Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Tragedy of Oedipus Rex Essay Example For Students
Tragedy of Oedipus Rex Essay Brooks and Heilman wrote Understanding Drama in 1948. Their combined experience and efforts in research of the play, Oedipus Rex, give them the opportunity to become co-authors of their essay. Cederic Whitman, in 1951, also wrote an essay about Oedipus Rex entitled Sophocles: A Study of Heroic Humanism. Being published at Cambridge shows his knowledge and experience. The essays together explain their beliefs of Oedipus as a tragic hero. However, Cecil Bowra, author of Sophoclean Tragedy, published at Oxford in 1945, believes that the role of the gods effects the outcome of Oedipus Rex. Brooks and Heilman plus Whitman combined successfully refute Bowras belief in the role of the gods. We will write a custom essay on Tragedy of Oedipus Rex specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Brooks and Heilman believe that Oedipus is a true tragic hero. They begin to say that Sophocles chose to portray Oedipus as a true tragic hero and an object of fate. Oedipus refused to accept the accusations Teiresias had told him. Oedipus needed proof. Going against the will of the gods, he sought to find the truth. Finding the truth, he can no longer stand himself and gouged out his eyes and asked to be banished. Since he did attempt to fight his fate, instead of running from the accusations, he is a hero for standing tall in his quest for the truth. Cederic Whitman also believed that Oedipus was a tragic hero. He believed also that Oedipus was not an object of fate, and that standing up for himself made Oedipus a hero. Whitman realized that Oedipus cannot be guilty of the crimes he committed, because he had done so unwittingly. Whitman continues on that the gods cannot be just if Oedipus is morally innocent. To say that the gods helped Oedipus to kill his father and marry his mother is ridiculous. It was Oedipus negligence to the oracle that damned him to his own fall. Bowra, against Brooks and Heilman and Whitman, believed that the gods played a major role in Oedipus Rex. Bowra believed that Sophocles intended to show the gods at work. He goes on saying that Oedipus is just a parody. The gods humiliated Oedipus to show the people that there is a lesson to be learned. There is indeed a lesson to be learned, but their gods do not exist, therefore the gods are not teaching anyone a lesson. Oedipus was an object of fate, not an object of the gods. Bowra then said that Oedipus blinded himself to make peace with the gods for his past actions. Sophocles established that Oedipus did not believe in the gods. Brooks and Heilman along with Sophocles stated that he blinded himself to save himself from the humiliation of his actions. Brooks, Heilman, and Whitman all believe that Oedipus is a true tragic hero. Together they successfully refute Bowras belief in the gods. It is true to say that Oedipus is a tragic hero instead of a toy of the gods. With their combined experience, Brooks, Heilman, and Whitman presented a wonderful essay showing that Oedipus is a true tragic hero.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Development of Social Policy essays
Development of Social Policy essays The development of health care policy in the last one hundred years has been shaped by many factors. These factors are social, economic and political and include poverty, de-industrialisation and different political ideologies. Social attitudes changed over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and were the main driving force for the development of health care policies. In the early 1900s attitudes were changing and people were becoming more aware of social conditions within the country. The Boer War and the two World Wars had shown politicians that the country was poor, unfit and extremely unhealthy. Unemployment was rising and more and more people were becoming dependant on help from the state. At this time we had the political influence of a Liberal Government whos ideals described as social democratic, would give rise to the health service. Social democratic ideals concerning health care were that care should be available on a needs basis rather than for those who could afford it and should be provided by the state. They believed that all people should be free from poverty. The social democrats thought that its people were the governments responsibility to look after. This ideology led to Labour exchanges and National Insurance being set up in 1911 to help those who were sick and out of work. Women were given the vote and they helped to hig hlight social conditions of the nation. Poverty was rife and was a drain on the economy, and was one of the main reasons the population was so unfit and unhealthy as we will see later. In 1942 Beveridge produced a report that was designed to counter the five social giants of idleness, ignorance, disease, squalor and want. The report was lengthy and considered the whole question of social insurance, arguing that want could be abolished by a system of social security organised for the individual by the state. Beveridge recommended the establishment of...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Do women have to suppressed(kept down) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Do women have to suppressed(kept down) - Essay Example need to be suppressed because they are unwilling to accommodate the idea of an empowered woman and they want women to abide by the stereotypical roles attributed to them. Since ages, women have been stereotyped and expected to be mothers, wives and daughters and nothing more. Thereby, some men today do feel bad when a woman aspires to gain freedom and power as they believe that this mindset does not go well with their â€Å"traditional gender role position (FlorCruz 1).†Thereby such misogynist approach towards women has its basis in the underlying male fear that women may stop catering to the male notions of them, as they get more educated and successful (Sandberg & Chavez 1). People feel that they need to suppress women because their attitudes towards women are actually out dated, conservative and prejudiced. Thereby, any gain made by women in the field of politics or business, stimulates there misogynist assumptions. Even if people know that such fears of female domination happen to be misplaced, faulty and wrong, they still choose to suppress women, going by the force of tradition and outdated beliefs. They bow down before the urge to â₠¬Å"emphasize the gender characteristics recognized by tradition (FlorCruz 1)†. It is time that people do realize the fact that there is no need to suppress women to support male domination. In fact doing so in the current times may prove to be counterproductive. One other reason why many males believe that they need to suppress women is because they are not willing to accept the gains made by women in all areas, in the contemporary society (Sandberg & Chavez 1). Though women had been allowed an active participation in academics, business and politics just a few decades ago, still, in such a short time, they have managed to gain tremendous success through their handwork and dedication. As a result of such developments, the society is required to accommodate women as equals. However, this amazing success registered by women in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The topic can be proposed by the writer Movie Review - 1
