â⠂¬Å"To be the number one Vietnamese Pho and Noodle Brand in the world. †Pho24’s Mission: â€Å"To be the Global Category Developer for Chain Pho with the Objective of being the first mover in each market we enter. †Pho24’s major goals: â€Å"Make PHO24 become the number one and the most famous Vietnamese Pho and Noodle Brand in the world. †Pho24’s core values: â€Å"Always make customers come to PHO24 with great expectations and to leave with full satisfaction. †Business Philosophy: Everything we do is based on quality, customer service and integrity. We believe that repeat customers are the lifeblood of our business. We also trust that new customers are valuable energy for our business development. Therefore, we invite our guests to come to any PHO24 outlets with great expectations and to leave with full satisfaction. We only select franchisees that can share and convey our high standards to our customers†Question 3. Some p reliminary evaluation of the CEO’s leadership capabilities in comparison with key characteristics of good strategic leaders. Ly Quy Trung was born in 1966 in SaiGon.He founded Nam An Group. Subsidiary Pho24 noodle soup chain is the largest chain restaurant in Vietnam. Nam An Group also acts as general distributor for foreign food brands such as Australian franchise Gloria Jean’s Coffees, Canadian frozen yogurt vendor Yogen Fruz and Singaporean bakery chain Bread Talk. The Group wholly owns a dozen restaurant chains in Vietnam, including Maxim Nam An gourmet restaurants and Cafe Terrace bistros. According to the aforementioned qualifications, we can identify some key features which all converge in Ly QuyTrung, the successful CEO of Pho24:Firstly, he has very good vision and wide perspective. In order to develop Pho24 to be the world wide branch to rival with McDonald’s or KFC, from the very first days, Ly QuyTrung has invested in R&D or qualification testing, whi le other people said that they are not necessary for such a Vietnamese restaurant. He is a consistent leader. Being well aware of his company’s position in the market, in spite of the fact that there are a lot of new competitors like Pho Vuong, Pho Cali, etc. Ly Quy Trung believed that they are not his main rivals. He was confident to claim that the quality of the foods and services, along with the prestigious branch are not something that we can create in the short term of time. He was cared about the domestic market. But that is not everything, his main strategy is to make traditional dish of Vietnam – pho – become a fast food franchise appeared over the world. It is clearly shown in the vision of Pho 24: â€Å"To be the number one Vietnamese Pho and Noodle Brand in the world†.Finally, he has willingness to delegate and empower, which is needed to be a good leader. By choosing franchise business model, Ly Quy Trung made decision of building a chain of r estaurant about traditional food, spreading it over the world. He built the secret recipe for his dish, created the dining environment and other differentiation factors for his brand names. Then, he didn’t have to control all the chain but only be the managers and controllers, taking care about the quality of products and services in chain restaurants.Empowering people like that, he has created jobs for thousands people, changed the habit of the Vietnamese of eating n sidewalk not good for health, as well as made a nice appearance of traditional food for the foreigners – an efficient way to represent our culture and promote Vietnamese tourism. In conclusion, Ly Quy Trung is a successful talented leader. Although there has been more and more difficulties, Pho 24 still strives to contribute for Vietnam economic development and make their brand famous and popular in over the world.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Top 5 Review Activities for Elementary Students
Review sessions are inevitable in the classroom, and for many teachers, it can be a rather uninspiring exercise. Too often, review activities feel boring and may leave your students feeling unengaged. But, it doesnt have to be that way. By choosing some fun and engaging activities, a traditionally mundane review session can become an active and inspiring session. Check out these five teacher-tested review lessons with your students. Graffiti Wall When students here the words its review time, you might get a bunch of groans. But, by turning the review session into a hands-on activity, students will be more likely to enjoy the exercise and even better retain the information. Heres how it works: Place a variety of different colored dry erase markers on the front board(or different colored chalk if you have a chalkboard).Then give students a review topic, and randomly call about three to five students at a time to the board.The students goal is to think of any word that associates with the given topic.Students can write the word any way they like (sideways, up and down, backward, etc.)One rule you must enforce is that students cannot repeat any word that is on the board.Once all the students have had a turn, pair them up and have each student tell their partner about five of the words on the board.View pictures and learn more about this great graffiti wall review activity here. 3-2-1 Strategy The 3-2-1 review strategy is a great way for students to review just about anything in an easy and simple format. There are a few ways you can use this strategy, but often, the preferred way is to draw a pyramid. Heres how it works: Students are given a review topic and told to draw a pyramid in their notebook.Their goal is to write down three things they learned, two things they thought was interesting, and one question they still have. You can adapt this activity any way you want. Instead of asking a question on the top of the pyramid, students can write a summary sentence. Or, instead of writing two things they found interesting, they can write two vocabulary words. It is very easily adaptable. View a picture of the 3-2-1 review pyramid. Post-It Practice If your students love the game Headbands, then they will love playing this review game. Heres what you have to do to get started. Provide each student with a Post-it note, and have them write down one review term on it.Then without the other students seeing the note, have each student choose one person to stick their note to their forehead.The goal of this activity is for students to go around the room and try to explain the term without using the actual term.Make sure that each student has the opportunity to go around the room and explain each term. Move Ahead of the Class This review game is the perfect way to incorporate teamwork while reviewing important skills. Here is how you play: Divide students into teams of two, then have students stand in a row where one student is behind one other.Use the squares of the floor as the game board and tape off a finish line.To play the game, have one person from each team face-off by answering a review question. The first person to answer it correctly moves ahead to the next square.​After the first question, the next person in line takes the place of the student who got the answer correct.The game goes on until one team crosses the finish line. Sink or Swim Sink or Swim is a fun review game that will have your students working together as a team in order to win the game. Heres what you need to know to play the game: Divide students into two teams and have them form a line and face one another.Then ask team 1 a question, and if they get it right, they can choose one person from the other team to sink.Then ask team 2 a question, and if they get the answer right, they may either sink their opponents team member or save their sunken team member.The winning team is the one with the most people at the end.
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