The topic can be proposed by the writer - Movie Review Example Told from the stories and recollections of the people who experienced the revolution, the film depicts the tragic turn of events from an initial noble intention to create an equal society, to the creation of a starving and perishing society, through the introduction of the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward initiatives (Williams, n.p.). These reforms caused the starvation of the majority of the Chinese rural population at the time, resulting to the death of approximately 30 million people. The brutality with which the processes of collective agriculture and rural industrialization were introduced, further served to disorient the already capitalist tendencies of the traditional Chinese population, while resulting in the dispossession of lands and property for the initial landowners. In this respect, the Chinese revolution in the periods spanning 1949-1962 served to create more poverty for the country and its people. This necessitated a change of strategy towards partial acceptance of some concepts of capitalism, which saw the Chinese economy start recovering from the initial depression brought about by the revolution (Williams, n.p.). Nevertheless, the most notable transformation of the period 1949-1976 in China is the transformed gender role for women. It is during this period that the undermined rights of women both domestically and politically started being recognized, with women gaining full political democratic rights. Additionally, the foreign policy of China, especially regarding its relations with the USA and the rest of the capitalist western world was shaped (Williams, n.p.). Thus, the Chinese involvement in the Korean War was as a result of forging its new identity as a communist nation that was opposed to the capitalist intrusion of its neighbors. Thus, the negative implications of the Mao Years revolution have been effectively demonstrated in the film. The film has
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Flow Measurement Using Venturi Meter Lab Report
Flow Measurement Using Venturi Meter - Lab Report Example All these were ascertained through the aspect of making appropriate records as per the experimental results and the actual measurements of the prevailing pressure level. The discharge co-efficient was then determined using the graph’s gradient. The major concept that is dealt with in this entire report is the aspect of the fluid’s flow rate in pipes. The flow rate often tends to vary due to variations in the volume and the cross-sectional area of the pipes. Generally, it dwells on the aspect of inflow and outflow which should remain constant. Generally, flow measurement refers to the aspect of fluid movement quantification within a given medium. There are a variety of ways for measurement of the flow rate movements. Positive-displacement types of flow meters tend to accumulate a predetermined fluid volume while counting the sequence in which the volume is entirely filled so as to adequately measure the flow (ALLEN & DITSWORTH, 1972).Other measurement methods with regards to the flow rates often rely on the forces that are duly produced by the entire flow while overcoming a specific constriction. Flow might be measured through the measurement of the fluid’s velocity over a given area. A Venturi meter refers to a type of a flow meter with a definite design. It generally has a 10˚ divergent segment and a 21˚ convergent segment. The fluid flow rate in a given pipe can be determined by application of both the continuity and Bernoulli’s equation, alongside the inner streamline edge between the throat and the mouth of the entire Venturi meter while recording the variations with regards to the static pressure (MERZKIRCH, 2005). As a main instrument that is usually used for determination of the volumetric flow rates, Venturi meter tends to constrict the entire flow in a specific manner, and the pressure sensors are usually utilized during the
Friday, November 15, 2019
A horseshoe magnet
A horseshoe magnet A-1 Horseshoe magnet red silver iron A horseshoe magnet (A-1) has a north and south pole. If a piece of carbon steel contacts both poles, a magnetic circuit is created. In an electromagnetic brake, the north and south pole is created by a coil shell and a wound coil. In a brake, the armature is being pulled against the brake field. (A-3) The frictional contact, which is being controlled by the strength of the magnetic field, is what causes the rotational motion to stop. All of the torque comes from the magnetic attraction and coefficient of friction between the steel of the armature and the steel of the brake field. For many industrial brakes, friction material is used between the poles. The material is mainly used to help decrease the wear rate. But different types of material can also be used to change the coefficient of friction (torque) for special applications. For example, if the brake was required to have an extended time to stop or slip time, a low coefficient material can be used. Conversely, if the brake was r equired to have a slightly higher torque (mostly for low RPM applications), a high coefficient friction material could be used.[1] In a brake, the electromagnetic lines of flux have to attract and pull the armature in contact with it to complete brake engagement. Most industrial applications use what is called a single-flux two-pole brake. The coil shell is made with carbon steel that has a combination of good strength and good magnetic properties. Copper (sometimes aluminum) magnet wire, is used to create the coil, which is held in shell either by a bobbin or by some type of epoxy/adhesive.[2] To help increase life in applications, friction material is used between the poles. This friction material is flush with the steel on the coil shell, since if the friction material was not flush, good magnetic traction could not occur between the faces. Some people look at electromagnetic brakes and mistakenly assume that, since the friction material is flush with the steel, that the brake has already worn down, but this is not the case.[3] [edit] Basic Operation There are three parts to an electrmagnetic brake: field, armature, and hub (which is the input on a brake) (B-2). Usually the magnetic field is bolted to the machine frame (or uses a torque arm that can handle the torque of the brake). So when the armature is attracted to the field the stopping torque is transferred into the field housing and into the machine frame decelerating the load. This can happen very fast (.1-3sec). Disengagement is very simple. Once the field starts to degrade flux falls rapidly and the armature separates. A spring(s) hold the armature away from its corresponding contact surface at a predetermined air gap.[4] V-1 Right hand thumb rule If a piece of copper wire was wound, around the nail and then connected to a battery, it would create an electro magnet. The magnetic field that is generated in the wire, from the current, is known as the right hand thumb rule. (V-1) The strength of the magnetic field can be changed by changing both wire size and the amount of wire (turns). EM clutches are similar; they use a copper wire coil (sometimes aluminum) to create a magnetic field. The fields of EM brakes can be made to operate at almost any DC voltage and the torque produced by the brake will be the same as long as the correct operating voltage and current is used with the correct brake. If a 90 volt brake had 48 volts applied to it, this would get about half of the correct torque output of that brake. This is because voltage/current is almost linear to torque in DC electromagnetic brakes. A constant current power supply is ideal for accurate and maximum torque from a brake. If a non regulated power supply is used the magnetic flux will degrade as the resistance of the coil goes up. Basically, the hotter the coil gets the lower the torque will be produced by about an average of 8% for every 20Â °C. If the temperature is fairly constant, and there is a question of enough service factor in the design for minor temperature fluctuation, by slightly over sizing the brake can compensate for degradation. This will allow the use of a rectified power supply, which is far less expensive than a constant current supply. Based on V = I R, as resistance increases available current falls. An increase in resistance, often results from rising temperature as the coil heats up, according to: Rf = Ri [1 + aCu (Tf Ti)] Where Rf = final resistance, Ri = initial resistance, aCu = copper wires temperature coefficient of resistance, 0.0039 Â °C-1, Tf = final temperature, and Ti = initial temperature. [edit] Engagement Time There are actually two engagement times to consider in an electromagnetic brake. The first one is the time it takes for a coil to develop a magnetic field, strong enough to pull in an armature. Within this, there are two factors to consider. The first one is the amount of ampere turns in a coil, which will determine the strength of a magnetic field. The second one is air gap, which is the space between the armature and the coil shell. Magnetic lines of flux diminish quickly in the air. The further away the attractive piece is from the coil, the longer it will take for that piece to actually develop enough magnetic force to be attracted and pull in to overcome the air gap. For very high cycle applications, floating armatures can be used that rest lightly against the coil shell. In this case, the air gap is zero; but, more importantly the response time is very consistent since there is no air gap to overcome. Air gap is an important consideration especially with a fixed armature design because as the unit wears over many cycles of engagement the armature and the coil shell will create a larger air gap which will change the engagement time of the brakes. In high cycle applications, where registration is important, even the difference of 10 to 15 milliseconds can make a difference, in registration of a machine. Even in a normal cycle application, this is important because a new machine that has accurate timing can eventually see a drift in its accuracy as the machine gets older. The second factor in figuring out response time of a brake is actually much more important than the magnet wire or the air gap. It involves calculating the amount of inertia that the brake needs to decelerate. This is referred to as time to stop. In reality, this is what the end-user is most concerned with. Once it is known how much inertia is present for the brake to stop then the torque can be calculated and the appropriate size of brake can be chosen. Most CAD systems can automatically calculate component inertia, but the key to sizing a brake is calculating how much inertial is reflected back to the brake. To do this, engineers use the formula: T = (WK2 ?N) / (308 t) Where T = required torque in lb-ft, WK2 = total inertia in lb-ft2, ?N = change in the rotational speed in rpm, and t = time during which the acceleration or deceleration must take place. Inertia Calculator There are also online sites that can help confirm how much torque is required to decelerate a given amount of inertia over a specific time. Remember to make sure that the torque chosen, for the brake, should be after the brake has been burnished. [edit] Burnishing What Is It and Why Is It Important? Burnishing is the wearing or mating of opposing surfaces. When the armature and brake faces are produced, the faces are machined as flat as possible. (Some manufacturers also lightly grind the faces to get them smoother.) But even with that the machining process leaves peaks and valleys on the surface of the steel. When a new out of the box brake is initially engaged most peaks on both mating surfaces touch which means that the potential contact area can be significantly reduced. In some cases, an out of box brake may have only 50% of its torque rating. Burnishing is the process of cycling the brake to wear down those initial peaks, so that there is more surface contact between the mating faces Even though burnishing is required to get full torque out of the brake it may not be required in all applications. Simply put, if the application torque is lower than the initial out of box torque of the brake, burnishing would not be required; however, if the torque required is higher, then burnishing needs to be done. In general this tends to be required more on higher torque brakes than on smaller lower torque brakes. The process involves cycling the brake a number of times at a lower inertia, lower speed or a combination of both. Burnishing can require from 20 to over 100 cycles depending upon the size of a brake and the amount of initial torque required. For bearing mounted brakes where the rotor and armature is connected and held in place via a bearing, burnishing does not have to take place on the machine. It can be done individually on a bench or as a group at a burnishing station. Two piece brakes that have separate armatures should try to have the burnishing done on the machine verses a bench. The reason for this is if burnishing on a two piece brake is done on a bench and there is a shift in the mounting tolerance when that brake is mounted to the machine the alignment could be shifted so the burnishing lines on the armature, rotor or brake face may be off slightly preventing that brake from achieving full torque. Again, the difference is only slight so this would only be required in a ver y torque sensitive application. [edit] Torque Burnishing can affect initial torque of a brake but there are also factors that affect the torque performance of a brake in an application. The main one is voltage/current. In the voltage/current section we showed why a constant current supply is important to get full torque out of the brake. When considering torque, the question of using dynamic or static torque for the application is key? For example, if running a machine at relatively low rpm (5 50 depending upon size) there is minimal concern with dynamic torque since the static torque rating of the brake will come closest to where it is running. However, when running a machine at 3,000rpm and applying the brake at its catalog torque, at that rpm, is misleading. Almost all manufacturers put the static rated torque for their brakes in their catalog. So, when trying to determine a specific response rate for a particular brake, the dynamic torque rating is needed. In many cases this can be significantly lower. It can be less than half of the static torque rating. Most manufacturers publish torque curves showing the relationship between dynamic and static torque for a given series of brake. Electromagnetic-Power-Off-Brake Over excitation is used to achieve a faster response time. Its when a coil momentarily receives a higher voltage then its nominal rating. To be effective the over excitation voltage must be significantly, but not to the point of diminishing returns, higher than the normal coil voltage. Three times the voltage typically gives around 1/3 faster response. Fifteen times the normal coil voltage will produce a 3 times faster response time. With over excitation the in rush voltage is momentary. Although it would depend upon the size of the coil the actual time is usually only a few milliseconds. The theory is, for the coil to generate as much of a magnetic field as quickly as possible to attract the armature and start the process of deceleration. Once the over excitation is no longer required the power supply to the brake would return to its normal operating voltage. This process can be repeated a number of times as long as the high voltage does not stay in the coil long enough to cause the coil wire to overheat. [edit] Wear It is very rare that a coil would just stop working in an electromagnetic brake. Typically if a coil fails it is usually due to heat which has caused the insulation of the coil wire to break down. That heat can be caused by high ambient temperature, high cycle rates, slipping or applying too high of a voltage. Most brakes are flanged mounted and have bearings but some brakes are bearing mounted and like the coils, unless bearings are stressed beyond their physical limitations or become contaminated, they tend to have a long life and they are usually the second item to wear out. The main wear in electromagnetic brakes occurs on the faces of the mating surfaces. Every time a brake is engaged during rotation a certain amount of energy is transferred as heat. The transfer, which occurs during rotation, wears both the armature and the opposing contact surface. Based upon the size of the brake, the speed and the inertia, wear rates will differ. With a fixed armature design a brake will eventually simply cease to engage. This is because the air gap will eventually become too large for the magnetic field to overcome. Zero gap or auto wear armatures can wear to the point of less than one half of its original thickness, which will eventually cause missed engagements. [edit] Backlash Some applications require very tight precision between all components. In these applications even a degree of movement between the input and the output when a brake is engaged can be a problem. This is true in many robotic applications. Sometimes the design engineers will order brakes with zero backlash but then key them to the shafts so although the brake will have zero backlash theres still minimal movement occurring between the hub or rotor in the shaft. Most applications, however, do not need true zero backlash and can use a spline type connection. Some of these connections between the armature and the hub are standard splines others are hex or square hub designs. The spline will have the best initial backlash tolerance. Typically less than 2 degrees but the spline and the other connection types can wear over time and the tolerances will increase. [edit] Environment / Contamination As brakes wear they create wear particles. In some applications such as clean rooms or food handling this dust could be a contamination problem so in these applications the brake should be enclosed to prevent the particles from contaminating other surfaces around it. But a more likely scenario is that the brake has a better chance of getting contaminated from its environment. Obviously oil or grease should be kept away from the contact surface because they would significantly reduce the coefficient of friction which could drastically decrease the torque potentially causing failure. Oil midst or lubricated particles can also cause surface contamination. Sometimes paper dust or other contamination can fall in between the contact surfaces. This can also result in a lost of torque. If a known source of contamination is going to be present many clutch manufactures offer contamination shields that prevent material from falling in between the contact surfaces. In brakes that have not been used in a while rust can develop on the surfaces. But in general this is normally not a major concern since the rust is worn off within a few cycles and there is no lasting impact on the torque. [edit] Other Types of Electromagnetic Brakes Electormagnetic Power Off Brake Spring Set Introduction Power off brakes stop or hold a load when electrical power is either accidentally lost or intentionally disconnected. In the past, some companies have referred to these as fail safe brakes. These brakes are typically used on or near an electric motor. Typical applications include robotics, holding brakes for Z axis ball screws and servo motor brakes. Brakes are available in multiple voltages and can have either standard backlash or zero backlash hubs. Multiple disks can also be used to increase brake torque, without increasing brake diameter. There are 2 main types of holding brakes. The first is spring applied brakes. The second is permanent magnet brakes. How It Works Spring Type When no electricity is applied to the brake, a spring pushes against a pressure plate, squeezing the friction disk between the inner pressure plate and the outer cover plate. This frictional clamping force is transferred to the hub, which is mounted to a shaft. Permanent Magnet Type A permanent magnet holding brake looks very similar to a standard power applied electromagnetic brake. Instead of squeezing a friction disk, via springs, it uses permanent magnets to attract a single face armature. When the brake is engaged, the permanent magnets create magnetic lines of flux, which can turn attract the armature to the brake housing. To disengage the brake, power is applied to the coil which sets up an alternate magnetic field that cancels out the magnetic flux of the permanent magnets. Both power off brakes are considered to be engaged when no power is applied to them. They are typically required to hold or to stop alone in the event of a loss of power or when power is not available in a machine circuit. Permanent magnet brakes have a very high torque for their size, but also require a constant current control to offset the permanent magnetic field. Spring applied brakes do not require a constant current control, they can use a simple rectifier, but are larger in diameter or would need stacked friction disks to increase the torque. [edit] Electromagnetic Particle Brake Magnetic Particle Brake Introduction Magnetic particle brakes are unique in their design from other electro-mechanical brakes because of the wide operating torque range available. Like an electro-mechanical brake, torque to voltage is almost linear; however, in a magnetic particle brake, torque can be controlled very accurately (within the operating RPM range of the unit). This makes these units ideally suited for tension control applications, such as wire winding, foil, film, and tape tension control. Because of their fast response, they can also be used in high cycle applications, such as magnetic card readers, sorting machines and labeling equipment. How It Works Magnetic particles (very similar to iron filings) are located in the powder cavity. When electricity is applied to the coil, the resulting magnetic flux tries to bind the particles together, almost like a magnetic particle slush. As the electric current is increased, the binding of the particles becomes stronger. The brake rotor passes through these bound particles. The output of the housing is rigidly attached to some portion of the machine. As the particles start to bind together, a resistant force is created on the rotor, slowing, and eventually stopping the output shaft. When electricity is removed from the brake, the input is free to turn with the shaft. Since magnetic particle powder is in the cavity, all magnetic particle units have some type of minimum drag associated with them. [edit] Electromagnetic Hysteresis Power Brake Electomagnetic Hysteresis Power Brake Introduction Electrical hysteresis units have an extremely wide torque range. Since these units can be controlled remotely, they are ideal for test stand applications where varying torque is required. Since drag torque is minimal, these units offer the widest available torque range of any of the hysteresis products. Most applications involving powered hysteresis units are in test stand requirements. How It Works When electricity is applied to the field, it creates an internal magnetic flux. That flux is then transferred into a hysteresis disk passing through the field. The hysteresis disk is attached to the brake shaft. A magnetic drag on the hysteresis disk allows for a constant drag, or eventual stoppage of the output shaft. When electricity is removed from the brake, the hysteresis disk is free to turn, and no relative force is transmitted between either member. Therefore, the only torque seen between the input and the output is bearing drag. [edit] Multiple Disk Brakes Electromagnetic Multiple Disk Brake Introduction Multiple disk brakes are used to deliver extremely high torque within a small space. These brakes can be used either wet or dry, which makes them ideal to run in multi speed gear box applications, machine tool applications, or in off road equipment. How It Works Electro-mechanical disk brakes operate via electrical actuation, but transmit torque mechanically. When electricity is applied to the coil of an electromagnet, the magnetic flux attracts the armature to the face of the brake. As it does so, it squeezes the inner and outer friction disks together. The hub is normally mounted on the shaft that is rotating. The brake housing is mounted solidly to the machine frame. As the disks are squeezed, torque is transmitted from the hub into the machine frame, stopping and holding the shaft. When electricity is removed from the brake, the armature is free to turn with the shaft. Springs keep the friction disk and armature away from each other. There is no contact between breaking surfaces and minimal drag. Architecture of an Electromechanical Braking System General architecture of an electromechanical braking (EMB) system in a drive-by-wire car is shown in Fig. 1. The system mainly comprises five types of elements: Processors including an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and other local processors Memory (mainly integrated into the ECU) Sensors Actuators Communication network(s). Once the driver inputs a brake command to the system via a human-machine interface HMI (e.g. the brake pedal), four independent brake commands are generated by the ECU based on high level brake functions such as anti-lock braking system (ABS) or vehicle stability control (VSC). These command signals are sent to the four electric calipers (e-calipers) via a communication network. As this network might not be able to properly communicate with the e-calipers due to network faults, HMI sensory data are also directly transmitted to each e-caliper via a separate data bus. In each e-caliper a controller uses the brake command (received from ECU) as a reference input. The controller provides drive control commands for a power control module. This module controls three phase drive currents for the brake actuator which is a permanent magnet DC motor, energised by 42V sources. In addition to tracking its reference brake command, the caliper controller also controls the position and speed of the brake actuator. Thus, two sensors are vitally required to measure the position and speed of the actuator in each e-caliper. Because of the safety critical nature of the application, even missing a limited number of samples of these sensory data should be compensated for. [edit] Voting A brake-by-wire system, by nature, is a safety critical system and therefore fault tolerance is a vitally important characteristic of this system. As a result, a brake-by-wire system is designed in such way that many of its essential information would be derived from a variety of sources (sensors) and be handled by more than the bare necessity hardware. Three main types of redundancy usually exist in a brake-by-wire system: Redundant sensors in safety critical components such as the brake pedal. Redundant copies of some signals that are of particular safety importance such as displacement and force measurements of the brake pedal copied by multiple processors in the pedal interface unit. Redundant hardware to perform important processing tasks such as multiple processors for the electronic control unit (ECU) in Fig. 1. In order to utilize the existing redundancy, voting algorithms need to be evaluated, modified and adopted to meet the stringent requirements of a brake-by-wire system. Reliability, fault tolerance and accuracy are the main targeted outcomes of the voting techniques that should be developed especially for redundancy resolution inside a brake-by-wire system. Example of a solution for this problem: A fuzzy voter developed to fuse the information provided by three sensors devised in a brake pedal design. [edit] Missing data compensation In a by-wire car, some sensors are safety-critical components, and their failure will disrupt the vehicle function and endanger human lives. Two examples are the brake pedal sensors and the wheel speed sensors. The electronic control unit must always be informed of the drivers intentions to brake or to stop the vehicle. Therefore, missing the pedal sensor data is a serious problem for functionality of the vehicle control system. Wheel speed data are also vital in a brake-by-wire system to avoid skidding. The design of a by-wire car should provide safeguards against missing some of the data samples provided by the safety-critical sensors. Popular solutions are to provide redundant sensors and to apply a fail-safe mechanism. In addition to a complete sensor loss, the electronic control unit may also suffer an intermittent (temporary) data loss. For example, sensor data can sometimes fail to reach the electronic control unit. This may happen due to a temporary problem with the sensor it self or with the data transmission path. It may also result from an instantaneous short circuit or disconnection, a communication network fault, or a sudden increase in noise. In such cases, for a safe operation, the system has to be compensated for missing data samples. Example of a solution for this problem: Missing data compensation by a predictive filter. [edit] Accurate estimation of position and speed of brake actuators in the e-calipers The caliper controller controls the position and speed of the brake actuator (besides its main task which is tracking of its reference brake command). Thus, position and speed sensors are vitally required in each e-caliper and an efficient design of a measurement mechanism to sense the position and speed of the actuator is required. Recent designs for brake-by-wire systems use resolvers to provide accurate and continuous measurements for both absolute position and speed of the rotor of the actuators. Incremental encoders are relative position sensors and their additive error needs to be calibrated or compensated for by different methods. Unlike the encoders, resolvers provide two output signals that always allow the detection of absolute angular position. In addition, they suppress common mode noise and are especially useful in a noisy environment. Because of these reasons, resolvers are usually applied for the purpose of position and speed measurement in brake-by-wire systems. Howev er, nonlinear and robust observers are required to extract accurate position and speed estimates from the sinusoidal signals provided by resolvers. Example of a solution for this problem: A hybrid resolver-to-digital conversion scheme with guaranteed robust stability and automatic calibration of the resolvers used in an EMB system. [edit] Measurement and/or estimation of clamp force in the electromechanical calipers A clamp force sensor is a relatively expensive component in an EMB caliper. The cost is derived from its high unit value from a supplier, as well as marked production expenses because of its inclusion. The later emanates from the complex assembly procedures dealing with small tolerances, as well as on-line calibration for performance variability from one clamp force sensor to another. The successful use of a clamp force sensor in an EMB system poses a challenging engineering task. If a clamp force sensor is placed close to a brake pad, then it will be subjected to severe temperature conditions reaching up to 800 degrees Celsius that will challenge its mechanical integrity. Also temperature drifts must be compensated for. This situation can be avoided by embedding a clamp force sensor deep within the caliper. However, embedding this sensor leads to hysteresis that is influenced by friction between the clamp force sensor and the point of contact of an inner pad with the rotor. This hys teresis prevents a true clamp force to be measured. Due to the cost issues and engineering challenges involved with including the clamp force sensor, it might be desirable to eliminate this component from the EMB system. A potential opportunity to achieve this presents itself in accurate estimation of the clamp force based on alternative EMB system sensory measurements leading to the omission of a clamp force sensor. Example of a solution for this problem: Clamp force estimation from actuator position and current measurements using sensor data fusion. A magnetometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the strength and/or direction of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the instrument. Magnetism varies from place to place and differences in Earths magnetic field (the magnetosphere) can be caused by the differing nature of rocks and the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the magnetosphere of a planet. Magnetometers are often a frequent component instrument on spacecraft that explore planets. [edit] Uses Magnetometers are used in ground-based electromagnetic geophysical surveys (such as magnetotellurics) to assist with detecting mineralization and corresponding geological structures. Airborne geophysical surveys use magnetometers that can detect magnetic field variations caused by mineralization, using airplanes like the Shrike Commander.[1] Magnetometers are also used to detect archaeological sites, shipwrecks and other buried or submerged objects, and in metal detectors to detect metal objects, such as guns in security screening. Magnetic anomaly detectors detect submarines for military purposes. They are used in directional drilling for oil or gas to detect the azimuth of the drilling tools near the drill bit. They are most often paired up with accelerometers in drilling tools so that both the inclination and azimuth of the drill bit can be found. Magnetometers are very sensitive, and can give an indication of possible auroral activity before one can see the light from the aurora. A grid of magnetometers around the world constantly measures the effect of the solar wind on the Earths magnetic field, which is published on the K-index.[2] A three-axis fluxgate magnetometer was part of the Mariner 2 and Mariner 10 missions.[3] A dual technique Magnetometer is part of the Cassini-Huygens mission to explore Saturn.[4] This system is composed of a vector helium and fluxgate magnetometers.[5] Magnetometers are also a component instrument on the Mercury MESSENGER mission. A magnetometer can also be used by satellites like GOES to measure both the magnitude and direction of a planets or moons magnetic field. Further information: Spacecraft magnetometer [edit] Mobile phones Magnetometers are appearing in mobile phones. The Apple iPhone 3GS has a magnetometer and comes with a compass app for showing direction. It can also reorient maps to show the direction youre facing.[6] [edit] Types Magnetometers can be divided into two basic types: Scalar magnetometers measure the total strength of the magnetic field to which they are subjected, and Vector magnetometers have the capability to measure the component of the magnetic field in a particular direction, relative to the spatial orientation of the device. The use of three orthogonal vector magnetometers allows the magnetic field strength, inclination and declination to be uniquely defined. Examples of vector magnetometers are fluxgates, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), and the atomic SERF magnetometer. Some scalar magnetometers are discuss
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Our Duties to Animals and the Poor Essay -- Argumentative, McGinn
In this essay, I will discuss if our actions towards animals are immoral. McGinn discusses his reasons shortly, assuming that he is correct. He claims that, â€Å"we have a moral duty to relieve the suffering, and cease the killing, of the animals with which we have dealings†(McGinn 150). This is the structure of his argument: (1) It is morally wrong to cause the suffering and death of animals unnecessarily (2) We do cause the suffering of and death of animals unnecessarily. Therefore: (3) What we do to animals is morally wrong. As my thesis, I will reject his claim, and his arguments that support such claim; I shall call his allegation â€Å"Claim X†. Though objecting to this claim seems intuitively horrendous, I belief that his argument does not demonstrate the correct grounds for readers to be able to empathize with his views. In this paper, I will critically object to McGinn’s fundamental argument, by illustrating the flaws of his supporting claims. After his supporting claims are seen as fallacious, I shall demystify such key argument. Finally, to finish on a good note, I will propose an alternative view on the matter. To start, I want to first define the terms, as he has on his article. By the term â€Å"suffering†, McGinn defines them as the following: â€Å"Eating meat, hunting, vivisection, and fur coats, and the like†(McGinns 151). For â€Å"the like†, I propose he meant, other activities such as owning animals, using them for entertainment, or work. To support his argument, he poses the following three points. First, he asserts that our uses of animals do not justify our means. Second, he believes that it is our moral duty to not cause any unnecessary suffering on animals. Third and last, he claims that it is erroneous to think of a... ... destroy the environment by destroying the animals. If it is our moral duty to preserve the environment, then it is our moral duty to preserve the species that come with it. Therefore, it is morally incorrect to allow those species to be used as production material. Wrapping up, McGinn’s â€Å"Claim X†fails, it is not our duty to relieve the suffering and stop the killing of animals, which we have dealings with. â€Å"Claim X†fails because, McGinn’s supporting points do not have enough strength to support the three-premise argument. Since the argument for â€Å"Claim X†is not sustained, we are susceptible to believe that our duty towards animals end when we restrain from abusive, violent, or destructive behavior; but not when animals provide us with benefits that are intrinsic to them. In conclusion, our current interactions with animals do not portray an immoral behavior.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Racism in medical treatment
The topic I chose for the library assignment was â€Å"racism in medical treatment†. I felt that this topic comes up in the novel, â€Å"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks†by Rebecca Slot multiple times and also relates to the theme â€Å"voice†which is what we have been focusing on in our First-Year Experience class. Even though the time of â€Å"racism†is over, there are still acts of discrimination in the field of medicine.Many actors and even more, patients, have been treated unfairly based on their race. Patients have been misdiagnosed or given a false diagnosis in order for the doctors to make money off of them because the doctor could care less about their health. Discrimination also causes the patients to act differently because of their â€Å"race†. This relates to the theme, â€Å"voice†because some people who are discriminated against are unable to properly defend themselves leaving them without a voice Just like HenriettaLac ks. This topic is interesting to me because before I read this book I didn't give any of this much thought. I didn't think that doctors, people that are there to help us, would discriminate against people and treat them differently. It made me want to do more research and see how many people have gone through things like this. 1 . What evidence can we find that shows acts of racism In the book? 2. What outside evidence is there of racial discrimination In medical treatment 3.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Murder In The First
Murder in the First â€Å"A society that respects life does not deliberately kill human beings. An execution is a violent public spectacle of official homicide, and one that endorses killing to solve social problems - the worst possible example to set for the citizenry. The benefits of capital punishment are illusory, but the bloodshed and the resulting destruction of community decency are real.†Hugo Bedau, in The Case Against the Death Penalty In American society, the threat of capital punishment stands as the ultimate sentence for a criminal. The moral ramifications of the taking of another life, whether it be by murder or as legally accepted punishment, remains an unresolved conflict between Americans. Despite the fact that capital punishment, otherwise known as the "death penalty", is legal in only a handful of countries in the world, the majority of Americans regard it as acceptable retribution. In the 1981 Gallup Poll, two-thirds of Americans voiced general approval of capital punishment. By 1994, the same poll concluded that a tremendous 80% of Americans approved of capital punishment (Moore, 1994:5). It is no wonder that many of our countries leaders endorse the death penalty. The former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, believes that mass executions of "27 or 30 or 35 people at a time" would be effective in the reduction of the importation of illegal drugs in to America (Taylor, 1995). In 1972, capital punishment was eradicated in the United States when the Supreme Court declared that under then existing laws "imposition and carrying out of the death penalty... constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th and 14th amendments." (Fruman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238). This decision, however, was repealed in 1976 by the Supreme Court. Advocates of capital punishment claim that it is an effective deterrent against cr... Free Essays on Murder In The First Free Essays on Murder In The First Murder in the First â€Å"A society that respects life does not deliberately kill human beings. An execution is a violent public spectacle of official homicide, and one that endorses killing to solve social problems - the worst possible example to set for the citizenry. The benefits of capital punishment are illusory, but the bloodshed and the resulting destruction of community decency are real.†Hugo Bedau, in The Case Against the Death Penalty In American society, the threat of capital punishment stands as the ultimate sentence for a criminal. The moral ramifications of the taking of another life, whether it be by murder or as legally accepted punishment, remains an unresolved conflict between Americans. Despite the fact that capital punishment, otherwise known as the "death penalty", is legal in only a handful of countries in the world, the majority of Americans regard it as acceptable retribution. In the 1981 Gallup Poll, two-thirds of Americans voiced general approval of capital punishment. By 1994, the same poll concluded that a tremendous 80% of Americans approved of capital punishment (Moore, 1994:5). It is no wonder that many of our countries leaders endorse the death penalty. The former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, believes that mass executions of "27 or 30 or 35 people at a time" would be effective in the reduction of the importation of illegal drugs in to America (Taylor, 1995). In 1972, capital punishment was eradicated in the United States when the Supreme Court declared that under then existing laws "imposition and carrying out of the death penalty... constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th and 14th amendments." (Fruman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238). This decision, however, was repealed in 1976 by the Supreme Court. Advocates of capital punishment claim that it is an effective deterrent against cr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Analytical Essay Sample on “The Awakening†by Kate Chopin
Analytical Essay Sample on â€Å"The Awakening†by Kate Chopin Kate Chopins The Awakening, focuses on the revolt of the main character, Edna Pontellier, against her role and position in society. As Edna awakens to her body, her senses, and her role as a woman in late nineteenth century America, she begins to challenge societal laws and traditions. Not only does she neglect her obligations to friends and family, but also she ignores societys expectations of her as a woman of wealth and stature. Edna senses the forces that ultimately drive her to the sea after a disagreement with her husband, Leonce, early in the novel. When Leonce demands that Edna come in from outside to retire, Edna begins to understand that he regards her as an object of possession. Though Edna refuses to appease her husband an indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish. Edna, however, does not yet realize she is awakening. A certain light [will begin] to dawn dimly within her,the light which, showing the way, forbids it. Madame Reiszs musical performance in Chapter 9 triggers Ednas first true awakening. Her intense physical reaction to the sound of the keys of the piano, including trembling, choking, and crying, are paralleled by the arousal of passion within Ednas soul. Chopin suggests that this was the first time [Edna] was ready, perhaps the first time her being was tempered to take an impress of the abiding truth. Later this same evening, Edna soars beyond the limits fear imposes upon her in an attempt to capture a sense of independence as she swims far out into the sea alone. To Edna, the sea is the place where the individual is free from both the evils and the responsibilities of communal life. This perhaps explains the feeling of exultation and the sense of power to control the working of her body and soul that overtake Edna. While reflecting on her experience in the sea and Madame Reiszs music, Edna remarks, A thousand emotions have swept through me tonight. I dont comprehend half of them. . .I wonder if any night on earth will ever be like this one. From this point on, there is no turning back for Edna. Her awareness continues to grow until her final return to the sea. The newfound strength and individuality that learning to swim alone in the sea affords Edna enables her to release her sexual nature. Ednas friendship with Robert Lebrun takes on new meaning for her as she sits alone with him after her swim: No multitude of words could have been more significant than those moments of silence, or more pregnant with the first felt throbbings of desire. Perhaps it is more accurate to call this a romantic awakening than it is to call this a sexual awakening. It seems more appropriate to assume Edna is beginning to yearn for love and human connection with the opposite sex, not some lustful encounter, since she has not yet awakened to her physical self. As Edna sails to a neighboring island called Cheniere Caminada with Robert the next day, she identifies a sense of freedom within herselffreedom from the constraints her duties as a wife and mother impose upon her. Later this day Edna becomes aware of her body and its natural beauty after Robert compels her to rest at a friends house. Edna, left alone to sleep, removes most of her restrictive clothing and begins to closely observe her body. Though Ednas return to the Grand Isle is a return to domesticitywhich Edna, at this point, associates with burdening responsibility,she was seeing things with different eyes and making the acquaintance of new conditions in herself that colored and changed her environment. Roberts move to Mexico in Chapter 15 forces Edna to recognize the symptoms of infatuation for the first time. Edna longs for Robert throughout his absence, but she lusts for another man when she returns to New Orleans at the end of the summer. Alcee Arobin pleased her at last, appealing to the animalism that stirred impatiently within her. This awakening to sexual desire is followed by an awakening to sexual fulfillment when Edna actually becomes physically involved with Alcee. The first kiss of her life to which her nature had really responded, however, was not the kiss of love which had inflamed her, because it was not love which had held this cup of life to her lips. After months of Ednas anticipation Robert returns home from Mexico and the two are finally able to proclaim their love for one another. There was no human being whom [Edna] wanted near her except Robert; and she even realized that the day would come when he, too, and the thought of him would melt out of her existence, leaving her alone. Edna becomes convinced that human connection is not possible for her. As Ednas awakening progresses throughout the novel, she becomes increasingly aware of her solitude. The people she cares about, even Robert continually leave her alone. Edna comes to realize that her aloneness is a product of her desire for spiritual emancipation. She is not willing to sacrifice self-fulfillment in order to uphold the traditions and expectations of society. Every step which she took toward relieving herself from obligations added to her strength and expansionism as an individual. But Edna knows that complete control over her own life will only come through total relief from social commitments. Thus, she returns to the comforting touch of the sea that enfold[s] the body in it soft, close embrace. As Edna removes her clothing and enters the sea, she is reborn into a world free of constraints, the world she has longed to encounter throughout The Awakening a very prominent masterpiece written by Kate Chopin. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on Kate Chopin at our online custom essay writing service which provides students with high-quality custom papers written by qualified academic writers. 100% plagiarism free and on-time delivery guarantee! Let our writers write a custom paper for you. Get professional essay help at an affordable cost.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Essay #3 advertisement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
#3 advertisement - Essay Example This paper argues, however, that these attempts are more focused on capturing a broader audience, without truly advocating racial diversity in the modeling industry and society, in general. Advertising on magazines reflect ethnic ambiguity to send the message that companies embrace racial diversity, although their choices of models and manicured pictures reveal the fallacy of promoting racial diversity. Magazine advertisements increasingly employ ethnically ambiguous models to send the message that companies promote racial diversity, which is critical to their bottom-line. In Pimps Up, Hos Down: Hip Hops Hold on Young Black Women, Sharpley-Whiting discusses the rise of ethnically ambiguous models in print and TV ads. Fashion magazine editors, for instance, believe that â€Å"race mixing†is the new model standard (Sharpley-Whiting 30). In the journal article â€Å"Consumer Magazine Advertisement Portrayal of Models by Race in the US: An Assessment,†Peterson examines models from different races in consumer magazines. She discovers that for these advertisements, minority models are projected positively and in increasing numbers. Hopper, in Understanding Cultural Globalization, explores globalization and its effect on cultural hybridization (146). For him, many companies find it beneficial to use models that have â€Å"cross-over appeals,†so that a larger market can be attracted to its products (Hopper 146). Numerous advertisement images are more directed toward broad audiences, because if narrowly-defined audiences were more targeted, models would be more representative of their ethnic/racial groups. Either way, the company’s agenda is economic in nature. These advertising measures are mere tactics, however, that expose their unease in featuring darkly-colored models. Osei-Kofi, in the article â€Å"Multiracialization, Mixing, and Media Pedagogy,†asserts that that racial ambiguity serves commercial purposes more
Friday, November 1, 2019
DB 7 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DB 7 - Research Paper Example The cash inflow is good news to creditors whose interest is in availability of cash from which the organization can fulfill its debts. The cash inflow from operating activities, especially net profit, is also good news to the company’s stockholders who are interested in the interest that they can earn from their shares because such rates depend of profitability (Porter and Norton, 2012). The management, as the organization’s custodian, also delights in the positive cash flow as an indicator of their effectiveness and efficiency. The positive cash flow does not identify negative effects on the stakeholders (Harrison, Horngren, 2008; Porter and Norton, 2010). RadioShack’s main use of cash and implication on stakeholders The company’s main cash application is in financing activities through purchase of treasury stocks. This means that the corporation repurchased its stock and this has significant impacts on the management and stockholders. It offers benefits to stockholders because of the interest earned in selling their shares to the company. It however has the disadvantage of lost stake and shareholders’ reduced decision-making authority as the entity gains more decision-making authority. The purchase however increases the management’s autonomy and other benefits to the organization such as ensuring a favorable market value for its stock, expanding its returns on investment, and protecting the organization from potential takeover. The management also gains the power to purchase other companies (Needles and Powers, 2012). Question 2: Most significant differences between net cash provided by operations and net income The most significant differences between net cash from cash flow statement and net income from the income statement are identified in adjustments for reconciling net income to the net cash. The most significant difference is with respect to accounts payable, accrued expenses, income taxes payable and other pay ables, whose total value amount to $ 85 million. Another significant difference is realized through depreciation and amortization that account for a $ 84.2 million variation. Inventories and accounts and notes receivables are the other significant differences between the two cash values. Inventories accounted for a cash outflow of $ 60.4 million while accounts and notes receivables accounted for a reduction in net cash flow by $ 39.9 million (Stittle and Wearing, 2008). Question 3: Comparison of RadioShack’s sales and purchase of fixed assets in 2010 relative to previous years The net addition of fixed assets in the year 2010 is less that the net additions in the previous years. This means that the difference between purchase and sales during the accounting period was less than the difference in preceding periods. While there was a net increase in value of property, plant, and equipment by $ 80.1 million, the year ended 2009 realized a higher value increment of $ 80.8 million . The year ended 2008 realized higher net increment of $ 85.6 million, 5.5 million more than net fixed asset purchase for the year ended 2010. It is however important to note that the changes are not representative of pure purchase of sales of the fixed assets but a sum interaction of the two (Stittle and Wear
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